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Okay How is this going to work from bottom up.

Every thing is an Entity, and an Entity is just a collection Components. Components are Structs that have 4 functions Awake (Called when attached to the world and has access to world functions) Start (Called when the game starts and when renenabled) Update (Iterate through all entity list and call this)

There are Two Main Components. Transform Position: struct {x,y} Direction: struct {x,y,z}

Collision RigidBody: struct{width, height, dept} Velocity: struct{x,y,z} FixedUpdate() called after the physics step OnCollision Enter(collider) OnCollision Exit(collider)

Entities are controlled by systems. 4 Main sistyem

Game Runes the Awake Start and Update Collisions handles physics


UserInput Always listening.

Systems get global variables from the World Object

World Object is controlled by our World func that is a single go routine syncronizing the systems control of world state. It has acess to the global gameStart channel and will call it once all Entities have started. It's forloop will First clean up all entites that have been marked for deletion Call start on all recently added entites

Call update on every Entity <-wait on the update finish channel that all Entites emit


Concurrent Game Engine in Go







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