Exemple #1
// ResourceFromFile retrieves the name and namespace from a valid file. If the file does not
// resolve to a known type an error is returned. The returned mapping can be used to determine
// the correct REST endpoint to modify this resource with.
func ResourceFromFile(filename string, typer runtime.ObjectTyper, mapper meta.RESTMapper) (mapping *meta.RESTMapping, namespace, name string, data []byte) {
	configData, err := ReadConfigData(filename)
	data = configData

	version, kind, err := typer.DataVersionAndKind(data)

	// TODO: allow unversioned objects?
	if len(version) == 0 {
		checkErr(fmt.Errorf("The resource in the provided file has no apiVersion defined"))

	mapping, err = mapper.RESTMapping(version, kind)

	obj, err := mapping.Codec.Decode(data)

	meta := mapping.MetadataAccessor
	namespace, err = meta.Namespace(obj)
	name, err = meta.Name(obj)

Exemple #2
// CreateObjects creates bulk of resources provided by items list. Each item must
// be valid API type. It requires ObjectTyper to parse the Version and Kind and
// RESTMapper to get the resource URI and REST client that knows how to create
// given type
func CreateObjects(typer runtime.ObjectTyper, mapper meta.RESTMapper, clientFor ClientFunc, objects []runtime.Object) util.ErrorList {
	allErrors := util.ErrorList{}
	for i, obj := range objects {
		version, kind, err := typer.ObjectVersionAndKind(obj)
		if err != nil {
			allErrors = append(allErrors, fmt.Errorf("Config.item[%d] kind: %v", i, err))

		mapping, err := mapper.RESTMapping(version, kind)
		if err != nil {
			allErrors = append(allErrors, fmt.Errorf("Config.item[%d] mapping: %v", i, err))

		client, err := clientFor(mapping)
		if err != nil {
			allErrors = append(allErrors, fmt.Errorf("Config.item[%d] client: %v", i, err))

		if err := CreateObject(client, mapping, obj); err != nil {
			allErrors = append(allErrors, fmt.Errorf("Config.item[%d]: %v", i, err))

	return allErrors
Exemple #3
// DataToObjects converts the raw JSON data into API objects
func DataToObjects(m meta.RESTMapper, t runtime.ObjectTyper, data []byte) (result []runtime.Object, errors []error) {
	configObj := []runtime.RawExtension{}

	if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, &configObj); err != nil {
		errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("config unmarshal: %v", err))
		return result, errors

	for i, in := range configObj {
		version, kind, err := t.DataVersionAndKind(in.RawJSON)
		if err != nil {
			errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("item[%d] kind: %v", i, err))

		mapping, err := m.RESTMapping(kind, version)
		if err != nil {
			errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("item[%d] mapping: %v", i, err))

		obj, err := mapping.Codec.Decode(in.RawJSON)
		if err != nil {
			errors = append(errors, fmt.Errorf("item[%d] decode: %v", i, err))
		result = append(result, obj)
Exemple #4
// CreateObjects creates bulk of resources provided by items list. Each item must
// be valid API type. It requires ObjectTyper to parse the Version and Kind and
// RESTMapper to get the resource URI and REST client that knows how to create
// given type
func CreateObjects(typer runtime.ObjectTyper, mapper meta.RESTMapper, clientFor ClientFunc, objects []runtime.Object) errs.ValidationErrorList {
	allErrors := errs.ValidationErrorList{}
	for i, obj := range objects {
		version, kind, err := typer.ObjectVersionAndKind(obj)
		if err != nil {
			reportError(&allErrors, i, errs.NewFieldInvalid("kind", obj))

		mapping, err := mapper.RESTMapping(version, kind)
		if err != nil {
			reportError(&allErrors, i, errs.NewFieldNotSupported("mapping", err))

		client, err := clientFor(mapping)
		if err != nil {
			reportError(&allErrors, i, errs.NewFieldNotSupported("client", obj))

		if err := CreateObject(client, mapping, obj); err != nil {
			reportError(&allErrors, i, *err)

	return allErrors.Prefix("Config")
Exemple #5
// transformDecodeError adds additional information when a decode fails.
func transformDecodeError(typer runtime.ObjectTyper, baseErr error, into runtime.Object, body []byte) error {
	_, kind, err := typer.ObjectVersionAndKind(into)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if version, dataKind, err := typer.DataVersionAndKind(body); err == nil && len(dataKind) > 0 {
		return errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("%s in version %s cannot be handled as a %s: %v", dataKind, version, kind, baseErr))
	return errors.NewBadRequest(fmt.Sprintf("the object provided is unrecognized (must be of type %s): %v", kind, baseErr))
// objectMetaAndKind retrieves kind and ObjectMeta from a runtime object, or returns an error.
func objectMetaAndKind(typer runtime.ObjectTyper, obj runtime.Object) (*api.ObjectMeta, string, error) {
	objectMeta, err := api.ObjectMetaFor(obj)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", errors.NewInternalError(err)
	_, kind, err := typer.ObjectVersionAndKind(obj)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", errors.NewInternalError(err)
	return objectMeta, kind, nil
Exemple #7
// ResourceFromFile retrieves the name and namespace from a valid file. If the file does not
// resolve to a known type an error is returned. The returned mapping can be used to determine
// the correct REST endpoint to modify this resource with.
// DEPRECATED: Use resource.Builder
func ResourceFromFile(filename string, typer runtime.ObjectTyper, mapper meta.RESTMapper, schema validation.Schema, cmdVersion string) (mapping *meta.RESTMapping, namespace, name string, data []byte, err error) {
	data, err = ReadConfigData(filename)
	if err != nil {

	objVersion, kind, err := typer.DataVersionAndKind(data)
	if err != nil {

	// TODO: allow unversioned objects?
	if len(objVersion) == 0 {
		err = fmt.Errorf("the resource in the provided file has no apiVersion defined")

	err = schema.ValidateBytes(data)
	if err != nil {

	// decode using the version stored with the object (allows codec to vary across versions)
	mapping, err = mapper.RESTMapping(kind, objVersion)
	if err != nil {

	obj, err := mapping.Codec.Decode(data)
	if err != nil {

	meta := mapping.MetadataAccessor
	namespace, err = meta.Namespace(obj)
	if err != nil {
	name, err = meta.Name(obj)
	if err != nil {

	// if the preferred API version differs, get a different mapper
	if cmdVersion != objVersion {
		mapping, err = mapper.RESTMapping(kind, cmdVersion)
Exemple #8
// ResourceFromFile retrieves the name and namespace from a valid file. If the file does not
// resolve to a known type an error is returned. The returned mapping can be used to determine
// the correct REST endpoint to modify this resource with.
func ResourceFromFile(cmd *cobra.Command, filename string, typer runtime.ObjectTyper, mapper meta.RESTMapper, schema validation.Schema) (mapping *meta.RESTMapping, namespace, name string, data []byte) {
	configData, err := ReadConfigData(filename)
	data = configData

	objVersion, kind, err := typer.DataVersionAndKind(data)

	// TODO: allow unversioned objects?
	if len(objVersion) == 0 {
		checkErr(fmt.Errorf("the resource in the provided file has no apiVersion defined"))

	err = schema.ValidateBytes(data)

	// decode using the version stored with the object (allows codec to vary across versions)
	mapping, err = mapper.RESTMapping(kind, objVersion)

	obj, err := mapping.Codec.Decode(data)

	meta := mapping.MetadataAccessor
	namespace, err = meta.Namespace(obj)
	name, err = meta.Name(obj)

	// if the preferred API version differs, get a different mapper
	version := GetFlagString(cmd, "api-version")
	if version != objVersion {
		mapping, err = mapper.RESTMapping(kind, version)

// DataToObjects converts the raw JSON data into API objects
func DataToObjects(m meta.RESTMapper, t runtime.ObjectTyper, data []byte) (result []runtime.Object, errors errs.ValidationErrorList) {
	configObj := []runtime.RawExtension{}

	if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, &configObj); err != nil {
		errors = append(errors, errs.NewFieldInvalid("unmarshal", err))
		return result, errors.Prefix("Config")

	for i, in := range configObj {
		version, kind, err := t.DataVersionAndKind(in.RawJSON)
		if err != nil {
			itemErrs := errs.ValidationErrorList{}
			itemErrs = append(itemErrs, errs.NewFieldInvalid("kind", string(in.RawJSON)))
			errors = append(errors, itemErrs.PrefixIndex(i).Prefix("item")...)

		mapping, err := m.RESTMapping(version, kind)
		if err != nil {
			itemErrs := errs.ValidationErrorList{}
			itemErrs = append(itemErrs, errs.NewFieldRequired("mapping", err))
			errors = append(errors, itemErrs.PrefixIndex(i).Prefix("item")...)

		obj, err := mapping.Codec.Decode(in.RawJSON)
		if err != nil {
			itemErrs := errs.ValidationErrorList{}
			itemErrs = append(itemErrs, errs.NewFieldInvalid("decode", err))
			errors = append(errors, itemErrs.PrefixIndex(i).Prefix("item")...)
		result = append(result, obj)