Esempio n. 1
File: worker.go Progetto: rht/bssim
import (

	blocks ""
	key ""
	exchange ""
	waitable ""
	util ""
	process ""
	ratelimit ""

var log = util.Logger("blockservice")

var DefaultConfig = Config{
	NumWorkers:       1,
	ClientBufferSize: 0,
	WorkerBufferSize: 0,

type Config struct {
	// NumWorkers sets the number of background workers that provide blocks to
	// the exchange.
	NumWorkers int

	// ClientBufferSize allows clients of HasBlock to send up to
	// |ClientBufferSize| blocks without blocking.
	ClientBufferSize int
Esempio n. 2
	// throughput. (-80% when < 25)
	// Running a lot more workers appears to have very little effect on both
	// single and multicore configurations.
	NumWorkers: 25,

	// These have no effect on when running on multiple cores, but harsh
	// negative effect on throughput when running on a single core
	// On multicore configurations these buffers have little effect on
	// throughput.
	// On single core configurations, larger buffers have severe adverse
	// effects on throughput.
	ClientBufferSize: 0,
	WorkerBufferSize: 0,

var log = u.Logger("blockservice")
var ErrNotFound = errors.New("blockservice: key not found")

// BlockService is a hybrid block datastore. It stores data in a local
// datastore and may retrieve data from a remote Exchange.
// It uses an internal `datastore.Datastore` instance to store values.
type BlockService struct {
	// TODO don't expose underlying impl details
	Blockstore blockstore.Blockstore
	Exchange   exchange.Interface

	worker *worker.Worker

// NewBlockService creates a BlockService with given datastore instance.
func New(bs blockstore.Blockstore, rem exchange.Interface) (*BlockService, error) {
Esempio n. 3
File: log.go Progetto: rht/bssim
// Logger retrieves an event logger by name
func Logger(system string) EventLogger {

	// TODO if we would like to adjust log levels at run-time. Store this event
	// logger in a map (just like the util.Logger impl)
	return &eventLogger{system: system, StandardLogger: util.Logger(system)}
Esempio n. 4
import (

	key ""
	peer ""
	routing ""
	u ""
	ds ""
	ma ""
	context ""

var log = u.Logger("mockrouter")

type client struct {
	datastore ds.Datastore
	server    server
	peer      testutil.Identity

// FIXME(brian): is this method meant to simulate putting a value into the network?
func (c *client) PutValue(ctx context.Context, key key.Key, val []byte) error {
	log.Debugf("PutValue: %s", key)
	return c.datastore.Put(key.DsKey(), val)

// FIXME(brian): is this method meant to simulate getting a value from the network?
func (c *client) GetValue(ctx context.Context, key key.Key) ([]byte, error) {
Esempio n. 5
File: peer.go Progetto: rht/bssim
import (

	b58 ""
	ma ""
	mh ""

	ic ""
	u ""

var log = u.Logger("peer")

// ID represents the identity of a peer.
type ID string

// Pretty returns a b58-encoded string of the ID
func (id ID) Pretty() string {
	return IDB58Encode(id)

func (id ID) Loggable() map[string]interface{} {
	return map[string]interface{}{
		"peerID": id.Pretty(),
Esempio n. 6
File: set.go Progetto: rht/bssim
// package set contains various different types of 'BlockSet's
package set

import (
	key ""

var log = util.Logger("blockset")

// BlockSet represents a mutable set of keyed blocks
type BlockSet interface {
	HasKey(key.Key) bool
	GetBloomFilter() bloom.Filter

	GetKeys() []key.Key

func SimpleSetFromKeys(keys []key.Key) BlockSet {
	sbs := &simpleBlockSet{blocks: make(map[key.Key]struct{})}
	for _, k := range keys {
		sbs.blocks[k] = struct{}{}
	return sbs

func NewSimpleBlockSet() BlockSet {
	return &simpleBlockSet{blocks: make(map[key.Key]struct{})}
Esempio n. 7
File: key.go Progetto: rht/bssim

	proto ""

	pb ""
	u ""

var log = u.Logger("crypto")

var ErrBadKeyType = errors.New("invalid or unsupported key type")

const (
	RSA = iota

// Key represents a crypto key that can be compared to another key
type Key interface {
	// Bytes returns a serialized, storeable representation of this key
	Bytes() ([]byte, error)

	// Hash returns the hash of this key
	Hash() ([]byte, error)
Esempio n. 8
File: config.go Progetto: rht/bssim
// package config implements the ipfs config file datastructures and utilities.
package config

import (

	u ""

var log = u.Logger("config")

// Config is used to load IPFS config files.
type Config struct {
	Identity         Identity              // local node's peer identity
	Datastore        Datastore             // local node's storage
	Addresses        Addresses             // local node's addresses
	Mounts           Mounts                // local node's mount points
	Version          Version               // local node's version management
	Discovery        Discovery             // local node's discovery mechanisms
	Bootstrap        []string              // local nodes's bootstrap peer addresses
	Tour             Tour                  // local node's tour position
	Gateway          Gateway               // local node's gateway server options
	SupernodeRouting SupernodeClientConfig // local node's routing servers (if SupernodeRouting enabled)
	Swarm            SwarmConfig
	Log              Log