// NewSignature generates a ECDSA signature given the raw transaction and privateKey to sign with
func NewSignature(rawTransaction []byte, privateKey []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	//Start secp256k1
	var privateKey32 [32]byte
	for i := 0; i < 32; i++ {
		privateKey32[i] = privateKey[i]
	//Get the raw public key
	publicKey, success := secp256k1.Pubkey_create(privateKey32, false)
	if !success {
		return nil, errors.New("Failed to create public key from provided private key.")
	//Hash the raw transaction twice with SHA256 before the signing
	shaHash := sha256.New()
	var hash []byte = shaHash.Sum(nil)
	shaHash2 := sha256.New()
	rawTransactionHashed := shaHash2.Sum(nil)
	//Sign the raw transaction
	signedTransaction, success := secp256k1.Sign(rawTransactionHashed, privateKey32, newNonce())
	if !success {
		return nil, errors.New("Failed to sign transaction")
	//Verify that it worked.
	verified := secp256k1.Verify(rawTransactionHashed, signedTransaction, publicKey)
	if !verified {
		return nil, errors.New("Failed to verify signed transaction")
	//Stop secp256k1 and return signature
	return signedTransaction, nil
// NewPublicKey generates the public key from the private key.
// Unfortunately golang ecdsa package does not include a
// secp256k1 curve as this is fairly specific to Bitcoin.
// Using toxeus/go-secp256k1 which wraps the official bitcoin/c-secp256k1 with cgo.
func NewPublicKey(privateKey []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	var privateKey32 [32]byte
	for i := 0; i < 32; i++ {
		privateKey32[i] = privateKey[i]
	publicKey, success := secp256k1.Pubkey_create(privateKey32, false)
	if !success {
		return nil, errors.New("Failed to create public key from provided private key.")
	return publicKey, nil