Esempio n. 1
// SetOpenShiftClient sets the passed OpenShift client in the application configuration
func (c *AppConfig) SetOpenShiftClient(osclient client.Interface, originNamespace string) {
	c.osclient = osclient
	c.originNamespace = originNamespace
	namespaces := []string{originNamespace}
	if openshiftNamespace := "openshift"; originNamespace != openshiftNamespace {
		namespaces = append(namespaces, openshiftNamespace)
	c.imageStreamSearcher = app.ImageStreamSearcher{
		Client:            osclient,
		ImageStreamImages: osclient,
		Namespaces:        namespaces,
		StopOnMatch:       !c.AsSearch,
	c.imageStreamByAnnotationSearcher = app.NewImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher(osclient, osclient, namespaces)
	c.templateSearcher = app.TemplateSearcher{
		Client: osclient,
		TemplateConfigsNamespacer: osclient,
		Namespaces:                namespaces,
	c.templateFileSearcher = &app.TemplateFileSearcher{
		Typer:        c.typer,
		Mapper:       c.mapper,
		ClientMapper: c.clientMapper,
		Namespace:    originNamespace,
	c.dockerSearcher = app.ImageImportSearcher{
		Client:        osclient.ImageStreams(originNamespace),
		AllowInsecure: c.InsecureRegistry,
		Fallback:      c.dockerImageSearcher(),
Esempio n. 2
// SetOpenShiftClient sets the passed OpenShift client in the application configuration
func (c *AppConfig) SetOpenShiftClient(osclient client.Interface, OriginNamespace string) {
	c.OSClient = osclient
	c.OriginNamespace = OriginNamespace
	namespaces := []string{OriginNamespace}
	if openshiftNamespace := "openshift"; OriginNamespace != openshiftNamespace {
		namespaces = append(namespaces, openshiftNamespace)
	c.ImageStreamSearcher = app.ImageStreamSearcher{
		Client:            osclient,
		ImageStreamImages: osclient,
		Namespaces:        namespaces,
	c.ImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher = app.NewImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher(osclient, osclient, namespaces)
	c.TemplateSearcher = app.TemplateSearcher{
		Client: osclient,
		TemplateConfigsNamespacer: osclient,
		Namespaces:                namespaces,
	c.TemplateFileSearcher = &app.TemplateFileSearcher{
		Typer:        c.Typer,
		Mapper:       c.Mapper,
		ClientMapper: c.ClientMapper,
		Namespace:    OriginNamespace,
	c.DockerSearcher = app.ImageImportSearcher{
		Client:        osclient.ImageStreams(OriginNamespace),
		AllowInsecure: c.InsecureRegistry,
		Fallback:      c.DockerImageSearcher(),
Esempio n. 3
func servicebroker_load(c osclient.Interface, name string) (*ServiceBroker, error) {
	servicebroker := &ServiceBroker{}
	if sb, err := c.ServiceBrokers().Get(name); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	} else {
		servicebroker.Url = sb.Spec.Url
		servicebroker.UserName = sb.Spec.UserName
		servicebroker.Password = sb.Spec.Password
		return servicebroker, nil
Esempio n. 4
func deleteBuildConfigs(client osclient.Interface, ns string) error {
	items, err := client.BuildConfigs(ns).List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for i := range items.Items {
		err := client.BuildConfigs(ns).Delete(items.Items[i].Name)
		if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
			return err
	return nil
Esempio n. 5
func deleteTemplates(client osclient.Interface, ns string) error {
	items, err := client.Templates(ns).List(kapi.ListOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return err
	for i := range items.Items {
		err := client.Templates(ns).Delete(items.Items[i].Name)
		if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
			return err
	return nil
Esempio n. 6
// newHelper makes a hew helper using real clients.
func newHelper(oClient client.Interface, kClient kclient.Interface) *helper {
	return &helper{
		generateRollback: func(namespace string, config *deployapi.DeploymentConfigRollback) (*deployapi.DeploymentConfig, error) {
			return oClient.DeploymentConfigs(namespace).Rollback(config)
		describe: func(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) (string, error) {
			describer := describe.NewDeploymentConfigDescriberForConfig(oClient, kClient, config)
			return describer.Describe(config.Namespace, config.Name)
		updateConfig: func(namespace string, config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) (*deployapi.DeploymentConfig, error) {
			return oClient.DeploymentConfigs(namespace).Update(config)
func unloadBuildLabel(client osclient.Interface, application *api.Application, labelSelector labels.Selector) error {
	resourceList, _ := client.Builds(application.Namespace).List(kapi.ListOptions{LabelSelector: labelSelector, FieldSelector: fields.Everything()})
	errs := []error{}
	for _, resource := range resourceList.Items {
		if !hasItem(application.Spec.Items, api.Item{Kind: "Build", Name: resource.Name}) {
			delete(resource.Labels, fmt.Sprintf("%s.application.%s", application.Namespace, application.Name))
			if _, err := client.Builds(application.Namespace).Update(&resource); err != nil {
				errs = append(errs, err)

	return nil
Esempio n. 8
func instantiateTemplate(client client.Interface, mapper configcmd.Mapper, templateNamespace, templateName, targetNamespace string, params map[string]string) error {
	template, err := client.Templates(templateNamespace).Get(templateName)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.NewError("cannot retrieve template %q from namespace %q", templateName, templateNamespace).WithCause(err)

	// process the template
	result, err := genappcmd.TransformTemplate(template, client, targetNamespace, params)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.NewError("cannot process template %s/%s", templateNamespace, templateName).WithCause(err)

	// Create objects
	bulk := &configcmd.Bulk{
		Mapper: mapper,
		Op:     configcmd.Create,
	itemsToCreate := &kapi.List{
		Items: result.Objects,
	if errs := bulk.Run(itemsToCreate, targetNamespace); len(errs) > 0 {
		err = kerrors.NewAggregate(errs)
		return errors.NewError("cannot create objects from template %s/%s", templateNamespace, templateName).WithCause(err)

	return nil
Esempio n. 9
// SetOpenShiftClient sets the passed OpenShift client in the application configuration
func (c *AppConfig) SetOpenShiftClient(osclient client.Interface, OriginNamespace string, dockerclient *docker.Client) {
	c.OSClient = osclient
	c.OriginNamespace = OriginNamespace
	namespaces := []string{OriginNamespace}
	if openshiftNamespace := "openshift"; OriginNamespace != openshiftNamespace {
		namespaces = append(namespaces, openshiftNamespace)
	c.ImageStreamSearcher = app.ImageStreamSearcher{
		Client:            osclient,
		ImageStreamImages: osclient,
		Namespaces:        namespaces,
		AllowMissingTags:  c.AllowMissingImageStreamTags,
	c.ImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher = app.NewImageStreamByAnnotationSearcher(osclient, osclient, namespaces)
	c.TemplateSearcher = app.TemplateSearcher{
		Client: osclient,
		TemplateConfigsNamespacer: osclient,
		Namespaces:                namespaces,
	c.TemplateFileSearcher = &app.TemplateFileSearcher{
		Typer:        c.Typer,
		Mapper:       c.Mapper,
		ClientMapper: c.ClientMapper,
		Namespace:    OriginNamespace,
	// the hierarchy of docker searching is:
	// 1) if we have an openshift client - query docker registries via openshift,
	// if we're unable to query via openshift, query the docker registries directly(fallback),
	// if we don't find a match there and a local docker daemon exists, look in the local registry.
	// 2) if we don't have an openshift client - query the docker registries directly,
	// if we don't find a match there and a local docker daemon exists, look in the local registry.
	c.DockerSearcher = app.DockerClientSearcher{
		Client:             dockerclient,
		Insecure:           c.InsecureRegistry,
		AllowMissingImages: c.AllowMissingImages,
		RegistrySearcher: app.ImageImportSearcher{
			Client:        osclient.ImageStreams(OriginNamespace),
			AllowInsecure: c.InsecureRegistry,
			Fallback:      c.DockerRegistrySearcher(),
Esempio n. 10
func setupProjectRequestLimitUsers(t *testing.T, client client.Interface, users map[string]labels.Set) {
	for userName, labels := range users {
		user := &userapi.User{}
		user.Name = userName
		user.Labels = map[string]string(labels)
		_, err := client.Users().Create(user)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Could not create user %s: %v", userName, err)
Esempio n. 11
// NewFactory initializes a factory that will watch the requested routes
func (o *RouterSelection) NewFactory(oc oclient.Interface, kc kclient.Interface) *controllerfactory.RouterControllerFactory {
	factory := controllerfactory.NewDefaultRouterControllerFactory(oc, kc)
	factory.Labels = o.Labels
	factory.Fields = o.Fields
	factory.Namespace = o.Namespace
	factory.ResyncInterval = o.ResyncInterval
	switch {
	case o.NamespaceLabels != nil:
		glog.Infof("Router is only using routes in namespaces matching %s", o.NamespaceLabels)
		factory.Namespaces = namespaceNames{kc.Namespaces(), o.NamespaceLabels}
	case o.ProjectLabels != nil:
		glog.Infof("Router is only using routes in projects matching %s", o.ProjectLabels)
		factory.Namespaces = projectNames{oc.Projects(), o.ProjectLabels}
	case len(factory.Namespace) > 0:
		glog.Infof("Router is only using resources in namespace %s", factory.Namespace)
		glog.Infof("Router is including routes in all namespaces")
	return factory
Esempio n. 12
func checkIfPlanidExist(client osclient.Interface, planId string) (bool, *backingserviceapi.BackingService, error) {

	items, err := client.BackingServices("openshift").List(kapi.ListOptions{})

	if err != nil {
		return false, nil, err

	for _, bs := range items.Items {
		for _, plans := range bs.Spec.Plans {
			if planId == plans.Id {
				glog.Info("we found plan id at plan", bs.Spec.Name)

				return true, &bs, nil
	return false, nil, fatalError(fmt.Sprintf("Can't find plan id %s", planId))

// NewImageStreamTagEvaluator computes resource usage of ImageStreamsTags. Its sole purpose is to handle
// UPDATE admission operations on imageStreamTags resource.
func NewImageStreamTagEvaluator(osClient osclient.Interface) kquota.Evaluator {
	computeResources := []kapi.ResourceName{

	matchesScopeFunc := func(kapi.ResourceQuotaScope, runtime.Object) bool { return true }
	getFuncByNamespace := func(namespace, id string) (runtime.Object, error) {
		nameParts := strings.SplitN(id, ":", 2)
		if len(nameParts) != 2 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q is an invalid id for an imagestreamtag. Must be in form <name>:<tag>.", id)

		obj, err := osClient.ImageStreamTags(namespace).Get(nameParts[0], nameParts[1])
		if err != nil {
			if !kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
				return nil, err
			obj = &imageapi.ImageStreamTag{
				ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
					Namespace: namespace,
					Name:      id,
		return obj, nil

	return quotautil.NewSharedContextEvaluator(
		map[admission.Operation][]kapi.ResourceName{admission.Update: computeResources},
Esempio n. 14
func loadDeploymentConfigs(g osgraph.Graph, graphLock sync.Mutex, namespace string, kclient kclient.Interface, client client.Interface) error {
	dcs, err := client.DeploymentConfigs(namespace).List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
	if err != nil {
		return err

	defer graphLock.Unlock()
	for i := range dcs.Items {
		deploygraph.EnsureDeploymentConfigNode(g, &dcs.Items[i])

	return nil
Esempio n. 15
func loadBuilds(g osgraph.Graph, graphLock sync.Mutex, namespace string, kclient kclient.Interface, client client.Interface) error {
	builds, err := client.Builds(namespace).List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
	if err != nil {
		return err

	defer graphLock.Unlock()
	for i := range builds.Items {
		buildgraph.EnsureBuildNode(g, &builds.Items[i])

	return nil
Esempio n. 16
func GetRepositoryBuildConfigs(c client.Interface, name string, out io.Writer) error {

	ns := os.Getenv("POD_NAMESPACE")
	buildConfigList, err := c.BuildConfigs(ns).List(kapi.ListOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return err

	matchingBuildConfigs := []*buildapi.BuildConfig{}

	for i := range buildConfigList.Items {
		bc := &buildConfigList.Items[i]
		repoAnnotation, hasAnnotation := bc.Annotations[gitRepositoryAnnotationKey]
		if hasAnnotation {
			if repoAnnotation == name {
				matchingBuildConfigs = append(matchingBuildConfigs, bc)
		if bc.Name == name {
			matchingBuildConfigs = append(matchingBuildConfigs, bc)

	for _, bc := range matchingBuildConfigs {
		var ref string
		if bc.Spec.Source.Git != nil {
			ref = bc.Spec.Source.Git.Ref
		if ref == "" {
			ref = "master"
		fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s %s\n", bc.Name, ref)

	return nil
Esempio n. 17
// waitForProject will execute a client list of projects looking for the project with specified name
// if not found, it will retry up to numRetries at the specified delayInterval
func waitForProject(t *testing.T, client client.Interface, projectName string, delayInterval time.Duration, numRetries int) {
	for i := 0; i <= numRetries; i++ {
		projects, err := client.Projects().List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
		if (len(projects.Items) == 1) && (projects.Items[0].Name == projectName) {
			fmt.Printf("Waited %v times with interval %v\n", i, delayInterval)
		} else {
	t.Errorf("expected project %v not found", projectName)
Esempio n. 18
// NewImageStreamEvaluator computes resource usage of ImageStreams. Instantiating this is necessary for
// resource quota admission controller to properly work on image stream related objects.
func NewImageStreamEvaluator(osClient osclient.Interface) kquota.Evaluator {
	computeResources := []kapi.ResourceName{

	matchesScopeFunc := func(kapi.ResourceQuotaScope, runtime.Object) bool { return true }
	getFuncByNamespace := func(namespace, name string) (runtime.Object, error) {
		return osClient.ImageStreams(namespace).Get(name)
	listFuncByNamespace := func(namespace string, options kapi.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
		return osClient.ImageStreams(namespace).List(options)

	return quotautil.NewSharedContextEvaluator(
Esempio n. 19
func loadImageStreams(g osgraph.Graph, graphLock sync.Mutex, namespace string, kclient kclient.Interface, client client.Interface) error {
	iss, err := client.ImageStreams(namespace).List(labels.Everything(), fields.Everything())
	if err != nil {
		return err

	defer graphLock.Unlock()
	for i := range iss.Items {
		imagegraph.EnsureImageStreamNode(g, &iss.Items[i])
		imagegraph.EnsureAllImageStreamTagNodes(g, &iss.Items[i])

	return nil
Esempio n. 20
// testPodNodeConstraintsObjectCreationWithPodTemplate attempts to create different object types that contain pod templates
// using the passed in nodeName and nodeSelector. It will use the expectError flag to determine if an error should be returned or not
func testPodNodeConstraintsObjectCreationWithPodTemplate(t *testing.T, name string, kclientset kclientset.Interface, client client.Interface, nodeName string, nodeSelector map[string]string, expectError bool) {

	checkForbiddenErr := func(objType string, err error) {
		if err == nil && expectError {
			t.Errorf("%s (%s): expected forbidden error but did not receive one", name, objType)
		if err != nil && !expectError {
			t.Errorf("%s (%s): got error but did not expect one: %v", name, objType, err)
		if err != nil && expectError && !kapierrors.IsForbidden(err) {
			t.Errorf("%s (%s): did not get an expected forbidden error: %v", name, objType, err)

	// Pod
	pod := testPodNodeConstraintsPod(nodeName, nodeSelector)
	_, err := kclientset.Core().Pods(testutil.Namespace()).Create(pod)
	checkForbiddenErr("pod", err)

	// ReplicationController
	rc := testPodNodeConstraintsReplicationController(nodeName, nodeSelector)
	_, err = kclientset.Core().ReplicationControllers(testutil.Namespace()).Create(rc)
	checkForbiddenErr("rc", err)

	// TODO: Enable when the deployments endpoint is supported in Origin
	// Deployment
	// d := testPodNodeConstraintsDeployment(nodeName, nodeSelector)
	// _, err = kclientset.Extensions().Deployments(testutil.Namespace()).Create(d)
	// checkForbiddenErr("deployment", err)

	// ReplicaSet
	rs := testPodNodeConstraintsReplicaSet(nodeName, nodeSelector)
	_, err = kclientset.Extensions().ReplicaSets(testutil.Namespace()).Create(rs)
	checkForbiddenErr("replicaset", err)

	// Job
	job := testPodNodeConstraintsJob(nodeName, nodeSelector)
	_, err = kclientset.Batch().Jobs(testutil.Namespace()).Create(job)
	checkForbiddenErr("job", err)

	// DeploymentConfig
	dc := testPodNodeConstraintsDeploymentConfig(nodeName, nodeSelector)
	_, err = client.DeploymentConfigs(testutil.Namespace()).Create(dc)
	checkForbiddenErr("dc", err)
Esempio n. 21
// NewDeploymentConfigDescriber returns a new DeploymentConfigDescriber
func NewDeploymentConfigDescriber(client client.Interface, kclient kclient.Interface) *DeploymentConfigDescriber {
	return &DeploymentConfigDescriber{
		client: &genericDeploymentDescriberClient{
			getDeploymentConfigFunc: func(namespace, name string) (*deployapi.DeploymentConfig, error) {
				return client.DeploymentConfigs(namespace).Get(name)
			getDeploymentFunc: func(namespace, name string) (*kapi.ReplicationController, error) {
				return kclient.ReplicationControllers(namespace).Get(name)
			listDeploymentsFunc: func(namespace string, selector labels.Selector) (*kapi.ReplicationControllerList, error) {
				return kclient.ReplicationControllers(namespace).List(kapi.ListOptions{LabelSelector: selector})
			listPodsFunc: func(namespace string, selector labels.Selector) (*kapi.PodList, error) {
				return kclient.Pods(namespace).List(kapi.ListOptions{LabelSelector: selector})
			listEventsFunc: func(deploymentConfig *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) (*kapi.EventList, error) {
				return kclient.Events(deploymentConfig.Namespace).Search(deploymentConfig)
Esempio n. 22
// NewLatestDeploymentsDescriber lists the latest deployments limited to "count". In case count == -1, list back to the last successful.
func NewLatestDeploymentsDescriber(client client.Interface, kclient kclient.Interface, count int) *LatestDeploymentsDescriber {
	return &LatestDeploymentsDescriber{
		count: count,
		client: &genericDeploymentDescriberClient{
			getDeploymentConfigFunc: func(namespace, name string) (*deployapi.DeploymentConfig, error) {
				return client.DeploymentConfigs(namespace).Get(name)
			getDeploymentFunc: func(namespace, name string) (*kapi.ReplicationController, error) {
				return kclient.ReplicationControllers(namespace).Get(name)
			listDeploymentsFunc: func(namespace string, selector labels.Selector) (*kapi.ReplicationControllerList, error) {
				return kclient.ReplicationControllers(namespace).List(selector, fields.Everything())
			listPodsFunc: func(namespace string, selector labels.Selector) (*kapi.PodList, error) {
				return kclient.Pods(namespace).List(selector, fields.Everything())
			listEventsFunc: func(deploymentConfig *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) (*kapi.EventList, error) {
				return kclient.Events(deploymentConfig.Namespace).Search(deploymentConfig)
func backingServiceHandler(client osclient.Interface, backingService *backingserviceapi.BackingService) error {
	newBs, err := client.BackingServices(backingserviceapi.BSNS).Get(backingService.Name)
	if err != nil {
		if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
			if _, err := client.BackingServices(backingserviceapi.BSNS).Create(backingService); err != nil {
				glog.Errorln("servicebroker create backingservice err ", err)
				return err
	} else {
		newBs.Status.Phase = backingserviceapi.BackingServicePhaseActive
		if _, err := client.BackingServices(backingserviceapi.BSNS).Update(newBs); err != nil {
			glog.Errorln("servicebroker update backingservice err ", err)
			return err

	return nil