Esempio n. 1
// create a nut.yml at the current path
func initSubcommand(c *cli.Context, context Utils.Context, gitHubFlag string) {
	log.Debug("initSubcommand context: ", context)
	name := filepath.Base(context.GetUserDirectory())

	var project Config.Project
	if gitHubFlag == "" {
		defaultProject := Config.NewProjectV6(nil)
		defaultProject.ProjectName = name
		defaultProject.DockerImage = "golang:1.6"
		defaultProject.Macros["build"] = &Config.MacroV6{
			Usage:    "build the project in the container",
			Actions:  []string{"go build -o nut"},
			ConfigV6: *Config.NewConfigV6(nil),
		defaultProject.Macros["run"] = &Config.MacroV6{
			Usage:    "run the project in the container",
			Actions:  []string{"./nut"},
			ConfigV6: *Config.NewConfigV6(nil),
		project = defaultProject
	} else {
		if store, err := Persist.InitStore(context.GetUserDirectory()); err == nil {
			log.Debug("Store initialized: ", store)
			if filename, err := Config.DownloadFromGithub(gitHubFlag, store); err == nil {
				log.Debug("Downloaded from Github to ", filename)
				if parentProject, err := Config.LoadProjectFromFile(filename); err == nil {
					log.Debug("Parsed from Github: ", parentProject)
					if err = Config.ResolveDependencies(parentProject, store, filename); err == nil {
						log.Debug("Resolved dependencies from Github: ", filename)
						finalProject := Config.NewProjectV6(parentProject)
						finalProject.ProjectName = name
						finalProject.Base.GitHub = gitHubFlag

						// modified project depending on parent configuration
						// 1 - mount folder "." if not already mounted by parent configuration
						mountingPointName := "main"
						hostDir := "."
						containerDir := containerFilepath.Join("/nut", name)
						mountingPoint := &Config.VolumeV6{
							Host:      hostDir,
							Container: containerDir,
						if Config.CheckConflict(context, mountingPointName, mountingPoint, Config.GetVolumes(finalProject, context)) == nil {
							finalProject.ConfigV6.Mount[mountingPointName] = []string{hostDir, containerDir}
						// 2 - set working directory to "." if not specified otherwise
						if Config.GetWorkingDir(finalProject) == "" {
							finalProject.ConfigV6.WorkingDir = containerDir

						project = finalProject
				} else {
					log.Error("Error while parsing from GitHub: ", err)
			} else {
				log.Error("Error while loading from GitHub: ", err)
		} else {
			log.Error("Error while loading nut files: ", err)

	if project == nil {
	if data, err := Config.ToYAML(project); err != nil {
		log.Error("Could not generate default project configuration:", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Project configuration:")
		dataString := string(data)
		// check is nut.yml exists at the current path
		nutfileName := filepath.Join(context.GetUserDirectory(), Config.NutFileName) // TODO: pick this name from a well documented and centralized list of legit nut file names
		if exists, err := Utils.FileExists(nutfileName); exists && err == nil {
			log.Error("Could not save new Nut project because a nut.yml file already exists")
		} else {
			err := ioutil.WriteFile(nutfileName, data, 0644) // TODO: discuss this permission level
			if err != nil {
			} else {
				fmt.Println("Project configuration saved in %s.", nutfileName) // TODO: make sure that bug Project configuration saved in %!(EXTRA string=./nut.yml) is fixed.
Esempio n. 2
// Start the container, execute the list of commands, and then stops the container.
// Inspired from
// and from
// DONE: solve key issue (Ctrl+C, q, ...). See if that can help: : it does :)
// DONE: to solve tty size, use func (c *Client) ResizeContainerTTY(id string, height, width int) error : solved with dockerpty
// and/or func (c *Client) ResizeExecTTY(id string, height, width int) error
// TODO: report bug "StartExec Error: %s read /dev/stdin: bad file descriptor" when executing several commands : post issue on dockerpty
// func execMacro(macro Config.Macro) {
func execInContainer(commands []string, config Config.Config, context Utils.Context, useDockerCLI bool) {
	log.Debug("commands (len = ", len(commands), ") : ", commands)
	var cmdConfig []string
	if len(commands) == 0 {
		log.Debug("Given list of commands is empty.")
		cmdConfig = []string{}
	} else if len(commands) == 1 {
		cmdConfig = []string{"bash", "-c", commands[0]}
	} else {
		cmdConfig = []string{"bash", "-c", strings.Join(commands, "; ")}
	log.Debug("cmdConfig: ", cmdConfig)

	imageName := Config.GetDockerImage(config)
	if imageName == "" {
		log.Error("Docker image has not been defined.")

	var client *docker.Client
	var err error
	if !useDockerCLI {
		client, err = getDockerClient()
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Could not reach Docker host: ", err.Error())
		log.Debug("Created client")
	} else {
		log.Debug("Using Docker CLI")

	// prepare names of directories to mount
	// inspired from
	volumes := Config.GetVolumes(config, context)
	binds := make([]string, 0, len(volumes))
	portBindings := map[docker.Port][]docker.PortBinding{}
	exposedPorts := map[docker.Port]struct{}{}
	envVariables := []string{}
	volumeDriver := ""
	devices := []docker.Device{}
	hostUidGid := ""

	for key, volume := range volumes {
		volumeName := Config.GetVolumeName(volume)
		hostPath, hostPathErr := Config.GetFullHostPath(volume, context)
		containerPath, containerPathErr := Config.GetFullContainerPath(volume, context)
		log.Debug(key, " / ", len(volumes), " volume", volume)
		if containerPathErr != nil {
			log.Error("Couldn't mount container directory ("+containerPath+"): ", containerPathErr.Error())
		if hostPathErr != nil { // volume must have either a hostPath to a directory, ...
			log.Debug(key, " unproper hostPath", hostPath)
			if volumeName != "" { // ..., or a volumeName
				log.Debug(key, " volume name", volumeName)
				if useDockerCLI {
					binds = append(binds, volumeName+":"+containerPath)
				} else {
					// prepare volume
					var dockerVolume *docker.Volume
					if dockerVolume, err = client.InspectVolume(volumeName); err != nil {
						fmt.Println("Could not inspect volume", imageName, ":", err.Error())
						fmt.Println("Creating volume...")

						if dockerVolume, err = client.CreateVolume(
							docker.CreateVolumeOptions{Name: volumeName}); err != nil {
							log.Error("Could not create volume: ", err.Error())
						fmt.Println("Volume created.")
					log.Debug(key, " dockerVolume ", dockerVolume)
					log.Debug(key, " dockerVolume ", dockerVolume.Name)
					log.Debug(key, " dockerVolume ", dockerVolume.Mountpoint)
					log.Debug(key, " dockerVolume ", dockerVolume.Driver)
					binds = append(binds, dockerVolume.Mountpoint+":"+containerPath)
					// TODO?: take dockerVolume.Driver into account?
			} else {
				log.Error("Couldn't mount host directory ("+hostPath+"): ", hostPathErr.Error())
		} else {
			log.Debug(key, " proper host path", hostPath, hostPathErr)
			binds = append(binds, hostPath+":"+containerPath)
	log.Debug("binds", binds)

	for _, value := range Config.GetPorts(config) {
		parts := strings.Split(value, ":") // TODO: support ranges of ports
		hostPort := ""
		containerPort := ""
		if len(parts) == 2 {
			hostPort = parts[0]
			containerPort = parts[1]
		} else if len(parts) == 1 {
			hostPort = parts[0]
			containerPort = parts[0]
		} else {
			log.Error("Could not parse port: " + value)
		// name := containerPort + "/tcp" // TODO: support UDP
		// dockerPort := docker.Port{containerPort + "/tcp"}
		var dockerPort docker.Port = docker.Port(containerPort + "/tcp")
		exposedPorts[dockerPort] = struct{}{}
		portBindings[dockerPort] = []docker.PortBinding{
			// {HostIP: "", HostPort: "8080",}}
			{HostPort: hostPort}} // TODO: support HostIP

	// Add environment variables.
	// Timezone feature: in order to synchronize the timezone
	//     of the container with the one of the host, set the variable TZ.
	//     (See
	//     So, if TZ variable is not set in the configuration, then set
	//     it to the host timezone information.
	foundTZvariable := false
	for name, value := range Config.GetEnvironmentVariables(config) {
		envVariables = append(envVariables, name+"="+value)
		if name == "TZ" {
			foundTZvariable = true
	if !foundTZvariable {
		envVariables = append(envVariables, "TZ"+"="+Utils.GetTimezoneOffsetToTZEnvironmentVariableFormat())

	if Config.IsGUIEnabled(config) {
		portBindingsGUI, envVariablesGUI, bindsGUI, err := enableGui()
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Could not enable GUI: ", err.Error())
		} else {
			envVariables = append(envVariables, envVariablesGUI...)
			binds = append(binds, bindsGUI...)
			for k, v := range portBindingsGUI {
				portBindings[k] = v
	for _, device := range Config.GetDevices(config) {
		devices = append(devices, docker.Device{
			PathOnHost:        Config.GetHostPath(device),
			PathInContainer:   Config.GetContainerPath(device),
			CgroupPermissions: Config.GetOptions(device),
	if Config.IsNvidiaDevicesEnabled(config) {
		nvidiaDevices, driverName, driverVolume, err := nvidia.GetConfiguration()
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Could not enable Nvidia devices: ", err,
				"\nYou have to be on Linux for this to work. Also, make sure "+
					"that nvidia-docker-plugin is running.\n")
		} else {
			binds = append(binds, driverVolume)
			volumeDriver = driverName
			for _, devicePath := range nvidiaDevices {
				devices = append(devices, docker.Device{
					PathOnHost:        devicePath,
					PathInContainer:   devicePath,
					CgroupPermissions: "mrw",

	if Config.IsCurrentUserEnabled(config) {
		if hostUser, err := user.Current(); err != nil {
			if err.Error() == "user: Current not implemented on darwin/amd64" {
				// This error is expected on osx. It is not a problem since
				// files created by container (both Docker for Mac and
				// Docker Toolbox) have the UID and GID of the current user
				// by default
			} else {
				log.Error("Couldn't inspect host current user: "******":" + hostUser.Gid

	//Try to create a container from the imageID
	dockerConfig := docker.Config{
		Image:        imageName,
		Cmd:          cmdConfig,
		OpenStdin:    true,
		StdinOnce:    true,
		AttachStdin:  true,
		AttachStdout: true,
		AttachStderr: true,
		Tty:          true,
		WorkingDir:   Config.GetWorkingDir(config),
		Env:          envVariables,
		ExposedPorts: exposedPorts,
		VolumeDriver: volumeDriver,
		User:         hostUidGid,

	dockerHostConfig := docker.HostConfig{
		Binds:        binds,
		PortBindings: portBindings,
		Privileged:   Config.IsPrivileged(config),
		SecurityOpt:  Config.GetSecurityOpts(config),
		Devices:      devices,
		UTSMode:      Config.GetUTSMode(config),
		NetworkMode:  Config.GetNetworkMode(config),

	if useDockerCLI {
		dockercall := []string{"run", "-it", "--rm"}
		if dockerConfig.WorkingDir != "" {
			dockercall = append(dockercall, "--workdir="+dockerConfig.WorkingDir)
		for _, volumeName := range dockerHostConfig.Binds {
			dockercall = append(dockercall, "--volume="+volumeName)
		if dockerConfig.VolumeDriver != "" {
			dockercall = append(dockercall, "--volume-driver="+dockerConfig.VolumeDriver)
		if dockerConfig.User != "" {
			dockercall = append(dockercall, "--user="******"--env=\""+envVariable+"\"")
		for _, port := range Config.GetPorts(config) { // TODO: use dockerConfig.ExposedPorts instead (after fixing it)
			dockercall = append(dockercall, "--publish=\""+port+"\"")
		if dockerHostConfig.Privileged {
			dockercall = append(dockercall, "--privileged")
		if value := dockerHostConfig.NetworkMode; value != "" {
			dockercall = append(dockercall, "--uts=\""+value+"\"")
		if value := dockerHostConfig.UTSMode; value != "" {
			dockercall = append(dockercall, "--net=\""+value+"\"")
		for _, value := range dockerHostConfig.SecurityOpt {
			dockercall = append(dockercall, "--security-opt=\""+value+"\"")
		for _, device := range dockerHostConfig.Devices {
			value := device.PathOnHost + ":" + device.PathInContainer
			if device.CgroupPermissions != "" {
				value += ":" + device.CgroupPermissions
			dockercall = append(dockercall, "--device=\""+value+"\"")
		dockercall = append(dockercall, imageName)
		dockercall = append(dockercall, dockerConfig.Cmd...)
		log.Debug(append([]string{"docker"}, dockercall...))
		c := exec.Command("docker", dockercall...)

		c.Stdout = os.Stdout
		c.Stdin = os.Stdin
		c.Stderr = os.Stderr
		if err = c.Run(); err != nil {
			log.Error("Error while calling Docker CLI: ", err.Error())
	} else {
		//Pull image from Registry, if not present
		_, err = client.InspectImage(imageName)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println("Could not inspect image", imageName, ":", err.Error())

			fmt.Println("Pulling image...")
			opts := docker.PullImageOptions{Repository: imageName}
			err = client.PullImage(opts, docker.AuthConfiguration{})
			if err != nil {
				log.Error("Could not pull image ", imageName, ": ", err.Error())
			fmt.Println("Pulled image")

		// TODO: ? Give the container a name? Can be done with docker.CreateContainerOptions{Name: "nut_myproject"}
		// opts2 := docker.CreateContainerOptions{Name: "nut_" + , Config: &dockerConfig}
		opts2 := docker.CreateContainerOptions{Config: &dockerConfig}
		container, err := client.CreateContainer(opts2)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Couldn't create container: ", err.Error())
		} else {
			defer func() {
				err = client.RemoveContainer(docker.RemoveContainerOptions{
					ID:    container.ID,
					Force: true,
				if err != nil {
					log.Error("Coundn't remove container: ", container.ID, ": ", err.Error())
				log.Debug("Removed container with ID ", container.ID)
		log.Debug("Created container with ID ", container.ID)

		//Try to start the container
		if err = dockerpty.Start(client, container, &dockerHostConfig); err != nil {
			log.Error("Error while starting container, and attaching to it: ", err.Error(),
				"\nBinds: ", dockerHostConfig.Binds,
				"\nPortBindings: ", dockerHostConfig.PortBindings,
				"\nPrivileged: ", dockerHostConfig.Privileged,
				"\nSecurityOpt: ", dockerHostConfig.SecurityOpt,
				"\nDevices: ", dockerHostConfig.Devices,
				"\nUTSMode: ", dockerHostConfig.UTSMode,
				"\nNetworkMode: ", dockerHostConfig.NetworkMode,

				"\nImage: ", dockerConfig.Image,
				"\nCmd: ", dockerConfig.Cmd,
				"\nWorkingDir: ", dockerConfig.WorkingDir,
				"\nEnv: ", dockerConfig.Env,
				"\nExposedPorts: ", dockerConfig.ExposedPorts,
				"\nVolumeDriver: ", dockerConfig.VolumeDriver,
				"\nUser: "******"Could not stop container ", container.ID, ": ", err.Error())
				log.Debug("Stopped container with ID ", container.ID)
		log.Debug("Started container with ID ", container.ID)