Esempio n. 1
// NewServer creates a new Server. The defaults are used if config is nil.
func NewServer(cfg *ServerConfig) (*Server, error) {
	yamuxConfig := yamux.DefaultConfig()
	if cfg.YamuxConfig != nil {
		if err := yamux.VerifyConfig(cfg.YamuxConfig); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		yamuxConfig = cfg.YamuxConfig

	log := newLogger("tunnel-server", cfg.Debug)
	if cfg.Log != nil {
		log = cfg.Log

	return &Server{
		pending:      make(map[string]chan net.Conn),
		sessions:     make(map[string]*yamux.Session),
		onDisconnect: make(map[string]func() error),
		virtualHosts: newVirtualHosts(),
		controls:     newControls(),
		yamuxConfig:  yamuxConfig,
		log:          log,
	}, nil
Esempio n. 2
// verify is used to verify the ClientConfig
func (c *ClientConfig) verify() error {
	if c.ServerAddr == "" && c.FetchServerAddr == nil {
		return errors.New("neither ServerAddr nor FetchServerAddr is set")

	if c.Identifier == "" && c.FetchIdentifier == nil {
		return errors.New("neither Identifier nor FetchIdentifier is set")

	if c.YamuxConfig != nil {
		if err := yamux.VerifyConfig(c.YamuxConfig); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil
Esempio n. 3
// NewServer creates a new Server. The defaults are used if config is nil.
func NewServer(cfg *ServerConfig) (*Server, error) {
	yamuxConfig := yamux.DefaultConfig()
	if cfg.YamuxConfig != nil {
		if err := yamux.VerifyConfig(cfg.YamuxConfig); err != nil {
			return nil, err

		yamuxConfig = cfg.YamuxConfig

	log := newLogger("tunnel-server", cfg.Debug)
	if cfg.Log != nil {
		log = cfg.Log

	connCh := make(chan net.Conn)

	opts := &vaddrOptions{
		connCh: connCh,
		log:    log,

	s := &Server{
		pending:               make(map[string]chan net.Conn),
		sessions:              make(map[string]*yamux.Session),
		onConnectCallbacks:    newCallbacks("OnConnect"),
		onDisconnectCallbacks: newCallbacks("OnDisconnect"),
		virtualHosts:          newVirtualHosts(),
		virtualAddrs:          newVirtualAddrs(opts),
		controls:              newControls(),
		states:                make(map[string]ClientState),
		stateCh:               cfg.StateChanges,
		httpDirector:          cfg.Director,
		yamuxConfig:           yamuxConfig,
		connCh:                connCh,
		log:                   log,

	go s.serveTCP()

	return s, nil
Esempio n. 4
// verify is used to verify the ClientConfig
func (c *ClientConfig) verify() error {
	if c.ServerAddr == "" && c.FetchServerAddr == nil {
		return errors.New("neither ServerAddr nor FetchServerAddr is set")

	if c.Identifier == "" && c.FetchIdentifier == nil {
		return errors.New("neither Identifier nor FetchIdentifier is set")

	if c.YamuxConfig != nil {
		if err := yamux.VerifyConfig(c.YamuxConfig); err != nil {
			return err

	if c.Proxy != nil && (c.LocalAddr != "" || c.FetchLocalAddr != nil) {
		return errors.New("both Proxy and LocalAddr or FetchLocalAddr are set")

	return nil