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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

#shareIt We all know the problem. You need to share a file with a customer but it's to big to attach it on e mail. Or a customer from you have to send you confidential data and you don't trust cloud hosters.

Now, there is a solution: shareIt

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  • Docker


docker run -e ADMIN_PW=yourSecretPW -p 9000:9000 n3r0ch/shareit

Create a new room under http://localhost:9000/admin. Afterward you can simply upload files. Every user who are knowing the room URL (http://localhost:9000/room#[secret-id]) are permitted to access, edit and delete all files in the given room.

##API It's also possible to access "shareIt" over a REST-API.

Method Route Description
GET /api/room/{id} Returns the current content of a room
POST /api/room Creates a new room (no parameter needed)
GET /api/room/{roomid}/file/{filename} Downloads the given file
DELETE /api/room/{roomid}/file/{filename} Deletes the given file 
POST /api/room/{roomid}/file Upload a file. If the given filename already exists, the old one will be overwritten


  • /data

All your uploaded files are stored under /data

##Exposed Ports

  • 9000

##Bugs and Issues If you have any problems with this image, feel free to open a new issue in our issue tracker

##License This image is licensed under the MIT License. The full license text is available under