Exemple #1
// LazyLog is a light wrapper around golang.org/x/net/trace/Trace.LazyLog which extracts the
// Trace instance from ctx and calls LazyLog on it.  If no Trace instance is attached to the
// context then this method returns immediately.
func LazyLog(ctx context.Context, x fmt.Stringer, sensitive bool) {
	tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx)
	if !ok {
	tr.LazyLog(x, sensitive)
Exemple #2
// Rename changes a file or directory from old name and parent to new name and
// parent.
// Note if a new name already exists, we still go ahead and rename it. While
// the old and new entries are the same, we throw out the old one and create
// new entry for it.
// Required for fuse.FileSystem.
func (k *KodingNetworkFS) Rename(ctx context.Context, op *fuseops.RenameOp) error {
	dir, err := k.getDir(ctx, op.OldParent)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	oldEntry, err := dir.FindEntry(op.OldName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	newDir, err := k.getDir(ctx, op.NewParent)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	newEntry, err := dir.MoveEntry(op.OldName, op.NewName, newDir)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// delete old entry from live nodes

	// save new entry to live nodes
	k.setEntry(newEntry.GetID(), newEntry)

	if r, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx); ok {
		r.LazyPrintf("moved from %s", oldEntry.ToString())
		r.LazyPrintf("moved to %s", newEntry.ToString())

	return nil
Exemple #3
// Nearby returns all hotels within a given distance.
func (s *Geo) Nearby(ctx context.Context, req *geo.Request, rsp *geo.Result) error {
	md, _ := metadata.FromContext(ctx)
	traceID := md["traceID"]

	if tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx); ok {
		tr.LazyPrintf("traceID %s", traceID)

	// create center point for query
	center := &geoindex.GeoPoint{
		Pid:  "",
		Plat: float64(req.Lat),
		Plon: float64(req.Lon),

	// find points around center point
	points := s.index.KNearest(center, maxSearchResults, geoindex.Km(maxSearchRadius), func(p geoindex.Point) bool {
		return true

	for _, p := range points {
		rsp.HotelIds = append(rsp.HotelIds, p.Id())
	return nil
Exemple #4
// SetError is a light wrapper around golang.org/x/net/trace/Trace.SetError which extracts
// a Trace instance from ctx and calls SetError on it.  If no Trace instance is attached to the
// context then this method returns immediately.
func SetError(ctx context.Context) {
	tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx)
	if !ok {
Exemple #5
// LazyPrintf is a light wrapper around golang.org/x/net/trace/Trace.LazyPrintf which extracts
// a Trace instance from ctx and calls LazyPrintf on it.  If no Trace instance is attached to the
// context then this method returns immediately.
func LazyPrintf(ctx context.Context, format string, a ...interface{}) {
	tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx)
	if !ok {
	tr.LazyPrintf(format, a...)
Exemple #6
// Get implements Client.
func (c *client) Get(ctx context.Context, path string) (f *File, err error) {
	tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx)
	if ok {
		tr.LazyPrintf("(%v, %#v) get '%v'", c.addr, c.label, path)
		defer func() {
			if err != nil {
				tr.LazyPrintf("(%v, %#v) error: %v", c.addr, c.label, err)
			tr.LazyPrintf("(%v, %#v) returned: %v", c.addr, c.label, f.Name)

	conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", c.addr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	enc := json.NewEncoder(conn)
	err = enc.Encode(Request{
		Path:  path,
		Label: c.label,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Decode the Response
	dec := json.NewDecoder(conn)
	var resp Response
	err = dec.Decode(&resp)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if resp.Status != StatusOK {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error from '%v' (%v): %v", c.addr, c.label, resp.Status)

	r := readCloser{io.MultiReader(dec.Buffered(), conn), conn}

	// Remove the extra \n character added when the JSON is encoded
	b := make([]byte, 1)
	_, err = r.Read(b)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading '\n' after Response: %v", err)
	if b[0] != '\n' {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected to read '\n' after Response")

	return &File{
		ReadCloser: r,
		Name:       resp.Name,
		ModTime:    resp.ModTime,
		Size:       resp.Size,
	}, nil
func logRequest(ctx context.Context) {
	md, _ := metadata.FromContext(ctx)
	traceID := strings.Join(md["traceID"], ",")

	if tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx); ok {
		tr.LazyPrintf("traceID %s", traceID)

	log.Printf("traceID %s", traceID)
Exemple #8
// tracingMiddleware - Tracing for middlewares.
func tracingMiddleware(md *middlewares.Middleware, handler middlewares.Handler) middlewares.Handler {
	return func(next xhandler.HandlerC) xhandler.HandlerC {
		h := handler(next)
		return xhandler.HandlerFuncC(func(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
			tr, _ := trace.FromContext(ctx)
			tr.LazyPrintf("%s", md.Name)
			h.ServeHTTPC(ctx, w, r)
Exemple #9
// SyncFile sends file contents from local to remote.
// Required for fuse.FileSystem.
func (k *KodingNetworkFS) SyncFile(ctx context.Context, op *fuseops.SyncFileOp) error {
	file, err := k.getFile(ctx, op.Inode)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if r, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx); ok {
		r.LazyPrintf("syncing file=%s sized=%d", file.Name, len(file.GetContent()))

	return file.Sync()
Exemple #10
// GetProfiles returns hotel profiles for requested IDs
func (s *Profile) GetProfiles(ctx context.Context, req *profile.Request, rsp *profile.Result) error {
	md, _ := metadata.FromContext(ctx)
	traceID := md["traceID"]
	if tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx); ok {
		tr.LazyPrintf("traceID %s", traceID)

	for _, i := range req.HotelIds {
		rsp.Hotels = append(rsp.Hotels, s.hotels[i])
	return nil
Exemple #11
func Trace(ctx context.Context, format string, args ...interface{}) {
	if *debugMode {
		fmt.Printf(format+"\n", args...)

	tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx)
	if !ok {
	tr.LazyPrintf(format, args...)
Exemple #12
// getEntry gets an entry with specified id from list of live nodes.
func (k *KodingNetworkFS) getEntry(ctx context.Context, id fuseops.InodeID) (Node, error) {
	defer k.RUnlock()

	entry, ok := k.liveNodes[id]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fuse.ENOENT

	if r, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx); ok {

	return entry, nil
// VerifyToken finds a customer by authentication token.
func (s *profileServer) GetProfiles(ctx context.Context, req *profile.Request) (*profile.Result, error) {
	md, _ := metadata.FromContext(ctx)
	traceID := strings.Join(md["traceID"], ",")

	if tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx); ok {
		tr.LazyPrintf("traceID %s", traceID)

	res := new(profile.Result)
	for _, i := range req.HotelIds {
		res.Hotels = append(res.Hotels, s.hotels[i])

	return res, nil
Exemple #14
// Open implements Client.
func (tc traceClient) Get(ctx context.Context, path string) (*File, error) {
	tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx)
	if !ok {
		return tc.Client.Get(ctx, path)

	tr.LazyPrintf("%v: Get: %v", tc.name, path)
	f, err := tc.Client.Get(ctx, path)
	if err != nil {
		tr.LazyPrintf("%v: error opening: %v", tc.name, path)
		return nil, err
	tr.LazyPrintf("%v: got file: %v", tc.name, f.Name)
	return f, err
Exemple #15
// VerifyToken returns a customer from authentication token.
func (s *Auth) VerifyToken(ctx context.Context, req *auth.Request, rsp *auth.Result) error {
	md, _ := metadata.FromContext(ctx)
	traceID := md["traceID"]

	if tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx); ok {
		tr.LazyPrintf("traceID %s", traceID)

	customer := s.customers[req.AuthToken]
	if customer == nil {
		return errors.New("Invalid Token")

	rsp.Customer = customer
	return nil
Exemple #16
// traceInfo returns a traceInfo and associates it with stream, if tracing is enabled.
// If tracing is not enabled, it returns nil.
func (s *Server) traceInfo(st transport.ServerTransport, stream *transport.Stream) (trInfo *traceInfo) {
	tr, ok := trace.FromContext(stream.Context())
	if !ok {
		return nil

	trInfo = &traceInfo{
		tr: tr,
	trInfo.firstLine.client = false
	trInfo.firstLine.remoteAddr = st.RemoteAddr()

	if dl, ok := stream.Context().Deadline(); ok {
		trInfo.firstLine.deadline = dl.Sub(time.Now())
	return trInfo
// VerifyToken finds a customer by authentication token.
func (s *authServer) VerifyToken(ctx context.Context, req *auth.Request) (*auth.Result, error) {
	md, _ := metadata.FromContext(ctx)
	traceID := strings.Join(md["traceID"], ",")

	if tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx); ok {
		tr.LazyPrintf("traceID %s", traceID)

	customer := s.customers[req.AuthToken]
	if customer == nil {
		return &auth.Result{}, errors.New("Invalid Token")

	reply := new(auth.Result)
	reply.Customer = customer
	return reply, nil
// BoundedBox returns all hotels contained within a given rectangle.
func (s *geoServer) BoundedBox(ctx context.Context, req *geo.Request) (*geo.Result, error) {
	md, _ := metadata.FromContext(ctx)
	traceID := strings.Join(md["traceID"], ",")

	if tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx); ok {
		tr.LazyPrintf("traceID %s", traceID)

	res := new(geo.Result)
	for _, loc := range s.locations {
		if inRange(loc.Point, req) {
			res.HotelIds = append(res.HotelIds, loc.HotelID)

	return res, nil
Exemple #19
// GetRates gets rates for hotels for specific date range.
func (s *rateServer) GetRates(ctx context.Context, req *rate.Request) (*rate.Result, error) {
	md, _ := metadata.FromContext(ctx)
	traceID := strings.Join(md["traceID"], ",")

	if tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx); ok {
		tr.LazyPrintf("traceID %s", traceID)

	res := new(rate.Result)
	for _, hotelID := range req.HotelIds {
		k := stay{hotelID, req.InDate, req.OutDate}
		if s.rates[k] == nil {
		res.RatePlans = append(res.RatePlans, s.rates[k])

	return res, nil
Exemple #20
// Unlink removes entry from specified parent directory.
// Required for fuse.FileSystem.
func (k *KodingNetworkFS) Unlink(ctx context.Context, op *fuseops.UnlinkOp) error {
	dir, err := k.getDir(ctx, op.Parent)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	entry, err := dir.RemoveEntry(op.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if r, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx); ok {
		r.LazyPrintf("removed %s", entry.ToString())


	return nil
Exemple #21
// GetRates gets rates for hotels for specific date range.
func (s *Rate) GetRates(ctx context.Context, req *rate.Request, rsp *rate.Result) error {
	md, _ := metadata.FromContext(ctx)
	traceID := md["traceID"]

	if tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx); ok {
		tr.LazyPrintf("traceID %s", traceID)

	for _, hotelID := range req.HotelIds {
		stay := stay{
			HotelID: hotelID,
			InDate:  req.InDate,
			OutDate: req.OutDate,
		if s.rateTable[stay] != nil {
			rsp.RatePlans = append(rsp.RatePlans, s.rateTable[stay])
	return nil
Exemple #22
func Tracef(ctx context.Context, s string, i ...interface{}) {
	if tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx); ok {
		tr.LazyPrintf(s, i...)
Exemple #23
func logSleep(ctx context.Context, d time.Duration) {
	if tr, ok := trace.FromContext(ctx); ok { // HL
		tr.LazyPrintf("sleeping for %s", d) // HL