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This is the unified configuration management package for InfluxData. The intention of this package is to unify existing patterns of interacting with configuration across the elements of the TICK+E stack. As such, it implements the superset of APIs from both and, while also providing a small API for the common case of loading and storing configuration from a particular file. It also provides wrapper types for formatting Durations and Sizes in TOML, which were previously held in a sub-package within InfluxDB. Also provided is the ability to document configuration fields using a "doc" struct tag. When the config struct is marshalled as TOML, any doc struct tags found will be inserted as TOML comments in an appropriate place to document the corresponding field.


It's possible to use this package like BurntSushi/toml or naoina/toml for backwards compatibility. However, the recommended usage going forward is as follows:

func ExampleConfig() {
	type DieConfig struct {
		Sides int    `toml:"sides" doc:"Number of sides on your die"`
		Name  string `toml:"name" doc:"The name of the die"`

	type Config struct {
		Name        string    `toml:"name" doc:"Your name"`
		LuckyNumber int       `toml:"lucky_number" doc:"Your lucky number"`
		Die         DieConfig `toml:"die" doc:"Your die config"`

	cfg := Config{
		Name:        "Tim",
		LuckyNumber: 42,
		Die: DieConfig{
			Sides: 20,
			Name:  "d20",
	// Write default configuration to stdout
	fmt.Println("Default Config:")

	// Decode a configfile
	err := config.Decode(`
name = "Jim"
    name = "d8"
	sides = 8
`, &cfg)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error loading configuration: %s", err.Error())

	// Write default configuration to stdout
	fmt.Println("Decoded Config:")

	// Default Config:
	// name = "Tim" # Your name
	// lucky_number = 42 # Your lucky number
	// # Your die config
	// [die]
	//     sides = 20 # Number of sides on your die
	//     name = "d20" # The name of the die
	// Decoded Config:
	// name = "Jim" # Your name
	// lucky_number = 42 # Your lucky number
	// # Your die config
	// [die]
	//     sides = 8 # Number of sides on your die
	//     name = "d8" # The name of the die



There are still somethings that should be moved to this package to ensure consitancy across packages.

  • Environment variable handling. Currently each project allows for config to be specified via some form of env vars. We should make move that logic here so it is consistent across projects.


A unified configuration management package






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