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#EnableCache lib. Wiki GoDoc Build Status

Allow to enable cache in almost any golang function easily.

Minimum example

package main

import (

//concrete no cached function
func FindProduct(id int) string {
	fmt.Println("calling a very expensive function...")
	return "product:" + strconv.Itoa(id)

//empty function, currently pointing to nil, that will receive cache spot, with same signature of FindProduct
var CachedFindProduct func(id int) string

//cache spot configuration
var cacheSpot aop.CacheSpot

//initialize cache
func init(){
	//cache manager that will intermediate all operations for cache store/read.
	cacheManager := cache.SimpleCacheManager{
		CacheStorage: cache.NewRedisCacheStorage("localhost:6379", "", 8, "lab"),

	//start cache spot reference.
	cacheSpot = aop.CacheSpot{
		HotFunc: FindProduct,		// concrete FindProduct function
		CachedFunc: &CachedFindProduct, // Empty cached function as ref. Will receive a swap function
		CacheManager: cacheManager,	// Cache Manager implementation
	}.MustStartCache()			// Validate function signatures, assoaciate swap to CachedFunc

func main() {
	//call new cached find product as usually call original FindProduct

	//Cache storage operations is started in separateds go routines.
	//A waiting group ensure for all operations to finish.
  • It's important to call cacheSpot.MustStartCache() at an func init(){...}. It's need to fail at startup if some cache config goes wrong!

  • Check your Redis registries after. Some new keys was stored.

  • Call CachedFindProduct many times and note that the fake "expensive operation" will not be called anymore, until cache expires.

  • Allways call cacheSpot.WaitAllParallelOps() at the end of yor program, or when need to sincronize pending store operations.

Used in Production

Currently in production in some big retailer e-commerce environment that i have worked to ;-)


  • Proven performance for at least 300 simultaneous requests per second on 1Gb RAM and 1 CPU Core, with no leaks and minimum CPU overhead.

Detailed function

  • Independent and cohesive layers, with well defined interfaces.
    • Cache Spot: AOP like instrumentation, allowing almost any golang function to be transparently cached.
    • Cache Manager: implements cache split algorithm.
    • Cache Storage: interact with an external big memory layer (Redis).


  • Enablecache is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). Commercial and non-commercial use are permitted in compliance with the License.


Opensource lib to enable cache of Go functions, using Groupcache, Redis, Memcache etc.







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