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##LibScan --

Concise blurb for github release

LibScan is like a special-purpose 'grep' for go libraries ------- about this long, to not get truncated in listing ----------

Download and Contact Info

[Written and tested for Windows only, using windows-specific package 'walk' as input]
Gmail address: PhilipRStephens

Preliminary Plan

Current intent has more to do with summarizing the contents of a library (repository or package) than tracing the subset actually in use, aiming to be at least a little more useful than the 2 files of grep results augmented by impromptu additional greps that I have been using mainly to find out 'can library X do function Y, and with what syntax using what library files'.

At minimum, need to detect comments (both single line and multi-line) so can ignore them <done in the sense of ignoring them, via scanner pkg>; might also detect comments that fit criteria of godoc and cgo <not attempted, and cannot do via scanner features, but might do otherwise>.

Main intent: detect declarations, eg const, of both single and multiple types; store that info, and format it for human readable print or file . Full parsing of Go syntax is NOT planned.

More advanced : detect usage (eg w/i declaration of a func or method), store it in something like a database, format it for human readable print or file, and trace threads of dependancy. This would go way beyond the minimal 'improvement on grep' goal, and is considered 'extra'.

What it is

Selected Project Concepts

How to use

Wishlist items

Selected Function & Struct Descriptions

Condensed History

The grep files that inspired this were created 2012.08.10, via 'grep -Inrw type * > ..\grep.type.all.txt' & 'grep -Inrw func * > ..\grep.func.all.txt' in a shell window (Git Shell) w/i Windows XP. Which misses a number of declarations, such as 4 struct definitions w/i a grouped type declaration. So I have had in the back of my mind since then to do something more specific to the Go programming language; at minimum slightly better than my grep files and at maximum a guide to what other parts of library are needed if one uses one of its features.

Project started 2012.10.10 when finished previous practice project, WCSG_TravellingSalesmanProblem (goLibrarian might be of more use to others than WCSG when semi-mature, but everything I do currently in Go is a practice project). Tentative plan is to share preliminary versions of this one as a work in progress, more than once a month but not daily.


LibScan is like a special-purpose 'grep' for go libraries






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