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⚠️ Deprecation notice: Please note that this project has been deprecated and is no longer actively maintained. If you are interested in working on this and would like to take over ownership, please get in touch with us here.


Glue code to wrap around AWS and do useful things in Go.



import (

func myFunc() {
    var credentialsProvider credentials.CredentialsProvider

    // With access key and secret key
    credentialsProvider = credentials.NewIamUserCredentials(accessKey, secretKey)

    // With role name
    var err error
    credentialsProvider, err = credentials.NewIamRoleCredentials(role)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Error fetching credentials for role %s: %s", role, err)

    // Create an HTTP client request
    // req, err := http.NewRequest(...)

    creds := credentialsProvider.GetCredentials()
    keys := s3.Keys{AccessKey: creds.AccessKeyId, SecretKey: creds.SecretAccessKey, SecurityToken: creds.Token}
    s3.Sign(req, keys)


This package provides a mechanism for auto-discovery of ElastiCache servers. It is recommended you get the configuration data on a 60 second timer and keep track of configuration version numbers, so that you can set your client to use the new set of servers only when they change.

import (

var configVersion = 0

func updaterGoRoutine(autoDiscoveryConfigHost string) {
    autoDiscoverer, err := elasticache.NewAutoDiscoverer(autoDiscoveryConfigHost)
    if err != nil {

    for {
        version, elastiCacheServers, err := autoDiscoverer.GetClusterConfig()

        if version > configVersion {
            configVersion = version

            // call SetServers on the Memcache client ServerList

        time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)

aws and stats

import (

func myFunc() {
    metricsChan := make(chan stats.Metric)

    // You'll need to set up the credentials as per the above section.
    s := stats.NewStats(
        10, // number of samples to accumulate as one data point

    go s.AccumulateAndPush(60*time.Second, metricsChan) // Push stats once every minute

    metricsChan <- stats.Metric{"NumberOfWidgetsCount", float32(1.0), "Count", time.Now()}

    begin := time.Now()
    // Some expensive operation
    duration := float32(time.Since(begin) / time.Millisecond)
    metricsChan <- stats.Metric{"WidgetResponseTimeMs", duration, "Average", time.Now()}


When using CloudFront with Restrict Viewer Access option, every URL needs to be signed.

This package implements:

Please note: Due to performance reason we are using openssl c bindings.

It requires a valid CloudFront private key.

package main

import (


func main() {
    privateKey, _ := cloudfront.NewRSAPrivateKeyFromFile("pk-KeyPairId.pem")

    baseURL := ""
    wildcardURL := "*/my-sweet-file.mp3"
    expiresAt := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(2 * time.Minute))

    // Provide your URL and desired expiry time for a canned policy.
    cannedPolicy := cloudfront.NewCannedPolicy(baseURL, expiresAt)

    // Or provide your URL, an expiry time and an optional start time and
    // source IP address restriction for a custom policy.
    startsAt := time.Now()
    sourceIP := ""
    customPolicy := cloudfront.NewCustomPolicy(wildcardURL, expiresAt).AddStartTime(startsAt).AddSourceIP(sourceIP)

    cannedSignature, _ := cloudfront.SignPolicy(privateKey, cannedPolicy)
    customSignature, _ := cloudfront.SignPolicy(privateKey, customPolicy)

    queryParams := "myparam=1"

    fmt.Printf("%s?%s&%s", baseURL, queryParams, cannedSignature)
    fmt.Printf("%s?%s&%s", baseURL, queryParams, customSignature)

Once you have generated a signature, you can append it to your base URL to generate a working CloudFront URL based on the supplied parameters.


Glue code to wrap around AWS and do useful things in Go






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