Exemple #1
func (cs *ConsensusState) stageBlock(block *types.Block, blockParts *types.PartSet) error {
	if block == nil {
		PanicSanity("Cannot stage nil block")

	// Already staged?
	blockHash := block.Hash()
	if cs.stagedBlock != nil && len(blockHash) != 0 && bytes.Equal(cs.stagedBlock.Hash(), blockHash) {
		return nil

	// Create a copy of the state for staging
	stateCopy := cs.state.Copy()
	// reset the event cache and pass it into the state
	cs.evc = events.NewEventCache(cs.evsw)

	// Commit block onto the copied state.
	// NOTE: Basic validation is done in state.AppendBlock().
	err := sm.ExecBlock(stateCopy, block, blockParts.Header())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	} else {
		cs.stagedBlock = block
		cs.stagedState = stateCopy
		return nil
Exemple #2
// Handle messages from the poolReactor telling the reactor what to do.
// NOTE: Don't sleep in the FOR_LOOP or otherwise slow it down!
// (Except for the SYNC_LOOP, which is the primary purpose and must be synchronous.)
func (bcR *BlockchainReactor) poolRoutine() {

	trySyncTicker := time.NewTicker(trySyncIntervalMS * time.Millisecond)
	statusUpdateTicker := time.NewTicker(statusUpdateIntervalSeconds * time.Second)
	switchToConsensusTicker := time.NewTicker(switchToConsensusIntervalSeconds * time.Second)

	for {
		select {
		case request := <-bcR.requestsCh: // chan BlockRequest
			peer := bcR.sw.Peers().Get(request.PeerId)
			if peer == nil {
				// We can't assign the request.
				continue FOR_LOOP
			msg := &bcBlockRequestMessage{request.Height}
			queued := peer.TrySend(BlockchainChannel, msg)
			if !queued {
				// We couldn't make the request, send-queue full.
				// The pool handles retries, so just let it go.
				continue FOR_LOOP
		case peerId := <-bcR.timeoutsCh: // chan string
			// Peer timed out.
			peer := bcR.sw.Peers().Get(peerId)
			if peer != nil {
				bcR.sw.StopPeerForError(peer, errors.New("BlockchainReactor Timeout"))
		case _ = <-statusUpdateTicker.C:
			// ask for status updates
			go bcR.BroadcastStatusRequest()
		case _ = <-switchToConsensusTicker.C:
			height, numPending, numUnassigned := bcR.pool.GetStatus()
			outbound, inbound, _ := bcR.sw.NumPeers()
			log.Debug("Consensus ticker", "numUnassigned", numUnassigned, "numPending", numPending,
				"total", len(bcR.pool.requests), "outbound", outbound, "inbound", inbound)
			// NOTE: this condition is very strict right now. may need to weaken
			// If all `maxPendingRequests` requests are unassigned
			// and we have some peers (say >= 3), then we're caught up
			maxPending := numPending == maxPendingRequests
			allUnassigned := numPending == numUnassigned
			enoughPeers := outbound+inbound >= 3
			if maxPending && allUnassigned && enoughPeers {
				log.Info("Time to switch to consensus reactor!", "height", height)

				conR := bcR.sw.Reactor("CONSENSUS").(consensusReactor)

				break FOR_LOOP
		case _ = <-trySyncTicker.C: // chan time
			// This loop can be slow as long as it's doing syncing work.
			for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
				// See if there are any blocks to sync.
				first, second := bcR.pool.PeekTwoBlocks()
				//log.Debug("TrySync peeked", "first", first, "second", second)
				if first == nil || second == nil {
					// We need both to sync the first block.
					break SYNC_LOOP
				firstParts := first.MakePartSet()
				firstPartsHeader := firstParts.Header()
				// Finally, verify the first block using the second's validation.
				err := bcR.state.BondedValidators.VerifyValidation(
					bcR.state.ChainID, first.Hash(), firstPartsHeader, first.Height, second.LastValidation)
				if err != nil {
					log.Debug("error in validation", "error", err)
					break SYNC_LOOP
				} else {
					err := sm.ExecBlock(bcR.state, first, firstPartsHeader)
					if err != nil {
						// TODO This is bad, are we zombie?
						panic(Fmt("Failed to process committed block: %v", err))
					bcR.store.SaveBlock(first, firstParts, second.LastValidation)
			continue FOR_LOOP
		case <-bcR.quit:
			break FOR_LOOP