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How to write database-driven Web application using Go

In this tutorial I tried to explain how you can use web.go, kview/kasia.go and MyMySQL together to write a simple database driven web application. As usual, the example application will be a simple Wiki.


  • Programming experience.
  • Basic knowledge about HTML and HTTP.
  • Knowledge about MySQL and mysql command-line tool.
  • MySQL account with permissions to create tables.
  • Last version of Go compiler - see Go homepage


Let's start by creating a definition of the article in the database.

If you have your own MySQL server installation, you have full privileges to it. In this case, you can create a separate database for this example:

$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password: xxxxxxxx
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 10136
Server version: 5.1.49-3~bpo50+1 (Debian)

mysql> create database test;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> use test
Database changed

If you have only simple MySQL account, with privileges to one database, you will need to modify further examples, using the name of your database and your user name. You must also make sure that your database doesn't contain a table called articles.

Next we will create articles table:

mysql> CREATE TABLE articles (
            title VARCHAR(80) NOT NULL,
            body  TEXT NOT NULL
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

Next we may create separate user for our application and grant him access to articles table:

mysql> GRANT INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE ON articles TO testuser@localhost;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR testuser@localhost = PASSWORD('TestPasswd9')
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)


Lets write some code in Go. To define the application view we will use kview and kasia.go packages. You may install them this way:

$ git clone git://
$ cd kasia.go && make install
$ cd .. 
$ git clone git://
$ cd kview && make install
$ cd ..

Next we will create the directory for our project:

$ mkdir simple_go_wiki
$ cd simple_go_wiki
$ mkdir templates static

The templates directory will be used for our Kasia templates. The static directory will be used for static files like style.css. Static files are served by web.go.

In the simple_go_wiki directory we can create our view.go file:

package main

import "kview"

// Our Wiki pages
var main_view, edit_view kview.View

func viewInit() {
    // Load layout template
    layout := kview.New("layout.kt")

    // Load template which shows list of articles
    article_list := kview.New("list.kt")

    // Create main page
    main_view = layout.Copy()
    main_view.Div("Left", article_list)
    main_view.Div("Right", kview.New("show.kt"))

    // Create edit page
    edit_view = layout.Copy()
    edit_view.Div("Left", article_list)
    edit_view.Div("Right", kview.New("edit.kt"))

As you can see, our service will consist of two pages:

  • main_view - using which the user will be able to read articles,
  • edit_view - using which the user will be able to create and edit articles.

Both pages will consists of two columns:

  • Left - list of articles,
  • Right - column specific to the page.

Lets create our first Kasia template. It will define the layout of our site. We must create layout.kt file in templates directory:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN'>
        <meta http-equiv='Content-type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
        <link href='/style.css' type='text/css' rel='stylesheet'>
        <title>Simple Wiki</title>
        <div id='Container0'>
            <div id='Container1'>
                <div id='Left'>$Left.Render(left)</div>
                <div id='Right'>$Right.Render(right)</div>

This simple layout is responsible for:

  • create proper HTML document with the appropriate doctype, head and body sections,
  • render Left and Right divs (subtemplates) using the data available in left and right variables.

The Render method is defined in kview package. It renders subtemplate with specified data in the place of its occurrence.

Next we will create list.kt which will be rendered in Left div.

<a href='/edit/'>New article</a>
<ul id='List'>
$for _, art in articles:
    <li><a href='$art.Data[id]'>$art.Data[title]</a></li>

This simple template prints the New article URL and the list of URLs to articles stored in the database.

As you can see it uses a for statement to iterate over the articles list. For each item, it uses art.Data[id] variable to create relative URL, and art.Data[title] variable to print the title of the article. id and title are also variables. They will contain indexes to the appropriate item in Data slice. art.Data will contain the raw row fetched from the MySQL database.

Lets create show.kt which will be template for rendering articles:

$if [0]:
    <div id='Actions'><a href='/edit/$id'>Edit</a></div>
    <h4>Simple Wiki</h4>
    <p>This application was written entirely in Go language, using the
    following external packages:</p>
        <li><a href=''>web.go</a></li>
        <li><a href=''>kasia.go</a></li>
        <li><a href=''>kview</a></li>
        <li><a href=''>MyMySQL</a></li>

As you can see it uses the if / else statement to determine that element 0 of the context stack array is nil or not nil. This item is the right variable which we pass to the Right.Render method. If it isn't nil there is an article selected and we can render title and body variables. Otherwise we print our alternative text.

Finally, lets create edit.kt:

<form action='/$id' method='post'>
        <input name='title' value='$title'>
        <textarea name='body'>$body</textarea>
    <div id='Actions'>
        <input type='submit' value='Cancel'>
        <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Save'>

This is self explanatory.

We need a style sheet to set the appearance of our website. You can find it in static/style.css file.

Communication with MySQL server

For communication with the MySQL server we use MyMySQL package. Lets install it:

$ cd ..
$ git clone git://
$ cd mymysql && make install
$ cd ../simple_go_wiki

Now, we can write the MySQL connector for our application. Lets create the mysql.go file. In the first part of this file we import necessary packages, define const and declare global variables:

package main

import (

const (
    db_proto = "tcp"
    db_addr  = ""
    db_user  = "testuser"
    db_pass  = "TestPasswd9"
    db_name  = "test"

var (
    // MySQL connection handler
    db = mymy.New(db_proto, "", db_addr, db_user, db_pass, db_name)

    // Prepared statements
    artlist_stmt, article_stmt, update_stmt *mymy.Statement

After declaration, the MySQL connection handler is ready for connect to the database. But we will not make this connection explicitly.

In our application we will use the MyMySQL autorecon interface. This is a set of functions that do not require a connection to the database before using them. More importantly, they don't need to manually reconnect in case of network error or MySQL server reboot.

Next we will define some utility functions for MySQL errors handling:

func mysqlError(err os.Error) (ret bool) {
    ret = (err != nil)
    if ret {
        log.Println("MySQL error:", err)

func mysqlErrExit(err os.Error) {
    if mysqlError(err) {

Lets define the initialisation function. It is called once from main function and initialises our MySQL connector.

func mysqlInit() {
    var err os.Error

    // Initialisation command
    db.Register("SET NAMES utf8")

    // Prepare server-side statements

    artlist_stmt, err = db.PrepareAC("SELECT id, title FROM articles")

    article_stmt, err = db.PrepareAC("SELECT title, body FROM articles WHERE id = ?")

    update_stmt, err = db.Prepare(
        "INSERT articles (id, title, body) VALUES (?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE title=VALUES(title), body=VALUES(body)",

The Register method registers commands for executing immediately after establishing the connection to the database. The PrepareAC prepare the server-side prepared statement. AC suffix means that it is a function from MyMySQL autorecon interface. Therefore, during the first PrepareAC call the connection will be established.

Why do we use prepared statements instead of ordinary queries? We use them mainly for security reasons. With prepared statements we don't need any escape function for user input, because SQL logic and data are completely separated. Without use of prepared statements there is always a risk of the SQL injection attack.

Lets write the code that will be used to get data for left column of our web pages.

type ArticleList struct {
    id, title int
    articles  []*mymy.Row

// Returns list of articles for list.kt template. We don't create
// map because it is to expensive work. Instead, we provide indexes to id
// and title fields, and raw query result.
func getArticleList() *ArticleList {
    rows, res, err := artlist_stmt.ExecAC()
    if mysqlError(err) {
        return nil
    return &ArticleList{
        id:       res.Map["id"],
        title:    res.Map["title"],
        articles: rows,

Then define functions for getting and updating articles:

type Article struct {
    id          int
    title, body string

// Get an article
func getArticle(id int) (article *Article) {
    rows, res, err := article_stmt.ExecAC(id)
    if mysqlError(err) {
    if len(rows) != 0 {
        article = &Article{
            id:    id,
            title: rows[0].Str(res.Map["title"]),
            body:  rows[0].Str(res.Map["body"]),

// Insert or update an article
func updateArticle(id int, title, body string) {
    _, _, err := update_stmt.ExecAC(id, title, body)

The last function uses MySQL INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE query. It inserts or updates article depending on whether it exists or not exists in the table.


We need to install web.go:

$ cd ..
$ git clone git://
$ cd web.go && make install
$ cd ../simple_go_wiki

Next we can write the last part of our application which is responsible for interaction with the user. Lets create controller.go file:

package main

import (

type ViewCtx struct {
    left, right interface{}

// Render main page
func show(wr *web.Context, art_num string) {
    id, _ := strconv.Atoi(art_num)
    main_view.Exec(wr, ViewCtx{getArticleList(), getArticle(id)})

// Render edit page
func edit(wr *web.Context, art_num string) {
    id, _ := strconv.Atoi(art_num)
    edit_view.Exec(wr, ViewCtx{getArticleList(), getArticle(id)})

// Update database and render main page
func update(wr *web.Context, art_num string) {
    if wr.Request.Params["submit"] == "Save" {
        id, _ := strconv.Atoi(art_num) // id == 0 means new article
        updateArticle(id, wr.Request.Params["title"], wr.Request.Params["body"])
    show(wr, art_num)

func main() {

    web.Get("/edit/(.*)", edit)
    web.Get("/(.*)", show)
    web.Post("/(.*)", update)

We use web.go framework for binding handlers to specified URLs and HTTP methods. URLs are specified by regular expressions.

The show handler, binded to GET method and "/(.*)" URL scheme, is responsible for render the main page witch allows the user to select and read articles. The "/(.*)" regular expression matches any URL and returns it's path part as article number. So if URL looks like:

it will return "19" as an article number. If URL looks like:

it will return "edit/19" as an article number. Therefore, we must bind edit handler before show handler. The article number will be converted by strconv.Atoi to integer value. If it is empty string or it isn't a number it will be converted to 0, which means unknown article.

The edit handler, bound to GET method and "/edit/(.*)" URL scheme, is responsible for edit or create new article.

The update handler, bound to POST method and "/(.*)" URL scheme, is responsible for update an article in database. It modify it in database only when user push the Save button on edit page, which is checked using wr.Request.Params["submit"] variable. After updating the database this handler calls show handler for render the main page.

Building the application

Lets create Makefile for our project:

include $(GOROOT)/src/


include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.cmd

Next we can build our application:

$ make
8g -o _go_.8 view.go controller.go mysql.go 
8l -o wiki _go_.8

and launch it:

$ ./wiki 
2011/01/26 19:44:55 web.go serving

You may get this tutorial and example application from Github using the following command:

$ git clone git://


Try to add the ability to delete an article.


Tutorial which explain how to write the database-driven Web application using web.go, kasia.go, kview and MyMySQL






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