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Native Store Reader Writer (nativerw)

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Writes any raw content/data from native CMS in mongoDB without transformation. The same data can then be read from here just like from the original CMS.


You need Go to be installed. Please read about Go and about How to Write Go Code before jumping right in. For example, you will need Git, Mercurial, Bazaar installed and working, so that Go can use them to retrieve dependencies. For this additionally you will also need a computer etc. Hope this helps.

For the first time: go get

go install

Building docker

CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -mod=readonly -a -installsuffix cgo -o nativerw .
docker build -t coco/nativerw .


The following params can be injected in the nativerw app on startup through environment variables:

  • DB_CLUSTER_ADDRESS Database cluster address.
  • DB_USERNAME Username to connect to database.
  • DB_PASSWORD Password to connect to database.
  • CONFIG Config file in json format. If not set, the default config.json will be used.
  • TIDS_TO_SKIP Regular expression defining transaction-id's to be skipped from storing in nativerw
  • DISABLE-PURGE Disables the purge endpoint

To run locally against dev native store:

  1. Get the url and credentials for the instance in LastPass

    export DB_CLUSTER_ADDRESS=""
    export DB_USERNAME="username"
    export DB_PASSWORD="password"
  2. Run with the required ENV vars

    TIDS_TO_SKIP=none go run cmd/nativerw/main.go


The nativerw supports the following endpoints:

  • GET /{collection}/{uuid} retrieves the latest revision of native document, and returns it in either json or binary (depending on how it is saved).
  • GET /{collection}/{uuid}/revisions retrieves a list with all the revisions for a specific document
  • GET /{collection}/{uuid}/{revision} retrieves a specific revision of a document
  • POST /{collection}/{uuid} inserts a new native document for the given uuid/revision. If the specified revision already exists then no changes are written in the database and 200 OK is returned. Since the MongoDB is historized based on the revision field, the updates are treated as inserts in the database.
  • PATCH /{collection}/{uuid} updates specific fields for the given uuid/revision. If no revision is provided a new one is generated based on the current date/time
  • DELETE /{collection}/{uuid} marks a document as deleted in the store by inserting new revision in the MongoDB
  • DELETE /{collection}/purge/{uuid}/{revision} physically deletes a document revision from the store
  • GET /{collection}/__ids returns all uuids for the given collection on a best efforts' basis. If the collection is very large, the endpoint is likely to time out (timeout duration is hardcoded to 10s) before all uuids have been returned. This will be indistinguishable from a request which sends back the complete set of uuids, however, if there are less than ~10,000 uuids returned, you can be fairly confident you have the entire set.
  • GET /__gtg the good to go endpoint.
  • GET /__health the health endpoint.
