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Ran: a simple static web server written in Go


Ran is a simple web server for serving static files.


  • Directory listing
  • Automatic gzip compression
  • Digest authentication
  • Access logging
  • Custom 404 error file

What is Ran for?

  • File sharing in LAN or home network
  • Web application testing
  • Personal web site hosting or demonstrating



Use the command below to install the dependencies mentioned above, and build the binary into $GOPATH/bin.

go get -u

For convenience, you can move the ran binary to a directory in the PATH environment variable.

You can also call ./ command under the Ran source directory to write version information into the binary, so that ran -v will give a significant result. Run ./ -h for help.

Download binary

You can also download the Ran binary without building it yourself.

Download Ran binary from the release page.

Run Ran

You can start a web server without any options by typing ran and pressing return in terminal window. This will use the following default configuration:

Configuration Default value
Root directory the current working directory
Port 8080
Index file index.html, index.htm
List files of directories false
Gzip true
Digest auth false

Open in browser to see your website.

You can use the options below to override the default configuration.


    -r, -root=<path>        Root path of the site. Default is current working directory.
    -p, -port=<port>        HTTP port. Default is 8080.
        -404=<path>         Path of a custom 404 file, relative to Root. Example: /404.html.
    -i, -index=<path>       File name of index, priority depends on the order of values.
                            Separate by colon. Example: -i "index.html:index.htm"
                            If not provide, default is index.html and index.htm.
    -l, -listdir=<bool>     When request a directory and no index file found,
                            if listdir is true, show file list of the directory,
                            if listdir is false, return 404 not found error.
                            Default is false.
    -g, -gzip=<bool>        If turn on gzip compression. Default is true.
    -a, -auth=<user:pass>   Turn on digest auth and set username and password (separate by colon).
                            After turn on digest auth, all the page require authentication.

Example 1: Start a server in the current directory and set port to 8888:

ran -p=8888

Example 2: Set root to /tmp, list files of directories and set a custom 404 page:

ran -r=/tmp -l=true -404=/404.html

Example 3: Turn off gzip compression, set access username and password:

ran -g=false -a=user:pass

Example 4: Set custom index file:

ran -i default.html:index.html

Other options:

        -showconf           Show config info in the log.
        -debug              Turn on debug mode.
    -v, -version            Show version information.
    -h, -help               Show help message.

Tips and tricks

Execute permission

Before running Ran binary or, make sure they have execute permission. If don't, use chmod u+x <filename> to set.

download parameter

If you add download as a query string parameter in the url, the browser will download the file instead of displaying it in the browser window. Example:

gzip parameter

Gzip compression is enabled by default. Ran will gzip file automaticly according to the file extension. Example: a .txt file will be compressed and a .jpg file will not.

If you add gzip=true in the url, Ran will force compress the file even if the file should not be compressed. Example:

If you add gzip=false in the url, Ran will not compress it even if it should be compressed. Example:

Read the source code of CanBeCompressed() to learn more about automatic gzip compression.


The following functionalities will be added in the future:

  • Load config from file
  • TLS encryption
  • IP filter
  • Custom log format
  • etc

What's the meaning of Ran

It's a Chinese PinYin and pronounce 燃, means flame burning.



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a simple static web server written in Go






No packages published


  • Go 88.7%
  • Python 11.3%