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Getting started: Dev environment

You will also need to install mongodb. This project uses the mgo library to persist data.

# Prepare directory and source code
mkdir -p $HOME/go/{src,bin,pkg}
cd $HOME/go/src
git clone

# Set environment variables
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
export PROJ_PATH=$HOME/go/src/hp

# Get dependencies, build and run tests
go get ./...
go build ./...
go test ./...

# Run the project
go run main.go

# Then, browse to http://localhost:3000

Contributions and Deployment

Contributions are more than welcome and pull requests should be made to the develop branch. Contributors should write unit tests.

Deployment is completely automated in a continuous deployment set-up with on master branch.

Example deployment script

#! /usr/bin/bash
export HOME=/home/web
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
echo $GOPATH
echo $PATH
mkdir -p $GOPATH/{src,bin,pkg}

export PROJ_PATH=$GOPATH/src/hp
rm -rf $PROJ_PATH
cp -rf $HOME/hackerspainters $PROJ_PATH

echo "Delete existing config.json"
rm $PROJ_PATH/config.json
echo "Use production server's config.json"
cp $HOME/config.json $PROJ_PATH/


go get ./...
go install ./...

echo "Installation completed. Restarting service..."
sudo systemctl restart hp

echo "Clean up deployment directory"
rm -rf $HOME/hackerspainters/*