Esempio n. 1
				verifyRoutingTableEntry(models.RoutingKey{externalPort2}, expectedRoutingTableEntry2)

			Context("when events are received", func() {
				var (
					syncChannel chan struct{}

				BeforeEach(func() {
					syncChannel = make(chan struct{})
					tmpSyncChannel := syncChannel
					fakeRoutingApiClient.TcpRouteMappingsStub = func() ([]db.TcpRouteMapping, error) {
						select {
						case <-tmpSyncChannel:
							return tcpMappings, nil

				It("caches events and then applies the events after it completes syncing", func() {
					go invokeSync(doneChannel)
					tcpEvent = routing_api.TcpEvent{
						TcpRouteMapping: db.TcpRouteMapping{
							TcpRoute: db.TcpRoute{
								RouterGroupGuid: routerGroupGuid,
								ExternalPort:    externalPort1,
							HostPort: 61001,
							HostIP:   "some-ip-2",