Esempio n. 1
File: doc.go Progetto: torfuzx/gb
func init() {
		Name:      "doc",
		UsageLine: `doc <pkg> <sym>[.<method>]`,
		Short:     "show documentation for a package or symbol",
		Long: `
Doc shows documentation for a package or symbol.

See 'go help doc'.
		Run: func(ctx *gb.Context, args []string) error {
			env := cmd.MergeEnv(os.Environ(), map[string]string{
				"GOPATH": fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", ctx.Projectdir(), filepath.Join(ctx.Projectdir(), "vendor")),
			if len(args) == 0 {
				args = append(args, ".")

			cmd := exec.Command("godoc", args...)
			cmd.Env = env
			cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
			cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
			return cmd.Run()
		SkipParseArgs: true,
Esempio n. 2
File: doc.go Progetto: kalafut/gb
func init() {
		Name:      "doc",
		UsageLine: `doc <pkg> <sym>[.<method>]`,
		Short:     "show documentation for a package or symbol",
		Long: `
Doc shows documentation for a package or symbol.

See 'go help doc'.
		Run: func(ctx *gb.Context, args []string) error {
			env := cmd.MergeEnv(os.Environ(), map[string]string{
				"GOPATH": fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", ctx.Projectdir(), filepath.Join(ctx.Projectdir(), "vendor")),
			if len(args) == 0 {
				args = append(args, ".")
			args = append([]string{filepath.Join(ctx.Context.GOROOT, "bin", "godoc")}, args...)

			cmd := exec.Cmd{
				Path: args[0],
				Args: args,
				Env:  env,

				Stdin:  os.Stdin,
				Stdout: os.Stdout,
				Stderr: os.Stderr,
			return cmd.Run()
		ParseArgs: func(_ *gb.Context, _ string, args []string) []string { return args },
Esempio n. 3
func run(ctx *gb.Context, args []string) error {
	if len(args) == 0 {
		return errors.New(DocUsage)

	// Build up the fake env
	env := cmd.MergeEnv(os.Environ(), map[string]string{
		"GOPATH": fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", projectRoot, string(os.PathListSeparator), path.Join(projectRoot, "vendor")),

	// Switch on the subcommand
	switch args[0] {
	case "serve", "deploy", "build", "test":
		return goapp(ctx, args, env)
	case "raw":
		return raw(ctx, args, env)
	case "appcfg":
		return appcfg(ctx, args, env)
		return fmt.Errorf("Unknown subcommand: %s\n\n%v", args[0], DocUsage)
Esempio n. 4
File: main.go Progetto: kalafut/gb
func main() {
	fatalf := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "FATAL: "+format+"\n", args...)

	args := os.Args
	if len(args) < 2 || args[1] == "-h" {
	name := args[1]
	if name == "help" {

	command, ok := commands[name]
	if (command != nil && !command.Runnable()) || !ok {
		plugin, err := lookupPlugin(name)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "FATAL: unknown command %q\n", name)
		command = &cmd.Command{
			Run: func(ctx *gb.Context, args []string) error {
				args = append([]string{plugin}, args...)

				env := cmd.MergeEnv(os.Environ(), map[string]string{
					"GB_PROJECT_DIR": ctx.Projectdir(),

				cmd := exec.Cmd{
					Path: plugin,
					Args: args,
					Env:  env,

					Stdin:  os.Stdin,
					Stdout: os.Stdout,
					Stderr: os.Stderr,

				return cmd.Run()
			// plugin should not interpret arguments
			ParseArgs: func(_ *gb.Context, _ string, args []string) []string { return args },

	// add extra flags if necessary
	if command.AddFlags != nil {

	var err error
	if command.FlagParse != nil {
		err = command.FlagParse(fs, args)
	} else {
		err = fs.Parse(args[2:])
	if err != nil {
		fatalf("could not parse flags: %v", err)

	args = fs.Args() // reset args to the leftovers from fs.Parse
	if command == commands["plugin"] {
		args = append([]string{name}, args...)
	cwd, err := filepath.Abs(cwd) // if cwd was passed in via -R, make sure it is absolute
	if err != nil {
		fatalf("could not make project root absolute: %v", err)

	ctx, err := cmd.NewContext(
		cwd, // project root
	if err != nil {
		fatalf("unable to construct context: %v", err)

	if !noDestroyContext {
		defer ctx.Destroy()

	if command.ParseArgs != nil {
		args = command.ParseArgs(ctx, ctx.Projectdir(), args)
	} else {
		args = cmd.ImportPaths(ctx, cwd, args)

	debug.Debugf("args: %v", args)
	if err := command.Run(ctx, args); err != nil {
		if !noDestroyContext {
		fatalf("command %q failed: %v", name, err)
Esempio n. 5
func init() {

var GenerateCmd = &cmd.Command{
	Name:      "generate",
	UsageLine: "generate [-run regexp] [file.go... | packages]",
	Short:     "generate Go files by processing source",
	Long: `
Generate runs commands described by directives within existing files.

Those commands can run any process, but the intent is to create or update Go
source files, for instance by running yacc.

See 'go help generate'.
	Run: func(ctx *gb.Context, args []string) error {
		env := cmd.MergeEnv(os.Environ(), map[string]string{
			"GOPATH": fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", ctx.Projectdir(), filepath.Join(ctx.Projectdir(), "vendor")),

		cmd := exec.Command("go", append([]string{"generate"}, args...)...)
		cmd.Env = env
		cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
		cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
		cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr

		return cmd.Run()
Esempio n. 6
File: main.go Progetto: torfuzx/gb
func main() {
	args := os.Args
	if len(args) < 2 || args[1] == "-h" {
		fs.Usage() // usage calles exit(2)
	name := args[1]
	if name == "help" {

	command, ok := commands[name]
	if (command != nil && !command.Runnable()) || !ok {
		plugin, err := lookupPlugin(name)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "FATAL: unknown command %q\n", name)
			fs.Usage() // usage calles exit(2)
		command = &cmd.Command{
			Run: func(ctx *gb.Context, args []string) error {
				args = append([]string{plugin}, args...)

				env := cmd.MergeEnv(os.Environ(), map[string]string{
					"GB_PROJECT_DIR": ctx.Projectdir(),

				cmd := exec.Cmd{
					Path: plugin,
					Args: args,
					Env:  env,

					Stdin:  os.Stdin,
					Stdout: os.Stdout,
					Stderr: os.Stderr,

				return cmd.Run()
			// plugin should not interpret arguments
			SkipParseArgs: true,

	// add extra flags if necessary
	if command.AddFlags != nil {

	var err error
	if command.FlagParse != nil {
		err = command.FlagParse(fs, args)
	} else {
		err = fs.Parse(args[2:])
	if err != nil {
		fatalf("could not parse flags: %v", err)

	args = fs.Args() // reset args to the leftovers from fs.Parse

	debug.Debugf("args: %v", args)

	if command == commands["plugin"] {
		args = append([]string{name}, args...)
	cwd, err := filepath.Abs(cwd) // if cwd was passed in via -R, make sure it is absolute
	if err != nil {
		fatalf("could not make project root absolute: %v", err)

	ctx, err := cmd.NewContext(
		cwd, // project root
		func(c *gb.Context) error {
			if !race {
				return nil

			// check this is a supported platform
			if runtime.GOARCH != "amd64" {
				fatalf("race detector not supported on %s/%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)
			switch runtime.GOOS {
			case "linux", "windows", "darwin", "freebsd":
				// supported
				fatalf("race detector not supported on %s/%s", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH)

			// check the race runtime is built
			_, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "pkg", fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_race", runtime.GOOS, runtime.GOARCH), "runtime.a"))
			if os.IsNotExist(err) || err != nil {
				fatalf("go installation at %s is missing race support. See", runtime.GOROOT())

			return gb.WithRace(c)

	if err != nil {
		fatalf("unable to construct context: %v", err)

	if !command.SkipParseArgs {
		args = cmd.ImportPaths(ctx, cwd, args)

	debug.Debugf("args: %v", args)

	if destroyContext {
		atExit = append(atExit, ctx.Destroy)

	if err := command.Run(ctx, args); err != nil {
		fatalf("command %q failed: %v", name, err)
Esempio n. 7
File: plugin.go Progetto: Luit/gb
See gb help plugins.

	Run: func(ctx *gb.Context, args []string) error {
		if len(args) < 1 {
			return fmt.Errorf("plugin: no command supplied")

		path, err := lookupPlugin(args[0])
		if err != nil {
			return err
		args[0] = path

		env := cmd.MergeEnv(os.Environ(), map[string]string{
			"GB_PROJECT_DIR": ctx.Projectdir(),

		cmd := exec.Cmd{
			Path: path,
			Args: args,
			Env:  env,

			Stdin:  os.Stdin,
			Stdout: os.Stdout,
			Stderr: os.Stderr,

		return cmd.Run()
	// plugin should not interpret arguments