Exemple #1
// regenHostFiles utility function that calls regen methods for files/persistence that contain only
// host data.  We pass along up/down and in/out service info too -- that should be handled with a different
// method.  Currently limited so that we don't write More than fileRewriteInterval seconds.
func regenHosts() {
	if limiterOn { // we're already waiting on a file rewrite
		logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, "limiter already on")

	// do some date math here -- have we waited long enough to write our file?
	// now < lastfilewrite + fileRewriteInterval
	if time.Now().Before(lastFileWrite.Add(time.Duration(fileRewriteInterval) * time.Second)) {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, "limiter kicked in")
		limiterOn = true
		// these statements cause us to wait fileRewriteInterval seconds before continuing
		limiter := time.Tick(time.Duration(fileRewriteInterval) * time.Second)

	// flip back our counters
	limiterOn = false
	lastFileWrite = time.Now()

	logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, "generating files")
	// do the work
	hostMap := etcdWatcher.Map()
	nagios.GenerateFiles(hostMap, nagios_host_file, nagios_group_file)
Exemple #2
func fixHostKey(hostName string) {
	hostName = strings.Replace(hostName[1:], "/", "-", -1)
	logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("fixhostkey running: %s %s %s", sshkey_clean_path, sshkey_clean_user, hostName))
	_, err := exec.Command(sshkey_clean_path, sshkey_clean_user, hostName).Output()
	if err != nil {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("key_clean for host %s failed", hostName))
Exemple #3
func execCmd(cmdName string, cmdArgs []string) error {
	cmd := exec.Command(cmdName, cmdArgs...)
	if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("cmd.Start:%s -- %s", cmdName, err))
		return err
	// check for non-zero exit code
	if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("cmd.Wait:%s -- %s", cmdName, err))
		return err
	return nil
Exemple #4
func StartWebService(listenPort string) {
	http.HandleFunc("/getall", getAll)
	//http.HandleFunc("/loadHosts", loadHosts)
	http.HandleFunc("/", services)
	logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("Starting webservice on port: %s", listenPort))
	http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%s", listenPort), nil)
Exemple #5
func extractGroup(s string) string {
	slist := strings.Split(s, "-")
	if len(slist) != 3 {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid format: %s", s))
	return slist[1]
Exemple #6
func execCmdOutput(cmdName string, cmdArgs []string) (string, error) {
	cmdOut, err := exec.Command(cmdName, cmdArgs...).Output()
	if err != nil {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("cmd.exec:%s -- %s", cmdName, err))
		return "", err
	return strings.TrimSpace(string(cmdOut)), nil
Exemple #7
// ClientGet gets data from etcd sending in an url and receiving a etcd.Response object
func ClientGet(kapi client.KeysAPI, url string) *client.Response {
	resp, err := kapi.Get(context.Background(), url, &clientGetOpts)
	if err != nil {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Lfatal, ltagsrc, err.Error())
	return resp
Exemple #8
func main() {

	var fakeMap = map[string]string{
		"site-web-100": "site-web-100",
		"site-web-200": "site-web-200",
		"site-web-300": "site-web-300",
		"site-db-100":  "site-db-100",

	f, err := os.Create("/tmp/host.cfg")
	if err != nil {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, err.Error())
	defer f.Close()

	hostGroups := make(map[string][]string)
	//take a canned map of hosts, generate host and hostgroup files
	for host := range fakeMap {
		// for each hostey in the map
		// write out a hostdef
		// append hostname to a group list
		f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(HostDef, host, host, host))

		group := extractGroup(host)
		fmt.Printf("%s\n", group)
		hostGroups[group] = append(hostGroups[group], host)
	// at the end, write out the group file using the group list
	logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("%v", hostGroups))

	f1, err := os.Create("/tmp/groups.cfg")
	if err != nil {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, err.Error())
	defer f1.Close()

	// now print out the group file
	for k := range hostGroups {
		sHosts := strings.Join(hostGroups[k], ",")
		logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("group: %s, hosts: %s\n", k, sHosts))
		f1.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(GroupDef, k, k, sHosts))
Exemple #9
// DumpServices is a utility method that dumps all contents of etcd that match
// a specified base string
func DumpServices(kapi client.KeysAPI, baseStr string) {
	//baseStr := "/site"
	resp := ClientGet(kapi, baseStr)
	// get the list of host type
	for _, n := range resp.Node.Nodes {
		resp1 := ClientGet(kapi, n.Key)
		for _, n1 := range resp1.Node.Nodes {
			logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", n1.Key, n1.Value))
Exemple #10
func RestartNagios() {
	// first confirm that we didn't blow the syntax
	if _, err := execCmdOutput(nagiosCheckCmd, nagiosCheckArgs); err != nil {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, "check nagios config failed")
	logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, "check nagios succeeded")

	// then restart
	_, err := execCmdOutput(nagiosPkillCmd, nagiosPkillArgs)
	if err != nil {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, "pkill HUP nagios failed")
	/*logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("got nagios pid: %s", pid))
	useArgs := append(nagiosHUPArgs, pid)
	if _, err := execCmdOutput(nagiosHUPCmd, useArgs); err != nil {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, "HUP nagios failed")
	logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, "nagios restarted")
Exemple #11
// dump hostmap out to a file
func writeHostMap(hostMap map[string]string) {
	if host_list_file == "" {
	f, err := os.Create(host_list_file)
	if err != nil {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, err.Error())
	defer f.Close()

	for host := range hostMap {
		f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", host))
Exemple #12
func GetEtcdKapi(serverList []string) (client.KeysAPI, error) {
	cfg := client.Config{
		Endpoints: serverList,
		Transport: client.DefaultTransport,
		// set timeout per request to fail fast when the target endpoint is unavailable
		HeaderTimeoutPerRequest: time.Second,
	c, err := client.New(cfg)
	if err != nil {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, err.Error())
		return nil, err
	return client.NewKeysAPI(c), nil
Exemple #13
// GenerateFiles takes the source host map and writes out a host and group nagios config file
// to the path passed to the function.
func GenerateFiles(hdMap map[string]string, hostPath string, groupPath string) {
	f, err := os.Create(hostPath)
	if err != nil {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, err.Error())
	defer f.Close()
	hostGroups := make(map[string][]string)
	hostlist := make([]string, 0, len(hdMap))
	for host := range hdMap {
		hostlist = append(hostlist, host)

	for _, h := range hostlist {
		// for each hostey in the map
		// write out a hostdef
		// append hostname to a group list
		f.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(HostDef, h, h, h))
		group := extractGroup(h)
		hostGroups[group] = append(hostGroups[group], h)
	// at the end, write out the group file using the group list

	f1, err := os.Create(groupPath)
	if err != nil {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, err.Error())
	defer f1.Close()

	// now print out the group file
	for k := range hostGroups {
		sHosts := strings.Join(hostGroups[k], ",")
		f1.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(GroupDef, k, k, sHosts))

	go RestartNagios()
Exemple #14
func DeleteFromMap(k string) {
	logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("deleting key: %s", k))
	delete(hostMap, k)
Exemple #15
func main() {

	// handle command line args
	var configFile string
	flag.StringVar(&configFile, "cfg", "daemon.cfg", "full path to daemon config")
	var logConfigPath string
	flag.StringVar(&logConfigPath, "logcfg", "none", "full path to log config")

	if logConfigPath != "none" {

	config, err := config.ParseConfig(configFile)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("couldn't open config file %s", configFile, err)
	nagios_host_file = config["nagios_host_file"]
	nagios_group_file = config["nagios_groups_file"]
	host_list_file = config["host_list_file"]
	watch_root := config["etcd_watch_root_url"]

	s := config["file_rewrite_interval"]
	if s != "" {
		i, err := strconv.Atoi(s)
		if err != nil {
			logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("invalid file rewrite val in config: ", err))

		if i != 0 {
			fileRewriteInterval = i
	logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("file rewrite interval set to: %d", fileRewriteInterval))
	// expect this to be csv or single entry
	etcd_server_list := strings.Split(config["etcd_server_list"], ",")
	kapi, err := GetEtcdKapi(etcd_server_list)
	if err != nil {
		// we die on the inital because it assumes a user is there watching
		logr.LogLine(logr.Lfatal, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("Error getting etcdKAPI", err.Error()))
	logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, "got client")
	etcdWatcher.InitDataMap(kapi, watch_root)
	logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, "Dumping map contents for verification")
	logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, "Generating initial config files")
	// spin up the web server
	go webservice.StartWebService(config["web_listen_port"])
	watcherOpts := client.WatcherOptions{AfterIndex: 0, Recursive: true}
	w := kapi.Watcher(watch_root, &watcherOpts)
	logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, "Waiting for an update...")
	restartCount := 0
	for {
		r, err := w.Next(context.Background())
		if err != nil {
			logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("Error watching etcd", err.Error()))
			// has etcd gone away?
			switch {
			case restartCount < 10:
				logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, "Sleeping for 10 seconds then retrying")
				time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
			case restartCount < 20:
				time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
				logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, "Sleeping for 30 seconds then retrying.")
				time.Sleep(60 * time.Second * 5) // default sleep 5 minutes before retry
				logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, "Sleeping for 5 minutes then retrying.")
			kapi, err := GetEtcdKapi(etcd_server_list)
			if err != nil {
				logr.LogLine(logr.Lerror, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("Error getting etcdKAPI", err.Error()))
			w = kapi.Watcher(watch_root, &watcherOpts)
		// do something with it here
		action := r.Action
		k := r.Node.Key
		v := r.Node.Value
		switch action {
		case "delete":
			logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("delete of key: %s", k))
			go removeHost(k)
		case "set":
			logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("update of key: %s, value: %s", k, v))
			go updateHost(k, v)
Exemple #16
func removeHost(k string) {
	logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("removeHost in daemon.go -- k:%s", k))
Exemple #17
// DumpMap walks the host map and dumps out key-value pairs
func DumpMap() {
	for k, v := range hostMap {
		logr.LogLine(logr.Linfo, ltagsrc, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %+v", k, v))