Esempio n. 1
// repoForTool returns the correct RepoRoot for the buildTool, or an error if
// the tool is unknown.
func repoForTool() (*vcs.RepoRoot, error) {
	switch *buildTool {
	case "go":
		return vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(*gcPath, *verbose)
	case "gccgo":
		return vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(gofrontendImportPath, *verbose)
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown build tool: %s", *buildTool)
Esempio n. 2
// Behind takes a github token and a godep file
//  and returns a list of dependencies and if they are out of date
func Behind(githubToken string, godepFile string) []ImportStatus {
	gh := NewGitHub(githubToken)
	gd, err := LoadGodepsFile(godepFile)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error loading godeps file %q: %s", godepFile, err)

	roots := make(map[string]bool, len(gd.Deps))

	imports := make([]ImportStatus, 0, len(gd.Deps))

	for _, dep := range gd.Deps {
		rr, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(dep.ImportPath, false)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("Unable to process %s: %s", dep.ImportPath, err)
		if roots[rr.Root] {
		roots[rr.Root] = true
		parts := strings.Split(dep.ImportPath, "/")
		if len(parts) < 2 {
			log.Printf("Skipping %s", dep.ImportPath)
		if parts[0] == "" && parts[1] == "x" {
			parts[0] = ""
			parts[1] = "golang"

		if parts[0] != "" {
			log.Printf("Skipping %s", dep.ImportPath)

		compare, _, err := gh.Client.Repositories.CompareCommits(parts[1], parts[2], dep.Rev, "HEAD")
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("got error reading repo %s: %s", dep.ImportPath, err)
		status := ImportStatus{
			Root:    rr.Root,
			Status:  *compare.Status,
			Commits: make([]CommitMini, 0, len(compare.Commits)),
		for _, c := range compare.Commits {
			msg := ""
			if c.Commit.Message != nil {
				msg = *c.Commit.Message
			status.Commits = append(status.Commits, CommitMini{
				SHA: *c.SHA,
				Msg: msg,
		imports = append(imports, status)
	return imports
Esempio n. 3
func (*workspace) computeVCSState(r *Repo) {
	if r.vcs == nil {
		// Go package not under VCS.

	r.DefaultBranch = r.vcs.DefaultBranch()
	if s, err := r.vcs.Status(r.Path); err == nil {
		r.Local.Status = s
	if b, err := r.vcs.Branch(r.Path); err == nil {
		r.Local.Branch = b
	if rev, err := r.vcs.LocalRevision(r.Path); err == nil {
		r.Local.Revision = rev
	if s, err := r.vcs.Stash(r.Path); err == nil {
		r.Local.Stash = s
	if remote, err := r.vcs.RemoteURL(r.Path); err == nil {
		r.Local.RemoteURL = remote
	if rev, err := r.vcs.RemoteRevision(r.Path); err == nil {
		r.Remote.Revision = rev
	if r.Remote.Revision != "" {
		if c, err := r.vcs.Contains(r.Path, r.Remote.Revision); err == nil {
			r.LocalContainsRemoteRevision = c
	if rr, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(r.Root, false); err == nil {
		r.Remote.RepoURL = rr.Repo
Esempio n. 4
// getRepoRoot takes an import path like
// and returns the VCS Repository information for it.
func getRepoRoot(importpath string) (*vcs.RepoRoot, error) {
	repo, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(importpath, false)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return repo, nil
Esempio n. 5
func (custom *CmakeCustomizations) createRepo() error {
	Info(fmt.Sprintf("Downloading %s", custom.Configuration.Project))
	repo, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(custom.Configuration.Project, false)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return repo.VCS.Create(custom.paths.src, repo.Repo)
Esempio n. 6
// RemoteRepo constructs a *Repo representing a remote repository.
func RemoteRepo(url, path string) (*Repo, error) {
	rr, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(url, *verbose)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &Repo{
		Path:   path,
		Master: rr,
	}, nil
Esempio n. 7
func FromImportPath(importPath string) (*VCS, error) {
	rr, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(importPath, false)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	vcs := cmd[rr.VCS]
	if vcs == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is unsupported: %s", rr.VCS.Name, importPath)
	return vcs, nil
Esempio n. 8
func (this *GoPackage) UpdateVcsFields() {
	if this.Dir.Repo == nil {


	repoImportPath := GetRepoImportPath(this.Dir.Repo.Vcs.RootPath(), this.Bpkg.SrcRoot)
	if repoRoot, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(repoImportPath, false); err == nil {
		this.Dir.Repo.RepoRoot = repoRoot
Esempio n. 9
// NewPackage returns new package.
func NewPackage(name, gopath string) (*Package, error) {
	dir := filepath.Join(gopath, "src", name)
	repo, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(name, false)
	if err != nil {
		// it's ok, silently discard errors here
		return nil, err
	return &Package{
		Name: name,
		Dir:  dir,

		Repo: repo,
	}, nil
Esempio n. 10
// mergeGodeps will get one master list of revs.
func (w *workspace) mergeGodeps(dirGs map[string]Godeps) map[string]dirDep {
	roots := map[string]dirDep{}
	for dir, g := range dirGs {
		for _, dep := range g.Deps {
			repoRoot, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(dep.ImportPath, false)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "for %q: %s\n", dep.ImportPath, err)
			dd := dirDep{
				srcDir: dir,
				rev:    dep.Rev,
				repo:   repoRoot.Repo,
				root:   filepath.Join(w.vendorRootSrc(), repoRoot.Root),
				kind:   repoRoot.VCS.Cmd,
			if orig, ok := roots[repoRoot.Repo]; ok {
				if orig != dd {
					fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "conflict for %q: godeps in %q and %q do not match\n",
						dd.repo, orig.srcDir, dd.srcDir)
			} else {
				roots[repoRoot.Root] = dd

	// clear out nested
	var rootDirs sort.StringSlice
	for _, dd := range roots {
		rootDirs = append(rootDirs, dd.root)

	var last string
	for _, r := range rootDirs {
		if last != "" && strings.HasPrefix(r, last) {
			delete(roots, r)
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ignoring %q which is managed in %q\n", r, last)
		} else {
			last = r + string(filepath.Separator)

	return roots
Esempio n. 11
func getSpec(repoName string) (string, error) {
	repo, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(repoName, true)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	path := filepath.Join(GetQuiltPath(), repo.Root)
	if _, err := util.AppFs.Stat(path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Cloning %s into %s", repo.Root, path))
		if err := create(repo, path); err != nil {
			return "", err
	} else {
		log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Updating %s in %s", repo.Root, path))
		download(repo, path)
	return path, nil
Esempio n. 12
// commitWatcher polls hg for new commits and tells the dashboard about them.
func commitWatcher(goroot *Repo) {
	if *commitInterval == 0 {
		log.Printf("commitInterval is 0; disabling commitWatcher")
	if !*report {
		log.Printf("-report is false; disabling commitWatcher")
	// Create builder just to get master key.
	b, err := NewBuilder(goroot, "mercurial-commit")
	if err != nil {
	key := b.key

	for {
		if *verbose {
		// Main Go repository.
		commitPoll(goroot, "", key)
		// Go sub-repositories.
		for _, pkg := range dashboardPackages("subrepo") {
			pkgmaster, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(pkg, *verbose)
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("Error finding subrepo (%s): %s", pkg, err)
			pkgroot := &Repo{
				Path:   filepath.Join(*buildroot, pkg),
				Master: pkgmaster,
			commitPoll(pkgroot, pkg, key)
		if *verbose {
Esempio n. 13
// buildSubrepo fetches the given package, updates it to the specified hash,
// and runs 'go test -short pkg/...'. It returns the build log and any error.
func (b *Builder) buildSubrepo(goRoot, goPath, pkg, hash string) (string, error) {
	goTool := filepath.Join(goRoot, "bin", "go") + exeExt
	env := append(b.envv(), "GOROOT="+goRoot, "GOPATH="+goPath)

	// add $GOROOT/bin and $GOPATH/bin to PATH
	for i, e := range env {
		const p = "PATH="
		if !strings.HasPrefix(e, p) {
		sep := string(os.PathListSeparator)
		env[i] = p + filepath.Join(goRoot, "bin") + sep + filepath.Join(goPath, "bin") + sep + e[len(p):]

	// HACK: check out to new sub-repo location instead of old location.
	pkg = strings.Replace(pkg, "", "", 1)

	// fetch package and dependencies
	var outbuf bytes.Buffer
	err := run(exec.Command(goTool, "get", "-d", pkg+"/..."), runEnv(env), allOutput(&outbuf), runDir(goPath))
	if err != nil {
		return outbuf.String(), err

	// hg update to the specified hash
	pkgmaster, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(pkg, *verbose)
	if err != nil {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Error finding subrepo (%s): %s", pkg, err)
	repo := &Repo{
		Path:   filepath.Join(goPath, "src", pkg),
		Master: pkgmaster,
	if err := repo.UpdateTo(hash); err != nil {
		return "", err

	// test the package
	err = run(exec.Command(goTool, "test", "-short", pkg+"/..."),
		runTimeout(*buildTimeout), runEnv(env), allOutput(&outbuf), runDir(goPath))
	return outbuf.String(), err
Esempio n. 14
// ResolveRepo on a default reporesolver is effectively go get wraped
// to use the url string.
func (dr *DefaultRepoResolver) ResolveRepo(importPath string, dep *CanticleDependency) (VCS, error) {
	// We guess our vcs based off our url path if present
	resolvePath := getResolvePath(importPath)

	LogVerbose("Attempting to use go get vcs for url: %s", resolvePath)
	vcs.Verbose = Verbose
	repo, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(resolvePath, true)
	if err != nil {
		LogVerbose("Failed creating VCS for url: %s, err: %s", resolvePath, err.Error())
		return nil, err

	// If we found something return non nil
	repo.Root, err = TrimPathToRoot(importPath, repo.Root)
	if err != nil {
		LogVerbose("Failed creating VCS for url: %s, err: %s", resolvePath, err.Error())
		return nil, err
	v := &PackageVCS{Repo: repo, Gopath: dr.Gopath}
	LogVerbose("Created VCS for url: %s", resolvePath)
	return v, nil
Esempio n. 15
// download the given dependency.
// 2 Passes: 1) go get -d <pkg>, 2) git pull (if necessary)
func download(dep *Dependency) error {

	rr, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(dep.ImportPath, debug)
	if err != nil {
		debugln("Error determining repo root for", dep.ImportPath)
		return err
	ppln("rr", rr)

	dep.vcs = cmd[rr.VCS]

	// try to find an existing directory in the GOPATHs
	for _, gp := range filepath.SplitList(build.Default.GOPATH) {
		t := filepath.Join(gp, "src", rr.Root)
		fi, err := os.Stat(t)
		if err != nil {
		if fi.IsDir() {
			dep.root = t

	// If none found, just pick the first GOPATH entry (AFAICT that's what go get does)
	if dep.root == "" {
		dep.root = filepath.Join(filepath.SplitList(build.Default.GOPATH)[0], "src", rr.Root)
	ppln("dep", dep)

	if downloaded[rr.Repo] {
		verboseln("Skipping already downloaded repo", rr.Repo)
		return nil

	fi, err := os.Stat(dep.root)
	if err != nil {
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(dep.root), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
				debugln("Error creating base dir of", dep.root)
				return err
			err := rr.VCS.CreateAtRev(dep.root, rr.Repo, dep.Rev)
			debugln("CreatedAtRev", dep.root, rr.Repo, dep.Rev)
			if err != nil {
				debugln("CreateAtRev error", err)
				return err
			downloaded[rr.Repo] = true
			return nil
		debugln("Error checking repo root for", dep.ImportPath, "at", dep.root, ":", err)
		return err

	if !fi.IsDir() {
		return errors.New("repo root src dir exists, but isn't a directory for " + dep.ImportPath + " at " + dep.root)

	if !dep.vcs.exists(dep.root, dep.Rev) {
		debugln("Updating existing", dep.root)
		if dep.vcs == vcsGit {
			detached, err := gitDetached(dep.root)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if detached {
				db, err := gitDefaultBranch(dep.root)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if err := gitCheckout(dep.root, db); err != nil {
					return err

		downloaded[rr.Repo] = true

	debugln("Nothing to download")
	return nil
Esempio n. 16
// TODO: refactor this function into multiple smaller ones. Currently all the
// code is in this function only due to the os.RemoveAll(tempdir).
func makeUpstreamSourceTarball(gopkg string) (string, string, map[string]bool, string, error) {
	// dependencies is a map in order to de-duplicate multiple imports
	// pointing into the same repository.
	dependencies := make(map[string]bool)
	autoPkgType := "library"

	tempdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "dh-make-golang")
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", dependencies, autoPkgType, err
	defer os.RemoveAll(tempdir)

	log.Printf("Downloading %q\n", gopkg+"/...")
	done := make(chan bool)
	go progressSize("go get", filepath.Join(tempdir, "src"), done)

	// As per!topic/golang-nuts/N5apfenE4m4,
	// the arguments to “go get” are packages, not repositories. Hence, we
	// specify “gopkg/...” in order to cover all packages.
	// As a concrete example, is a repository we want
	// to package into a single Debian package, and using “go get -d
	//” fails because there are no buildable go files
	// in the top level of that repository.
	cmd := exec.Command("go", "get", "-d", "-t", gopkg+"/...")
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
	cmd.Env = append([]string{
		fmt.Sprintf("GOPATH=%s", tempdir),
	}, passthroughEnv()...)

	if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
		done <- true
		return "", "", dependencies, autoPkgType, err
	done <- true

	revision := strings.TrimSpace(*gitRevision)
	if revision != "" {
		log.Printf("Checking out git revision %q\n", revision)
		if err := runGitCommandIn(filepath.Join(tempdir, "src", gopkg), "reset", "--hard", *gitRevision); err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Could not check out git revision %q: %v\n", revision, err)

		log.Printf("Refreshing %q\n", gopkg+"/...")
		done := make(chan bool)
		go progressSize("go get", filepath.Join(tempdir, "src"), done)

		cmd := exec.Command("go", "get", "-d", "-t", gopkg+"/...")
		cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
		cmd.Env = append([]string{
			fmt.Sprintf("GOPATH=%s", tempdir),
		}, passthroughEnv()...)

		if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
			done <- true
			return "", "", dependencies, autoPkgType, err
		done <- true

	if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(tempdir, "src", gopkg, "debian")); err == nil {
		log.Printf("WARNING: ignoring debian/ directory that came with the upstream sources\n")

	f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "dh-make-golang")
	tempfile := f.Name()
	base := filepath.Base(gopkg)
	dir := filepath.Dir(gopkg)
	cmd = exec.Command(
		fmt.Sprintf("--exclude=%s/debian", base),
	cmd.Dir = filepath.Join(tempdir, "src", dir)
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
	if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
		return "", "", dependencies, autoPkgType, err

	if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(tempdir, "src", gopkg, ".git")); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return "", "", dependencies, autoPkgType, fmt.Errorf("Not a git repository, dh-make-golang currently only supports git")

	log.Printf("Determining upstream version number\n")

	version, err := pkgVersionFromGit(filepath.Join(tempdir, "src", gopkg))
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", dependencies, autoPkgType, err

	log.Printf("Package version is %q\n", version)

	// If no import path defines a “main” package, we’re dealing with a
	// library, otherwise likely a program.
	log.Printf("Determining package type\n")
	cmd = exec.Command("go", "list", "-f", "{{.ImportPath}} {{.Name}}", gopkg+"/...")
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
	cmd.Env = append([]string{
		fmt.Sprintf("GOPATH=%s", tempdir),
	}, passthroughEnv()...)

	out, err := cmd.Output()
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", dependencies, autoPkgType, err
	for _, line := range strings.Split(string(out), "\n") {
		if strings.TrimSpace(line) == "" {
		if strings.Contains(line, "/vendor/") ||
			strings.Contains(line, "/Godeps/") ||
			strings.Contains(line, "/samples/") ||
			strings.Contains(line, "/examples/") ||
			strings.Contains(line, "/example/") {
		if strings.HasSuffix(line, " main") {
			if strings.TrimSpace(*pkgType) == "" {
				log.Printf("Assuming you are packaging a program (because %q defines a main package), use -type to override\n", line[:len(line)-len(" main")])
			autoPkgType = "program"

	log.Printf("Determining dependencies\n")

	cmd = exec.Command("go", "list", "-f", "{{join .Imports \"\\n\"}}\n{{join .TestImports \"\\n\"}}\n{{join .XTestImports \"\\n\"}}", gopkg+"/...")
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
	cmd.Env = append([]string{
		fmt.Sprintf("GOPATH=%s", tempdir),
	}, passthroughEnv()...)

	out, err = cmd.Output()
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", dependencies, autoPkgType, err

	var godependencies []string
	for _, p := range strings.Split(string(out), "\n") {
		if strings.TrimSpace(p) == "" {
		// Strip packages that are included in the repository we are packaging.
		if strings.HasPrefix(p, gopkg) {
		if p == "C" {
			// TODO: maybe parse the comments to figure out C deps from pkg-config files?
		} else {
			godependencies = append(godependencies, p)

	if len(godependencies) == 0 {
		return tempfile, version, dependencies, autoPkgType, nil

	// Remove all packages which are in the standard lib.
	args := []string{"list", "-f", "{{.ImportPath}}: {{.Standard}}"}
	args = append(args, godependencies...)

	cmd = exec.Command("go", args...)
	cmd.Dir = filepath.Join(tempdir, "src", gopkg)
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
	cmd.Env = append([]string{
		fmt.Sprintf("GOPATH=%s", tempdir),
	}, passthroughEnv()...)

	out, err = cmd.Output()
	if err != nil {
		return "", "", dependencies, autoPkgType, err

	for _, p := range strings.Split(string(out), "\n") {
		if strings.HasSuffix(p, ": false") {
			importpath := p[:len(p)-len(": false")]
			rr, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(importpath, false)
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("Could not determine repo path for import path %q: %v\n", importpath, err)
			dependencies[debianNameFromGopkg(rr.Root, "library")+"-dev"] = true
	return tempfile, version, dependencies, autoPkgType, nil
Esempio n. 17
File: plug.go Progetto: mijime/gplum
func (p *Plug) fetchRoot() (*vcs.RepoRoot, error) {
	return vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(p.Repo, false)
Esempio n. 18
// LoadDependencies is not done
func LoadDependencies(pkgs []string, ignores []string) ([]Dependency, error) {

	stdlib, err := golist.Std()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	pkgs, err = golist.Deps(pkgs...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// faster to remove stdlib
	pkgs = removeIfEquals(pkgs, stdlib)
	pkgs = removeIfSubstring(pkgs, ignores)

	deps, err := golist.Packages(pkgs...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	visited := make(map[string]string, len(deps))

	out := make([]Dependency, 0, len(deps))
	for _, v := range deps {
		src := filepath.Join(v.Root, "src")
		path := filepath.Join(src, filepath.FromSlash(v.ImportPath))
		cmd, _, err := vcs.FromDir(path, src)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("error computing vcs %s: %s", path, err)
		rr, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(v.ImportPath, false)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("error computing repo for %s: %s", v.ImportPath, err)
		e := Dependency{
			Package: v,
		e.Project.Repo = rr.Repo
		e.Project.VcsName = cmd.Name
		e.Project.VcsCmd = cmd.Cmd
		e.License = GetLicense(path)
		visited[v.ImportPath] = e.License.Type

		// if child have no license, parent has license, continue
		// if child has no license, parent has no license, carry on
		if e.License.Type == "" {
			lic, ok := visited[rr.Root]
			if ok && lic != "" {
				// case is child has no license, but parent does
				// => just ignore this package
			// if ok && lic = "" => dont look up parent

			if !ok {
				// first time checking parent
				parentpkg, err := golist.GetPackage(rr.Root)
				if err == nil {
					parent := Dependency{
						Package: parentpkg,
						Project: e.Project,
					path = filepath.Join(src, filepath.FromSlash(rr.Root))
					parent.License = GetLicense(path)
					visited[rr.Root] = parent.License.Type
					if parent.License.Type != "" {
						// case child has no license, parent does
						//  ignore child and use parent
						e = parent
		commit, err := GetLastCommit(path)
		if err == nil {
			e.Commit = commit

		e.Project.LicenseLink = LinkToFile(e.ImportPath, e.License.File, e.Commit.Rev)

		out = append(out, e)
	return out, err
Esempio n. 19
// CheckHandler handles the request for checking a repo
func CheckHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

	repo := r.FormValue("repo")

	repoRoot, err := vcs.RepoRootForImportPath(repo, true)
	if err != nil || repoRoot.Root == "" || repoRoot.Repo == "" {
		log.Println("Failed to create repoRoot:", repoRoot, err)
		b, marshalErr := json.Marshal("Please enter a valid 'go get'-able package name")
		if marshalErr != nil {
			log.Println("JSON marshal error:", marshalErr)

	log.Printf("Checking repo %q...", repo)

	forceRefresh := r.Method != "GET" // if this is a GET request, try to fetch from cached version in boltdb first
	resp, err := newChecksResp(repo, forceRefresh)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("ERROR: from newChecksResp:", err)
		b, marshalErr := json.Marshal("Could not go get the repository.")
		if marshalErr != nil {
			log.Println("JSON marshal error:", marshalErr)

	respBytes, err := json.Marshal(resp)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("ERROR: could not marshal json:", err)
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), 500)

	// write to boltdb
	db, err := bolt.Open(DBPath, 0755, &bolt.Options{Timeout: 1 * time.Second})
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Failed to open bolt database: ", err)
	defer db.Close()

	// is this a new repo? if so, increase the count in the high scores bucket later
	isNewRepo := false
	err = db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
		b := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoBucket))
		if b == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("repo bucket not found")
		isNewRepo = b.Get([]byte(repo)) == nil
		return nil
	if err != nil {

	// if this is a new repo, or the user force-refreshed, update the cache
	if isNewRepo || forceRefresh {
		err = db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
			log.Printf("Saving repo %q to cache...", repo)

			b := tx.Bucket([]byte(RepoBucket))
			if b == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("repo bucket not found")

			// save repo to cache
			err = b.Put([]byte(repo), respBytes)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// fetch meta-bucket
			mb := tx.Bucket([]byte(MetaBucket))
			if mb == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("high score bucket not found")

			// update total repos count
			if isNewRepo {
				err = updateReposCount(mb, resp, repo)
				if err != nil {
					return err

			return updateHighScores(mb, resp, repo)

		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Bolt writing error:", err)
