Esempio n. 1
func WaitTaskDone(task_id, auth string, onTik func(), onError func(error) bool, onDone func(lib.TaskResult) bool) (task_res lib.TaskResult, err error) {
	send_buf := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"task_id": "%s"}`, task_id))
	for {
		err = lib.PostJson(fmt.Sprintf("%s/task", FlaxtonContainerRepo), send_buf, &task_res, auth)
		if err != nil {
			if onError != nil {
				if onError(err) {
		} else {
			if task_res.Error || task_res.Done {
				if onDone != nil {
					if onDone(task_res) {
		if onTik != nil {
		time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
Esempio n. 2
func AddTask(auth, task_type, daemon string, data interface{}) (task_resp lib.TaskSendResponse, err error) {
	sdn_map := make(map[string]interface{})
	sdn_map["task_type"] = task_type
	sdn_map["daemon"] = daemon
	sdn_map["data"] = data
	var send_buf []byte
	send_buf, err = json.Marshal(sdn_map)
	if err != nil {
	err = lib.PostJson(fmt.Sprintf("%s/task/add", FlaxtonContainerRepo), send_buf, &task_resp, auth)
Esempio n. 3
func (fxd *FxDaemon) RunTasks() {
	var (
		send_buf       []byte
		marshal_error  error
		request_error  error
		current_tasks  []lib.Task
		current_result lib.TaskResult

	for {
		if len(fxd.PendingTasks) > 0 {
			current_tasks = make([]lib.Task, 0)
			current_tasks = append(current_tasks, fxd.PendingTasks...)
			fxd.PendingTasks = make([]lib.Task, 0) // Clearing tasks
			fmt.Println("Task: Got new ", len(current_tasks), "tasks")
			// Starting execution for current tasks
			// TODO: maybe we will need concurrent execution in future
			for _, t := range current_tasks {
				fmt.Println("Task: ", t.TaskID, t.Type)
				switch t.Type {
				case lib.TaskImageTransfer:
						current_result = lib.TaskResult{
							TaskID:    t.TaskID,
							StartTime: time.Now().UTC().Unix(),
							Error:     false,
							Done:      false,
							Message:   "",
						cont_call := make(map[string]string)
						err := t.ConvertData(&cont_call)
						if err != nil {
							current_result.Error = true
							current_result.Message = err.Error()
						} else {
							err = fxd.TransferImage(cont_call)
							if err != nil {
								current_result.Error = true
								current_result.Message = err.Error()
							} else {
								current_result.Done = true
								current_result.EndTime = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
				case lib.TaskSetDaemonName:
						name_map := make(map[string]string)
						err := t.ConvertData(&name_map)
						if err != nil {
							current_result.Error = true
							current_result.Message = err.Error()
						} else {
							fxd.Name = name_map["name"]
							current_result.Done = true
							current_result.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Daemon Name Registered %s", fxd.Name)
							current_result.EndTime = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
				case lib.TaskAddChildServer:
						child_map := make(map[string]ChildServer)
						err := t.ConvertData(&child_map)
						if err != nil {
							current_result.Error = true
							current_result.Message = err.Error()
						} else {
							var port int
							for k, ch := range child_map {
								port, _ = strconv.Atoi(k)
								if _, ok := fxd.BalancerPortChild[port]; !ok {
									fxd.BalancerPortChild[port] = make([]ChildServer, 0)
								fxd.BalancerPortChild[port] = append(fxd.BalancerPortChild[port], ch)
								current_result.Done = true
								current_result.EndTime = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
				case lib.TaskAddBalancingImage:
						im_map := make(map[string]BalancerImageInfo)
						err := t.ConvertData(&im_map)
						if err != nil {
							current_result.Error = true
							current_result.Message = err.Error()
						} else {
							var port int
							for k, im := range im_map {
								port, _ = strconv.Atoi(k)
								if _, ok := fxd.BalancerPortImages[port]; !ok {
									fxd.BalancerPortImages[port] = make([]BalancerImageInfo, 0)
								fxd.BalancerPortImages[port] = append(fxd.BalancerPortImages[port], im)
								go fxd.StartBalancerPort(port)
								current_result.Message = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d port balancing started for image %s\n", current_result.Message, port, im.ImageName)
							current_result.Done = true
							current_result.EndTime = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
				case lib.TaskStartBalancerPort:
						im_map := make(map[string]int)
						err := t.ConvertData(&im_map)
						if err != nil {
							current_result.Error = true
							current_result.Message = err.Error()
						} else {
							go fxd.StartBalancerPort(im_map["port"])
							current_result.Message = fmt.Sprintf("%d port balancing started", im_map["port"])
							current_result.Done = true
							current_result.EndTime = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
				case lib.TaskStopBalancerPort:
						im_map := make(map[string]int)
						err := t.ConvertData(&im_map)
						if err != nil {
							current_result.Error = true
							current_result.Message = err.Error()
						} else {
							go fxd.StopBalancerPort(im_map["port"])
							current_result.Message = fmt.Sprintf("%d port balancing stoped", im_map["port"])
							current_result.Done = true
							current_result.EndTime = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
				case lib.TaskStartContainer:
						im_map := make(map[string]docker.HostConfig) // ContainerID -> Container Host Config
						err := t.ConvertData(&im_map)
						if err != nil {
							current_result.Error = true
							current_result.Message = err.Error()
						} else {
							message := ""
							for cid, conf := range im_map {
								err = StartContainer(cid, &conf)
								if err != nil {
									message = fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s&", cid, err.Error(), message)
							if message != "" {
								current_result.Error = true
								current_result.Message = message
							} else {
								current_result.EndTime = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
				case lib.TaskStopContainer:
						im_map := make(map[string]uint) // ContainerID -> Stop Timeout
						err := t.ConvertData(&im_map)
						if err != nil {
							current_result.Error = true
							current_result.Message = err.Error()
						} else {
							message := ""
							for cid, t := range im_map {
								err = StopContainer(cid, t)
								if err != nil {
									message = fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s&", cid, err.Error(), message)
							if message != "" {
								current_result.Error = true
								current_result.Message = message
							} else {
								current_result.EndTime = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
				case lib.TaskPauseContainer:
						im_map := make([]string, 0) // ContainerID Array to pause
						err := t.ConvertData(&im_map)
						if err != nil {
							current_result.Error = true
							current_result.Message = err.Error()
						} else {
							message := ""
							for _, cid := range im_map {
								err = PauseContainer(cid)
								if err != nil {
									message = fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s&", cid, err.Error(), message)
							if message != "" {
								current_result.Error = true
								current_result.Message = message
							} else {
								current_result.EndTime = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
				case lib.TaskCreateContainer:
						im_map := make(map[string]docker.CreateContainerOptions) // ContainerName -> Creation Options
						err := t.ConvertData(&im_map)
						if err != nil {
							current_result.Error = true
							current_result.Message = err.Error()
						} else {
							message := ""
							for cname, opts := range im_map {
								err = CreateContainer(opts)
								if err != nil {
									message = fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s&", cname, err.Error(), message)
							if message != "" {
								current_result.Error = true
								current_result.Message = message
							} else {
								current_result.EndTime = time.Now().UTC().Unix()

						current_result.TaskID = "-1"

				if current_result.TaskID == "-1" {
					fmt.Println("Unknown Task Command", t.Type)
				} else {
					send_buf, marshal_error = json.Marshal(current_result)
					if marshal_error != nil {
					} else {
						request_error = lib.PostJson(fmt.Sprintf("%s/task", FlaxtonContainerRepo), send_buf, nil, fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s", fxd.AuthKey, fxd.ID))
						if request_error != nil {
						} else {
							fmt.Println("Task: Done ", t.TaskID, current_result.EndTime)
		time.Sleep(time.Second * 2)
Esempio n. 4
func RunArguments(args []string) {
	// Loading Configurations if file exists
	console_config := ConsoleConfig{}
	if _, err := os.Stat(FlaxtonConfigFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		logrus.Warn("Config File Doesent exisists, it will be created after authorization")
	} else {

	switch args[1] {
	case "-d", "daemon":
			daemon := fxdocker.NewDaemon(fxdocker.DockerEndpoint, false)
			if len(console_config.DaemonID) == 0 {
				fmt.Println("Generating ID for this server")
				console_config.DaemonID = lib.RandomString(25)
			daemon.AuthKey = console_config.Authorization
			daemon.ID = console_config.DaemonID
			next_args := args[1:]
			for i, arg := range args[1:] {
				switch arg {
				case "-balancer":
						local_port, _ := strconv.Atoi(next_args[i+1])
						image_port, _ := strconv.Atoi(next_args[i+3])
						daemon.BalancerPortImages[local_port] = make([]fxdocker.BalancerImageInfo, 0)
						daemon.BalancerPortImages[local_port] = append(daemon.BalancerPortImages[local_port], fxdocker.BalancerImageInfo{
							ImageName: next_args[i+2],
							ImagePort: image_port,
							Port:      local_port,
				case "-child":
						local_port, _ := strconv.Atoi(next_args[i+1])
						child_port, _ := strconv.Atoi(next_args[i+3])
						if len(daemon.BalancerPortChild[local_port]) == 0 {
							daemon.BalancerPortChild[local_port] = make([]fxdocker.ChildServer, 0)
						daemon.BalancerPortChild[local_port] = append(daemon.BalancerPortChild[local_port], fxdocker.ChildServer{
							IP:   next_args[i+2],
							Port: child_port,
				case "-offline":
						daemon.Offline = true
				case "stop-port":
						daemon_name := next_args[i+1]
						port_str := next_args[i+2]
						port, err := strconv.Atoi(port_str)
						if err != nil {
						sdn_map := make(map[string]int)
						sdn_map["port"] = port
						task_res, task_err := fxdocker.AddTask(daemon.AuthKey, lib.TaskStopBalancerPort, daemon_name, sdn_map)
						if task_err != nil {
						} else {
							fmt.Println("Task Sent !")
							fxdocker.WaitTaskDone(task_res.TaskId, daemon.AuthKey, func() {
							}, func(err error) bool {
								return false
							}, func(t lib.TaskResult) bool {
								return true
				case "map-image":
						daemon_name := next_args[i+1]
						port_str := next_args[i+2]
						port, err := strconv.Atoi(port_str)
						if err != nil {
						image := next_args[i+3]
						image_port_str := next_args[i+4]
						image_port, err2 := strconv.Atoi(image_port_str)
						if err2 != nil {
						sdn_map := make(map[string]fxdocker.BalancerImageInfo)
						sdn_map[port_str] = fxdocker.BalancerImageInfo{Port: port, ImageName: image, ImagePort: image_port}
						task_res, task_err := fxdocker.AddTask(daemon.AuthKey, lib.TaskAddBalancingImage, daemon_name, sdn_map)
						if task_err != nil {
						} else {
							fmt.Println("Task Sent !")
							fxdocker.WaitTaskDone(task_res.TaskId, daemon.AuthKey, func() {
							}, func(err error) bool {
								return false
							}, func(t lib.TaskResult) bool {
								return true
				case "list": // Get list of all daemons for current user
						var list_resp []fxdocker.FxDaemon
						request_error := lib.PostJson(fmt.Sprintf("%s/daemon/list", fxdocker.FlaxtonContainerRepo), []byte("{}"), &list_resp, console_config.Authorization)
						if request_error != nil {
							fmt.Println("Response Error: ", request_error.Error())
						fmt.Println("List of Daemons")
						for _, d := range list_resp {
							fmt.Println(d.ID, "     ", d.Name)
				case "pause-container":
						daemon_name := next_args[i+1]
						sdn_map := make([]string, 1)
						sdn_map[0] = next_args[i+2]
						_, task_err := fxdocker.AddTask(daemon.AuthKey, lib.TaskPauseContainer, daemon_name, sdn_map)
						if task_err != nil {
						} else {
							fmt.Println("Task Sent !")
				case "set_name":
						daemon_name := next_args[i+1]
						name := next_args[i+2]
						sdn_map := make(map[string]string)
						sdn_map["name"] = name
						_, task_err := fxdocker.AddTask(daemon.AuthKey, lib.TaskSetDaemonName, daemon_name, sdn_map)
						if task_err != nil {
						} else {
							fmt.Println("Task Sent !")
				case "help", "-h", "-help":
						fmt.Println("This command is for Starting Flaxton daemon load balancer and daemon API server")
						fmt.Println("Formant: flaxton daemon [COMMAND] <OPTIONS>")
						fmt.Println("set-name  : Set name for daemon, to access with human friendly names")
						fmt.Println("list  : List of daemon servers for current logged in user")
						fmt.Println("map-image  : Map image to balancer port for specific daemon: <balancer_name,id> <balancing_port> <image_name> <image_port>")
						fmt.Println("stop-port  : Stop balancing port for specific daemon: <balancer_name,id> <balancing port to stop>")
						fmt.Println("-balancer  : Options should be followed by this direction - local_port image_name image_port")
						fmt.Println("-child  : Add chaild server with this combination: [balancing port] [ip address]")
						fmt.Println("-offline  : If this parameter exists, then daemon will be working without server")

			request_error := daemon.Register()
			if request_error != nil {
				fmt.Println("Unable to register daemon: ", request_error.Error())

			fmt.Println("Starting Flaxton Daemon ", daemon.ID)

	case "-t", "transfer":
			if len(console_config.Authorization) == 0 {
				fmt.Printf("For this operation you need to login using your creditailes")
				fmt.Printf("flaxton login -u <username> -p <password>")
				fmt.Printf("Or If you don't have acount please register here")
			var (
				image       = ""
				run_command = ""
				daemon      = ""
				count       = ""
				cpu_share   = "0"
				mem_set     = "0"
			next_args := args[1:]
			for i, arg := range args[1:] {
				switch strings.ToLower(arg) {
				case "-img": // Container ID parameter
						image = next_args[i+1]
				case "-cmd": // Repo Name
						run_command = next_args[i+1]
				case "-cpu": // Repo Name
						cpu_share = next_args[i+1]
				case "-mem": // Repo Name
						mem_set = next_args[i+1]
				case "-daemon": // Destination Host
						daemon = next_args[i+1]
				case "-count": // Need to run or not
						count = next_args[i+1]
				case "help", "-h", "-help":
						fmt.Println("This command is for transfering container to another Flaxton Daemon")
						fmt.Println("Formant: flaxton transfer <OPTIONS>")
						fmt.Println("-img  : Docker local image name, id or repository")
						fmt.Println("-cmd  : If you want to start container after transfering, give this parameter as a run command")
						fmt.Println("-cpu  : number for CPU shares based on Docker cpu-share parameter")
						fmt.Println("-mem  : container RAM memory amount")
						fmt.Println("-count  : How many containers you want to start after transfering, default: 1")
						fmt.Println("-daemon  : Destionation Daemon Name or ID")

			fxdocker.TransferImage(image, daemon, run_command, cpu_share, mem_set, count, console_config.Authorization)
	case "-l", "login":
			var (
				username = ""
				password = ""
			next_args := args[1:]
			for i, arg := range args[1:] {
				switch strings.ToLower(arg) {
				case "-u":
						username = next_args[i+1]
				case "-p":
						hasher := md5.New()
						password = hex.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))
				case "help", "-h", "-help":
						fmt.Println("This command is for sign in to service for transfering and using containers on large clusters")
						fmt.Println("Formant: flaxton login <OPTIONS>")
						fmt.Println("-u  : Username for Flaxton")
						fmt.Println("-p  : Password for Flaxton")

			console_config.Authorization = fxdocker.FlaxtonConsoleLogin(username, password)
			console_config.Username = username
			fmt.Println("Login Successful !")