Esempio n. 1
func (c *Cubic) Initialize(loc *uni.Location, obj *uni.Objective, grad *uni.Gradient) (err error) {

	//if c.step.Init() == math.NaN() {
	//	c.step.SetInit(1)
	// Now initialize the three to set the initial location to the current location
	err = c.step.Initialize()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("cubic: error initializing: " + err.Error())

	// Initialize the rest of the memory
	c.prevF = obj.Init()
	c.initialGradNegative = (grad.Curr() < 0)
	c.currStepDirectionPositive = true
	c.deltaCurrent = 0.0 // How far is the current point from the initial point
	// Add in some checking on the Step Increase and decrease sizes
	return nil
Esempio n. 2
func (lbfgs *Lbfgs) Iterate(loc *multi.Location, obj *uni.Objective, grad *multi.Gradient, fun optimize.MultiObjGrad) (status.Status, error) {
	counter := lbfgs.counter
	q := lbfgs.q
	a := lbfgs.a
	b := lbfgs.b
	rhoHist := lbfgs.rhoHist
	sHist := lbfgs.sHist
	yHist := lbfgs.yHist
	gamma_k := lbfgs.gamma_k
	tmp := lbfgs.tmp
	p_k := lbfgs.p_k
	s_k := lbfgs.s_k
	y_k := lbfgs.y_k
	z := lbfgs.z

	// Calculate search direction
	for i, val := range grad.Curr() {
		q[i] = val
	for i := counter - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		a[i] = rhoHist[i] * floats.Dot(sHist[i], q)
		copy(tmp, yHist[i])
		floats.Scale(a[i], tmp)
		floats.Sub(q, tmp)
	for i := lbfgs.NumStore - 1; i >= counter; i-- {
		a[i] = rhoHist[i] * floats.Dot(sHist[i], q)
		copy(tmp, yHist[i])
		floats.Scale(a[i], tmp)
		floats.Sub(q, tmp)

	// Assume H_0 is the identity times gamma_k
	copy(z, q)
	floats.Scale(gamma_k, z)
	// Second loop for update, going oldest to newest
	for i := counter; i < lbfgs.NumStore; i++ {
		b[i] = rhoHist[i] * floats.Dot(yHist[i], z)
		copy(tmp, sHist[i])
		floats.Scale(a[i]-b[i], tmp)
		floats.Add(z, tmp)
	for i := 0; i < counter; i++ {
		b[i] = rhoHist[i] * floats.Dot(yHist[i], z)
		copy(tmp, sHist[i])
		floats.Scale(a[i]-b[i], tmp)
		floats.Add(z, tmp)

	lbfgs.a = a
	lbfgs.b = b

	copy(p_k, z)
	floats.Scale(-1, p_k)
	normP_k := floats.Norm(p_k, 2)

	// Perform line search -- need to find some way to implement this, especially bookkeeping function values
	linesearchResult, err := linesearch.Linesearch(fun, lbfgs.LinesearchMethod, lbfgs.LinesearchSettings, lbfgs.Wolfe, p_k, loc.Curr(), obj.Curr(), grad.Curr())

	// In the future add a check to switch to a different linesearcher?
	if err != nil {
		return status.LinesearchFailure, err
	x_kp1 := linesearchResult.Loc
	f_kp1 := linesearchResult.Obj
	g_kp1 := linesearchResult.Grad
	alpha_k := linesearchResult.Step

	// Update hessian estimate
	copy(s_k, p_k)
	floats.Scale(alpha_k, s_k)

	copy(y_k, g_kp1)
	floats.Sub(y_k, grad.Curr())
	skDotYk := floats.Dot(s_k, y_k)

	// Bookkeep the results
	stepSize := alpha_k * normP_k


	copy(sHist[counter], s_k)
	copy(yHist[counter], y_k)
	rhoHist[counter] = 1 / skDotYk

	lbfgs.gamma_k = skDotYk / floats.Dot(y_k, y_k)

	lbfgs.counter += 1
	if lbfgs.counter == lbfgs.NumStore {
		lbfgs.counter = 0
	return status.Continue, nil
Esempio n. 3
func (cubic *Cubic) Iterate(loc *uni.Location, obj *uni.Objective, grad *uni.Gradient, fun common.UniObjGrad) (common.Status, error) {
	// Initialize
	var stepMultiplier float64
	updateCurrPoint := false
	reverseDirection := false
	currG := grad.Current()
	currF := obj.Current()

	// Evaluate trial point
	// Step Size is from the original point
	var trialX float64

	if cubic.initialGradNegative {
		trialX = cubic.step.Current + loc.Initial
	} else {
		trialX = -cubic.step.Current + loc.Initial
		fmt.Println(trialX, "trialX")
		fmt.Println("cubic current step", cubic.step.Current)
	trialF, trialG, err := fun.ObjGrad(trialX)
	if err != nil {
		return common.UserFunctionError, errors.New("gofunopter: cubic: user defined function error: " + err.Error())

	var newStepSize float64

		fmt.Println("curr step size", cubic.step.Current)
		fmt.Println("LB", cubic.step.Lb())
		fmt.Println("UB", cubic.step.Ub())
		fmt.Println("initX", loc.Initial)
		fmt.Println("currX", loc.Current())
		fmt.Println("trialX ", trialX)
		fmt.Println("InitF \t", obj.Init())
		fmt.Println("currF \t", currF)
		fmt.Println("trialF \t", trialF)
		fmt.Println("InitG", grad.Init())
		fmt.Println("currG", currG)
		fmt.Println("trialG", trialG)

	absTrialG := math.Abs(trialG)

	// Find guess for next point
	deltaF := trialF - currF
	decreaseInValue := (deltaF <= 0)

	// See if we can trust the deltaF measurement
	var canTrustDeltaF bool
	divisor := math.Max(math.Abs(trialF), math.Abs(currF))
		fmt.Println("Divisor is ", divisor)
		fmt.Println("Delta F", deltaF)
	if divisor == 0 {
		canTrustDeltaF = true // Both are zero, so is >= 0
	} else {
		if math.Abs(deltaF) > divisor*cubic.FloatingpointRelTol {
			// Change large enough to trust
			canTrustDeltaF = true
		// otherwise can't trust

	changeInDerivSign := (currG > 0 && trialG < 0) || (currG < 0 && trialG > 0)
	decreaseInDerivMagnitude := (absTrialG < math.Abs(currG))

		fmt.Println("Decrease in value ", decreaseInValue)
		fmt.Println("Change in deriv sign ", changeInDerivSign)
		fmt.Println("Decrease in deriv mag ", decreaseInDerivMagnitude)
	// Find coefficients of the cubic polynomial fit between the current point and the new point
	// Derived from fitting a cubic between (0, CurrF) and (1,TrialF).
	// Apply transformations later to reshift the coordinate axis

	// Need to play games with derivatives
	trialFitG := trialG
	currFitG := currG
	if cubic.initialGradNegative {
		trialFitG *= -1
		currFitG *= -1
	if cubic.currStepDirectionPositive {
		trialFitG *= -1
		currFitG *= -1

	var a, b, c float64
	a = trialG + currG - 2*deltaF
	b = 3*deltaF - 2*currG - trialG

	c = currG
	det := (math.Pow(b, 2) - 3*a*c)

	//fmt.Println("det", det)

	if a == 0 {
		//Perfect quadratic fit
		stepMultiplier = -c / (2 * b)
	} else if det < 0 {
		if decreaseInValue && !changeInDerivSign {
			// The trial point has lower function value
			// and steeper gradient. Set this location as a
			// lower bound for the minimum, and set the
			// next point farther in that direction.

			// We know we need to increase in step, but unsure how much, so make a guess
			stepMultiplier = cubic.unclearStepIncrease(loc.Current())
			if decreaseInDerivMagnitude {
				updateCurrPoint = true
		} else {
			// All other conditions we want to decrease the step size, but the
			// cubic doesn't give an estimate of how much. Just do a binary search
			//for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
			//	fmt.Println("Blah")
			stepMultiplier = 0.5

	} else {
		// Use the cubic projection to guess the minimum location for the line search
		minCubic := (-b + math.Sqrt(det)) / (3 * a)

		    fmt.Println("minCubic", minCubic)

		switch {
		case changeInDerivSign:
			// There is a change in derivative sign between the current
			// point and the trial point. Make the trial point an upper
			// bound for the minimum, and set it as the current point
			// if the derivative is smaller in magnitude.

			stepMultiplier = cubic.sizeDecrease(minCubic)
			if decreaseInDerivMagnitude && decreaseInValue {
				updateCurrPoint = true
				reverseDirection = true

		case (!changeInDerivSign && decreaseInValue) || !canTrustDeltaF:
			// No change in derivative sign, but a decrease in
			// function value. Want to move more in this direction
			// and the trial point is a new lower bound and a new
			// base for the cubic approximation


			updateCurrPoint = true

			if decreaseInDerivMagnitude {
				if minCubic < cubic.StepIncreaseMin {
					// Cubic gave a bad approximation (minimum is more
					// in this direction). Assume linear decrease in
					// derivative

					// Check this line
					stepMultiplier = math.Abs(currG) / (math.Abs(trialG) - math.Abs(currG))
				stepMultiplier = cubic.sizeIncrease(stepMultiplier)

			} else {
				// Found a better point, but the derivative increased
				// Use cubic approximation if it gives a reasonable guess
				// otherwise just project forward
				if minCubic < cubic.StepIncreaseMin {
					stepMultiplier = cubic.unclearStepIncrease(loc.Current())
				} else {
					stepMultiplier = cubic.sizeIncrease(minCubic)

		case (!changeInDerivSign && !decreaseInValue) || canTrustDeltaF:
			// Neither a decrease in value nor a change in derivative sign.
			// This means there must be a local minimum between the starting location and
			// this one. Don't update the cubic point
			stepMultiplier = math.Min(minCubic, 0.75)
			stepMultiplier = math.Max(stepMultiplier, 0.25)
			panic("Bad logic in cases")


	var deltaXTrialCurrent float64
	deltaXTrialCurrent = cubic.step.Current - cubic.deltaCurrent
	newDeltaXFromCurrent := deltaXTrialCurrent * stepMultiplier

	newStepSize = newDeltaXFromCurrent + cubic.deltaCurrent

	// Want to make sure that the new search location isn't pushing beyond
	// previously established bounds. If it is, just do a binary search between
	// the bounds
	if !cubic.step.WithinBounds(newStepSize) {
		newStepSize = cubic.step.Midpoint()

		else {
			fmt.Println("Can't trust deltaF")
			// Can't trust delta F, so just do a binary search
			updateCurrPoint = true
			switch {
			case changeInDerivSign && decreaseInDerivMagnitude:
				cubic.setBound("Upper") // this trial is the new upper bound
				updateCurrPoint = true
			case changeInDerivSign && !decreaseInDerivMagnitude:
				cubic.setBound("Upper") // this trial is the new upper bound
				updateCurrPoint = false
			case !changeInDerivSign && decreaseInDerivMagnitude:
				updateCurrPoint = true

			case !changeInDerivSign && !decreaseInDerivMagnitude:
				return nFunEvals, errors.New("Gradient tolerance too high for the precision of the gradient")
			newStepSize = cubic.step.Midpoint()

	if updateCurrPoint {

		cubic.prevF = obj.Current()
		cubic.deltaCurrent = trialX - loc.Initial
		if cubic.initialGradNegative {
			cubic.deltaCurrent *= -1
		if reverseDirection {
			cubic.currStepDirectionPositive = !cubic.currStepDirectionPositive
	cubic.step.Current = newStepSize
	return common.Continue, nil