Esempio n. 1
// ExecuteVtctlCommand is part of the pb.VtctlServer interface
func (s *VtctlServer) ExecuteVtctlCommand(args *pb.ExecuteVtctlCommandRequest, stream pbs.Vtctl_ExecuteVtctlCommandServer) (err error) {
	defer vtctl.HandlePanic(&err)

	// create a logger, send the result back to the caller
	logstream := logutil.NewChannelLogger(10)
	logger := logutil.NewTeeLogger(logstream, logutil.NewConsoleLogger())

	// send logs to the caller
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	go func() {
		for e := range logstream {
			// Note we don't interrupt the loop here, as
			// we still need to flush and finish the
			// command, even if the channel to the client
			// has been broken. We'll just keep trying.
				Event: &pb.LoggerEvent{
					Time: &pb.Time{
						Seconds:     e.Time.Unix(),
						Nanoseconds: int64(e.Time.Nanosecond()),
					Level: int64(e.Level),
					File:  e.File,
					Line:  int64(e.Line),
					Value: e.Value,

	// create the wrangler
	wr := wrangler.New(logger, s.ts, tmclient.NewTabletManagerClient(), time.Duration(args.LockTimeout))

	// execute the command
	err = vtctl.RunCommand(stream.Context(), wr, args.Args)

	// close the log channel, and wait for them all to be sent

	return err
Esempio n. 2
// ExecuteVtctlCommand is the server side method that will execute the query,
// and stream the results.
func (s *VtctlServer) ExecuteVtctlCommand(ctx context.Context, query *gorpcproto.ExecuteVtctlCommandArgs, sendReply func(interface{}) error) (err error) {
	defer vtctl.HandlePanic(&err)

	// create a logger, send the result back to the caller
	logstream := logutil.NewChannelLogger(10)
	logger := logutil.NewTeeLogger(logstream, logutil.NewConsoleLogger())

	// send logs to the caller
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	go func() {
		for e := range logstream {
			// Note we don't interrupt the loop here, as
			// we still need to flush and finish the
			// command, even if the channel to the client
			// has been broken. We'll just keep trying.

	// create the wrangler
	wr := wrangler.New(logger, s.ts, tmclient.NewTabletManagerClient(), query.LockTimeout)
	// FIXME(alainjobart) use a single context, copy the source info from it
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), query.ActionTimeout)

	// execute the command
	err = vtctl.RunCommand(ctx, wr, query.Args)

	// close the log channel, and wait for them all to be sent

	return err