Exemple #1
func simpleCompound(pn *parse.Primary) (*parse.Compound, string) {
	thisIndexing, ok := pn.Parent().(*parse.Indexing)
	if !ok {
		return nil, ""

	thisCompound, ok := thisIndexing.Parent().(*parse.Compound)
	if !ok {
		return nil, ""

	head := ""
	for _, in := range thisCompound.Indexings {
		if len(in.Indicies) > 0 {
			return nil, ""
		typ := in.Head.Type
		if typ != parse.Bareword &&
			typ != parse.SingleQuoted &&
			typ != parse.DoubleQuoted {
			return nil, ""
		head += in.Head.Value
		if in == thisIndexing {
	return thisCompound, head
Exemple #2
func (cp *compiler) literal(n *parse.Primary, msg string) string {
	switch n.Type {
	case parse.Bareword, parse.SingleQuoted, parse.DoubleQuoted:
		return n.Value
		cp.errorf(n.Begin(), msg)
		return "" // not reached
Exemple #3
func primaryInSimpleCompound(pn *parse.Primary) (*parse.Compound, string) {
	thisIndexing, ok := pn.Parent().(*parse.Indexing)
	if !ok {
		return nil, ""
	thisCompound, ok := thisIndexing.Parent().(*parse.Compound)
	if !ok {
		return nil, ""
	ok, head, _ := simpleCompound(thisCompound, thisIndexing)
	if !ok {
		return nil, ""
	return thisCompound, head
Exemple #4
func simpleCompound(pn *parse.Primary) (*parse.Compound, string) {
	thisIndexing, ok := pn.Parent().(*parse.Indexing)
	if !ok {
		return nil, ""

	thisCompound, ok := thisIndexing.Parent().(*parse.Compound)
	if !ok {
		return nil, ""

	tilde := false
	head := ""
	for _, in := range thisCompound.Indexings {
		if len(in.Indicies) > 0 {
			return nil, ""
		switch in.Head.Type {
		case parse.Tilde:
			tilde = true
		case parse.Bareword, parse.SingleQuoted, parse.DoubleQuoted:
			head += in.Head.Value

		if in == thisIndexing {
	if tilde {
		i := strings.Index(head, "/")
		if i == -1 {
			return nil, ""
		uname := head[:i]
		home, err := osutil.GetHome(uname)
		if err != nil {
			// TODO report error
			return nil, ""
		head = home + head[i:]
	return thisCompound, head
Exemple #5
func (cp *compiler) primary(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOpFunc {
	switch n.Type {
	case parse.Bareword, parse.SingleQuoted, parse.DoubleQuoted:
		return literalStr(n.Value)
	case parse.Variable:
		qname := n.Value
		if !cp.registerVariableGet(qname) {
			cp.errorf("variable $%s not found", n.Value)
		return variable(qname)
	case parse.Wildcard:
		vs := []Value{GlobPattern{[]glob.Segment{
			wildcardToSegment(n.SourceText())}, ""}}
		return func(ec *EvalCtx) []Value {
			return vs
	case parse.Tilde:
		cp.errorf("compiler bug: Tilde not handled in .compound")
		return literalStr("~")
	case parse.PredCapture:
		return cp.predCapture(n.Chunk)
	case parse.OutputCapture:
		return cp.outputCapture(n)
	case parse.List:
		return cp.list(n.List)
	case parse.Lambda:
		return cp.lambda(n)
	case parse.Map:
		return cp.map_(n)
	case parse.Braced:
		return cp.braced(n)
		cp.errorf("bad PrimaryType; parser bug")
		return literalStr(n.SourceText())
Exemple #6
func (cp *compiler) primary(n *parse.Primary) valuesOp {
	switch n.Type {
	case parse.Bareword, parse.SingleQuoted, parse.DoubleQuoted:
		return literalStr(n.Value)
	case parse.Variable:
		qname := n.Value[1:]
		if !cp.registerVariableGet(qname) {
			cp.errorf(n.Begin(), "variable %s not found", n.Value)
		return variable(qname, n.Begin())
	// case parse.Wildcard:
	case parse.ErrorCapture:
		op := cp.chunk(n.Chunk)
		return func(ec *evalCtx) []Value {
			return []Value{Error{ec.peval(op)}}
	case parse.OutputCapture:
		return cp.outputCapture(n)
	case parse.List:
		op := cp.array(n.List)
		return func(ec *evalCtx) []Value {
			return []Value{NewList(op(ec)...)}
	case parse.Lambda:
		return cp.lambda(n)
	case parse.Map:
		return cp.map_(n)
	case parse.Braced:
		return cp.braced(n)
		// XXX: Primary types not yet implemented are just treated as
		// barewords. Should report parser bug of bad PrimaryType after they
		// have been implemented.
		return literalStr(n.SourceText())
		// panic("bad PrimaryType; parser bug")
Exemple #7
func (cp *compiler) bracedOp(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOp {
	return ValuesOp{cp.braced(n), n.Begin(), n.End()}
Exemple #8
func (cp *compiler) map_Op(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOp {
	return ValuesOp{cp.map_(n), n.Begin(), n.End()}
Exemple #9
func (cp *compiler) lambdaOp(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOp {
	return ValuesOp{cp.lambda(n), n.Begin(), n.End()}
Exemple #10
func (cp *compiler) outputCaptureOp(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOp {
	return ValuesOp{cp.outputCapture(n), n.Begin(), n.End()}
Exemple #11
func (cp *compiler) primaryOp(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOp {
	return ValuesOp{cp.primary(n), n.Begin(), n.End()}
Exemple #12
func (cp *compiler) primary(n *parse.Primary) ValuesOp {
	switch n.Type {
	case parse.Bareword, parse.SingleQuoted, parse.DoubleQuoted:
		return literalStr(n.Value)
	case parse.Variable:
		qname := n.Value
		if !cp.registerVariableGet(qname) {
			cp.errorf(n.Begin(), "variable %s not found", n.Value)
		return variable(qname, n.Begin())
	case parse.Wildcard:
		vs := []Value{GlobPattern{[]glob.Segment{
		return func(ec *EvalCtx) []Value {
			return vs
	case parse.Tilde:
		cp.errorf(n.Begin(), "compiler bug: Tilde not handled in .compound")
		return literalStr("~")
	case parse.ErrorCapture:
		op := cp.chunk(n.Chunk)
		return func(ec *EvalCtx) []Value {
			return []Value{Error{ec.PEval(op)}}
	case parse.OutputCapture:
		return cp.outputCapture(n)
	case parse.List:
		op := cp.array(n.List)
		return func(ec *EvalCtx) []Value {
			return []Value{NewList(op(ec)...)}
	case parse.Lambda:
		return cp.lambda(n)
	case parse.Map:
		return cp.map_(n)
	case parse.Braced:
		return cp.braced(n)
		cp.errorf(n.Begin(), "bad PrimaryType; parser bug")
		return literalStr(n.SourceText())