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An implementation of Fox Registry, the reference architecture for cloud-ready government systems. More detail of the project, its architecture and rationale is available at Build Status

The FoxAPI application implements this specification

There are two key components:

  1. The FoxService that implements the main business logic of the fox registry
  2. The LoginService that mints tokens for FoxService instances to be used and communicates with external authentication providers

Starting a web-based UI

A web UI is built with grunt, to start it:

  1. Make sure node.js and npm is installed.
  2. Go to static folder cd static.
  3. Run following commands
npm install
npm install -g grunt-cli

This should install all required tools to start the UI Now go and copy static/properties.json.sample to static/properties.json If you have default settings then sample properties will do just fine. Otherwise dig into properties.json

Now you should be all set. To run web ui run following command in /static

grunt serve

It should run webserver in localhost:9000

If you see errors about the encoding of files on OS X, try this:

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

Building a demo REST server

  1. Change to the directory where the repository is cloned.
  2. Setup environment and build application:
export GOPATH=$PWD
go get fox/foxservice
go get login/loginservice

#tests only need to be downloaded, not installed, need a special -t flag
go get -d -t fox/fox_test
go get -d -t login/login_test

Running a REST server

  1. Create folder config/{username} in bin, then copy and adapt example configuration file.
  2. Execute Fox binary passing an instance name as a parameter.


mkdir -p bin/config/$USER
cp src/config/config.json.template bin/config/$USER/config.json
cp src/config/config.json.template bin/config/$USER/test_config.json
mkdir /tmp/foxdb  # make sure that the configured storage folder exists.

go run src/authn/keygen/KeyGen.go > key.base64 # Generate the keyfile for authentication tokens

REST interface will respond on http://localhost:8090/. You should now be able to use web UI in http://localhost:9000/. To change a port used or logging target (defaults to stdout and can be sent to syslog), check ./bin/foxservice -h and ./bin/loginservice -h.


Configuration is user-based, every user has a folder with their username under config/, where their personal config file(s) live. All services and tests use the same configuration file: config.{ext} for services, test_config.{ext} for tests. Config files can be in all formats supported by Viper (JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL, Java properties).

Reloading configuration

To reload configuration, both the login and fox services accept a HUP signal that should have both produce log messages about re-loading configuration

Generating tokens for backend use

To generate tokens for headless clients, use TokenMint.go:

go run src/authn/mint/TokenMint.go -key <a file containing a minting key> -user <a username the token should be assigned to>

Generating passwords for authentication

To use the basic password authentication provider, passwords must be hashed and strored on server side. This happens like so:

touch pwd.list
go run src/authn/pwd/pwdmaker/pwdMaker.go -user <username> -pwd <password> >> pwd.list

The pwd.list is a file referred to by the authn.PwdProvider.PwdFileName key in the config


An implementation of Fox Registry, the reference architecture for cloud-ready government systems







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