Exemple #1
// setInitialSeed sets the initial seed for the Generator.  An
// attempt is made to obtain seeds which differ between machines and
// between reboots.  To achieve this, the following information is
// incorporated into the seed: the current time of day, account
// information for the current user, and information about the
// installed network interfaces.  In addition, if available, random
// bytes from the random number generator in the crypto/rand package
// are used.
func (gen *Generator) setInitialSeed() {
	// source 1: system random number generator
	buffer := make([]byte, keySize)
	n, _ := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, buffer)
	if n > 0 {
		trace.T("fortuna/seed", trace.PrioInfo,
			"mixing %d bytes from crypto/rand into the seed", n)

	// source 2: current time of day
	now := time.Now()
	trace.T("fortuna/seed", trace.PrioInfo,
		"mixing the current time into the seed")

	// source 3: try different files with timer information, interrupt
	// counts, etc.
	for _, fname := range []string{"/proc/timer_list", "/proc/stat"} {
		buffer, _ = ioutil.ReadFile(fname)
		if len(buffer) > 0 {
			trace.T("fortuna/seed", trace.PrioInfo,
				"mixing %d bytes from %q into the seed", len(buffer), fname)

	// source 4: user name and login details
	user, _ := user.Current()
	if user != nil {
		trace.T("fortuna/seed", trace.PrioInfo,
			"mixing information about the current user into the seed")

	// source 5: network interfaces
	ifaces, _ := net.Interfaces()
	if ifaces != nil {
		trace.T("fortuna/seed", trace.PrioInfo,
			"mixing network interface information into the seed")
		for _, iface := range ifaces {
Exemple #2
func (acc *Accumulator) tryReseeding() []byte {
	now := time.Now()

	defer acc.poolMutex.Unlock()

	if acc.poolZeroSize >= minPoolSize && now.After(acc.nextReseed) {
		acc.nextReseed = now.Add(minReseedInterval)
		acc.poolZeroSize = 0

		seed := make([]byte, 0, numPools*sha256d.Size)
		pools := []string{}
		for i := uint(0); i < numPools; i++ {
			x := 1 << i
			if acc.reseedCount%x != 0 {
			seed = acc.pool[i].Sum(seed)
			pools = append(pools, strconv.Itoa(int(i)))
		trace.T("fortuna/seed", trace.PrioInfo,
			"reseeding from pools %s", strings.Join(pools, " "))
		return seed
	return nil
Exemple #3
// NewEntropyTimeStampSink returns a channel through which timing data
// can be submitted to the Accumulator's entropy pools.  The current
// time should be written to the returned channel regularly to add
// entropy to the state of the random number generator.  The submitted
// times should be chosen such that they cannot be (completely) known
// to an attacker.  Typical sources of randomness include the arrival
// times of network packets or the times of key-presses by the user.
// The channel can be closed by the caller to indicate that no more
// entropy will be sent via this channel.
func (acc *Accumulator) NewEntropyTimeStampSink() chan<- time.Time {
	source := acc.allocateSource()

	c := make(chan time.Time, channelBufferSize)

	go func() {
		defer acc.sources.Done()
		seq := uint(0)
		lastRequest := time.Now()

		for {
			select {
			case now, ok := <-c:
				if !ok {
					break loop

				dt := now.Sub(lastRequest)
				lastRequest = now

				trace.T("fortuna/entropy", trace.PrioDebug,
					"adding time stamp data from source %d to pool %d",
					source, seq%numPools)
				acc.addRandomEvent(source, seq, int64ToBytes(int64(dt)))
			case <-acc.stopSources:
				break loop

	return c
Exemple #4
// Reseed uses the current generator state and the given seed value to
// update the generator state.  Care is taken to make sure that
// knowledge of the new state after a reseed does not allow to
// reconstruct previous output values of the generator.
// This is like the ReseedInt64() method, but the seed is given as a
// byte slice instead of as an int64.
func (gen *Generator) Reseed(seed []byte) {
	hash := sha256d.New()
	trace.T("fortuna/generator", trace.PrioVerbose, "seed updated")
Exemple #5
// Read and update the seed file.
// If the seed file is empty, reading the seed file is omitted.  After
// (potentially) reading the contents of the seed file, new seed data
// is written to the file.  In case the seed file is corrupted or has
// insecure file permissions, an error is returned.
func (acc *Accumulator) updateSeedFile() error {
	fi, err := acc.seedFile.Stat()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	} else if fi.Mode()&os.FileMode(0077) != 0 {
		trace.T("fortuna/seed", trace.PrioError,
			"seed file %q has insecure permissions, aborted",
		return ErrInsecureSeed

	_, err = acc.seedFile.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// To prevent attacks we keep the PRNG locked until the new seed
	// file is safely written to disk.
	defer acc.genMutex.Unlock()

	n := fi.Size()
	if n == seedFileSize {
		seed := make([]byte, seedFileSize)
		_, err := io.ReadFull(acc.seedFile, seed)
		if err != nil || isZero(seed) {
			trace.T("fortuna/seed", trace.PrioError,
				"seed file %q is corrupted, not used: %s",
				acc.seedFile.Name(), err)
			return ErrCorruptedSeed
		trace.T("fortuna/seed", trace.PrioInfo,
			"mixing %q into the seed", acc.seedFile.Name())
	} else if n != 0 {
		trace.T("fortuna/seed", trace.PrioError,
			"seed file %q has invalid length %d, aborted",
			acc.seedFile.Name(), n)
		return ErrCorruptedSeed

	seed := acc.randomDataUnlocked(seedFileSize)
	return doWriteSeed(acc.seedFile, seed)
Exemple #6
func main() {
	trace.Register(printTrace, "", trace.PrioDebug)

	rng, err := fortuna.NewRNG(seedFileName)
	if err != nil {
		panic("cannot initialise the RNG: " + err.Error())
	defer rng.Close()

	// entropy source 1: submit some randomness from crypto/rand once a minute
	go func() {
		sink1 := rng.NewEntropyDataSink()
		for _ = range time.Tick(time.Minute) {
			buffer := make([]byte, 4)
			n, _ := rand.Read(buffer)
			sink1 <- buffer[:n]

	// entropy source 2: submit time between requests
	sink2 := rng.NewEntropyTimeStampSink()
	http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		sink2 <- time.Now()

		sizeStr := r.URL.Query().Get("len")
		size, _ := strconv.ParseInt(sizeStr, 0, 32)
		if size <= 0 {
			size = 16
		w.Header().Set("Content-Length", fmt.Sprintf("%d", size))

		io.CopyN(w, rng, size)
		trace.T("main", trace.PrioInfo,
			"sent %d random bytes for %q", size, r.RequestURI)

	listenAddr := ":8080"
	trace.T("main", trace.PrioInfo,
		"listening on http://localhost%s/", listenAddr)
	err = http.ListenAndServe(listenAddr, nil)
	if err != nil {
		trace.T("main", trace.PrioCritical, "%s", err.Error())
Exemple #7
// PseudoRandomData returns a slice of n pseudo-random bytes.  The
// result can be used as a replacement for a sequence of n uniformly
// distributed and independent bytes.
func (gen *Generator) PseudoRandomData(n uint) []byte {
	numBlocks := gen.numBlocks(n)
	res := make([]byte, 0, numBlocks*uint(len(gen.counter)))

	for numBlocks > 0 {
		count := numBlocks
		if count > maxBlocks {
			count = maxBlocks
		res = gen.generateBlocks(res, count)
		numBlocks -= count

		newKey := gen.generateBlocks(nil, gen.numBlocks(keySize))

	trace.T("fortuna/generator", trace.PrioVerbose,
		"generated %d pseudo-random bytes", n)
	return res[:n]
Exemple #8
func doWriteSeed(f *os.File, seed []byte) error {
	_, err := f.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	n, err := f.Write(seed)
	if err != nil || n != len(seed) {
		if err == nil {
			err = &os.PathError{Op: "write", Path: f.Name(), Err: nil}
		return err

	err = f.Sync()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	trace.T("fortuna/seed", trace.PrioInfo,
		"writing new seed data to %q", f.Name())
	return nil
Exemple #9
// NewEntropyDataSink returns a channel through which data can be
// submitted to the Accumulator's entropy pools.  Data should be
// written to the returned channel periodically to add entropy to the
// state of the random number generator.  The written data should be
// derived from quantities which change between calls and which cannot
// be (completely) known to an attacker.  Typical sources of
// randomness include noise from a microphone/camera, CPU cycle
// counters, or the number of processes running on the system.
// If the data written to the channel is longer than 32 bytes, the
// data is hashed internally and the hash is submitted to the entropy
// pools instead of the data itself.
// The channel can be closed by the caller to indicate that no more
// entropy will be sent via this channel.
func (acc *Accumulator) NewEntropyDataSink() chan<- []byte {
	source := acc.allocateSource()

	c := make(chan []byte, channelBufferSize)

	go func() {
		defer acc.sources.Done()
		seq := uint(0)

		for {
			select {
			case data, ok := <-c:
				if !ok {
					break loop

				if len(data) > 32 {
					hash := sha256.New()
					data = hash.Sum(nil)

				trace.T("fortuna/entropy", trace.PrioDebug,
					"adding %d bytes from source %d to pool %d",
					len(data), source, seq%numPools)
				acc.addRandomEvent(source, seq, data)
			case <-acc.stopSources:
				break loop

	return c