Esempio n. 1
func runContainer(t *testing.T, name string, args []string) []byte {
	oldWriter := config.GlobalConfig.Writer
	newWriter := new(bytes.Buffer)
	config.GlobalConfig.Writer = newWriter
	b, err := perform.DockerRunVolumesFromContainer(name, false, args, nil)
	if err != nil {
		fatal(t, err)
	logger.Debugf("Container ran =>\t\t%s:%v\n", name, args)
	config.GlobalConfig.Writer = oldWriter
	return b
Esempio n. 2
func ExecData(do *definitions.Do) error {
	if util.IsDataContainer(do.Name, do.Operations.ContainerNumber) {
		do.Name = util.DataContainersName(do.Name, do.Operations.ContainerNumber)
		logger.Infoln("Running exec on container with volumes from data container " + do.Name)
		if err := perform.DockerRunVolumesFromContainer(do.Name, do.Interactive, do.Args); err != nil {
			return err
	} else {
		return fmt.Errorf("I cannot find that data container. Please check the data container name you sent me.")
	do.Result = "success"
	return nil
Esempio n. 3
func RegisterChain(do *definitions.Do) error {
	// do.Name is mandatory
	if do.Name == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("RegisterChain requires a chainame")
	etcbChain := do.ChainID
	do.ChainID = do.Name

	// NOTE: registration expects you to have the data container
	if !data.IsKnown(do.Name) {
		return fmt.Errorf("Registration requires you to have a data container for the chain. Could not find data for %s", do.Name)

	chain, err := loaders.LoadChainDefinition(do.Name, false, do.Operations.ContainerNumber)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	logger.Debugf("Chain Loaded. Image =>\t\t%v\n", chain.Service.Image)

	// set chainid and other vars
	envVars := []string{
		fmt.Sprintf("CHAIN_ID=%s", do.ChainID),      // of the etcb chain
		fmt.Sprintf("PUBKEY=%s", do.Pubkey),         // pubkey to register chain with
		fmt.Sprintf("ETCB_CHAIN_ID=%s", etcbChain),  // chain id of the etcb chain
		fmt.Sprintf("NODE_ADDR=%s", do.Gateway),     // etcb node to send the register tx to
		fmt.Sprintf("NEW_P2P_SEEDS=%s", do.Args[0]), // seeds to register for the chain // TODO: deal with multi seed (needs support in tendermint)
	envVars = append(envVars, do.Env...)

	logger.Debugf("Set env vars from RegisterChain =>\t%v\n", envVars)
	chain.Service.Environment = append(chain.Service.Environment, envVars...)
	logger.Debugf("Set links from RegisterChain =>\t%v\n", do.Links)
	chain.Service.Links = append(chain.Service.Links, do.Links...)

	if err := bootDependencies(chain, do); err != nil {
		return err

	logger.Debugf("Starting chain container via Docker =>\t%s\n", chain.Service.Name)
	logger.Debugf("\twith Image =>\t\t%s\n", chain.Service.Image)
	cmd := []string{loaders.ErisChainRegister}
	dataContainerName := util.DataContainersName(chain.Name, chain.Operations.ContainerNumber)
	_, err = perform.DockerRunVolumesFromContainer(dataContainerName, false, cmd, chain.Service)

	return err
Esempio n. 4
// eris chains new --dir _ -g _
// the default chain_id is my_tests, so should be overwritten
func TestChainsNewDirGen(t *testing.T) {
	chainID := "testChainsNewDirGen"
	myDir := path.Join(common.DataContainersPath, chainID)
	if err := os.MkdirAll(myDir, 0700); err != nil {
		fatal(t, err)
	contents := "this is a file in the directory\n"
	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(path.Join(myDir, "file.file"), []byte(contents), 0600); err != nil {
		fatal(t, err)

	do := def.NowDo()
	do.GenesisFile = path.Join(common.BlockchainsPath, "default", "genesis.json")
	do.Name = chainID
	do.Path = myDir
	do.Operations.ContainerNumber = 1
	logger.Infof("Creating chain (from tests) =>\t%s\n", do.Name)

	// remove the data container
	defer removeChainContainer(t, chainID, do.Operations.ContainerNumber)

	// verify the contents of file.file - swap config writer with bytes.Buffer
	// TODO: functions for facilitating this
	do.Name = util.DataContainersName(do.Name, do.Operations.ContainerNumber)
	oldWriter := config.GlobalConfig.Writer
	newWriter := new(bytes.Buffer)
	config.GlobalConfig.Writer = newWriter
	args := []string{"cat", fmt.Sprintf("/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/%s/file.file", chainID)}
	b, err := perform.DockerRunVolumesFromContainer(do.Name, false, args, nil)
	if err != nil {
		fatal(t, err)

	config.GlobalConfig.Writer = oldWriter
	result := trimResult(string(b))
	contents = trimResult(contents)
	if result != contents {
		fatal(t, fmt.Errorf("file not faithfully copied. Got: %s \n Expected: %s", result, contents))

	// verify the chain_id got swapped in the genesis.json
	// TODO: functions for facilitating this
	oldWriter = config.GlobalConfig.Writer
	newWriter = new(bytes.Buffer)
	config.GlobalConfig.Writer = newWriter
	args = []string{"cat", fmt.Sprintf("/home/eris/.eris/blockchains/%s/genesis.json", chainID)} //, "|", "jq", ".chain_id"}
	b, err = perform.DockerRunVolumesFromContainer(do.Name, false, args, nil)
	if err != nil {
		fatal(t, err)

	config.GlobalConfig.Writer = oldWriter
	result = string(b)

	s := struct {
		ChainID string `json:"chain_id"`
	if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(result), &s); err != nil {
		fatal(t, err)
	if s.ChainID != chainID {
		fatal(t, fmt.Errorf("ChainID mismatch: got %s, expected %s", s.ChainID, chainID))