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Access projects in their appropriate development environments, quickly and easily

dustin@laptop ~ $ proj moz/cloud-tools
dustin@moz-devel p/cloud-tools $


  • Automatically start and connect to Amazon EC2 instances


Proj operates on a "project path", similar to the way cd operates on a directory path. It begins in the current directory, then looks for a "child project" by the name of the first path component. So proj moz/cloud-tools begins by looking for the child project moz.

Based on the configuration for that child project, the tool may perform some setup or connect to another host. Once that is done, it continues on to the next path component. When all path components are processed (or when an error occurs), it starts a shell, with a few simple hooks allowing you to set up the project's development environment.


Proj is best used in concert with other tools.

Screen or tmux

I have created an alias, pp, which invokes proj in a new screen window (I know tmux is the new hotness, kids, but I have screen sessions older than you are).

Ansible or other configuration management

With multiple hosts and lots of develpoment environments, you'll probably want to use some tools to keep everything organized.

Shell scripts

You'll need to write some shell scripts to coordinate development environment setup. Development environments are as unique as developers (well, more -- diversity is not software engineering's strong point just yet), so you're on your own here.

When starting a shell, Proj searches for a file named .projrc (configurable in ~/.proj.cfg) in the current directory and each enclosing directory until it finds one. It then invokes the shell with --rcfile path/to/.projrc -i. I use bash, so this assumes bash -- sorry!

Note that this does not pass the -l option to indicate a login shell. It is up to .projrc to emulate this behavior by sourcing the appropriate files, if desired.



On each host, proj looks for configuration in ~/.proj.cfg. The file format is like an INI file, similar to gitconfig.

It has the following sections:


Each ssh section specifies a host to connect to (but not automatically start). The hostname defaults to the section name.

[ssh myhost]
hostname = ""
# connection information
user = dustin
proj-path = /usr/local/bin/proj  # optional path to proj binary on the instance
forward-agent = yes  # defaults to no
ignore-known-hosts = yes  # defaults to no; if set, known hosts won't be checked or updated


Each ec2 section specifies an EC2 instance which can be started on demand with the ec2 child type.

[ec2 "devel"]
# AWS account credentials
access-key = ABC123
secret-key = DEF456
# instance information
region = us-east-1
name = devel-instance  # instance name ("Name" tag)

in addition to the SSH section options (with the exception of hostname) given above.

The following is the minimal policy that the access/secret key pair must have:

  "Statement": [
      "Resource": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Sid": "Stmt1462218813000"
      "Resource": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Sid": "Stmt1462218813001"
  "Version": "2012-10-17"

Note that this allows DescribeInstances for all instances. Amazon does not provide more granular control of this method.


The shell section configures the search for shell initialization files.

rcfile = .projrc  # default
no-search = true  # true to disable searching up the directory hierarchy


Proj searches for a child project childproj as follows, starting in the current directory:

  • If .proj/childproj.cfg exists, it is read to determine the configuration of the child project.
  • If a subdirectory named childproj exists, proj treats that directory as the child project.

When there are no more path components, proj implicitly looks for a child project named DEFAULT, starting it if present. This allows short paths for the most common projects; for example, proj moz might correspond to a Gecko development project, while proj moz/mig opens the Mozilla InvestiGator development environment.

Each child configuration file begins with the child type as a section header, chosen from the child types below, followed by optional keys, for example

dir = devel/bar-project

The following keys are optional for all child types

# prepend this path to the project path given to the child project
prepend = extra/path


The cd child type requires a dir key giving the directory of the child project.


The alias child type requires a target key giving the path to which this path should alias. This child type functions like a symlink. For example, for projects that must be reached by a jumphost, define the jumphost as child jump, and then alias project myproject as

target = jump/myproject


The ssh child type requires a host key which refers to an ssh section in the host configuration file.


The ec2 child type requires an instance key which refers to an ec2 section in the host configuration.


The shell child type requires a command key which refers to a shell (/bin/sh) command to run.