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Notifications engine.

It means

the latest information; news.

google it

Table of contents

Concept and idea


Ident or topic

How does it work?


Clone the repo

$ go get

gin is used to to automatically compile files while you are developing

Then run

$ DEBUG=* go get && go install && gin -p 8911 -i

Now you should be able to access the below API's on port 8911.

MongoDB config is stored in config/conf.go.


$ go get
$ khabar


  1. Channels

  2. Add a new channel
POST /topic/<notification_ident>/channel/<channel_ident>

    org: "",
    user: "",
    ident: ""
  1. Remove a channel
DELETE /topic/<notification_ident>/channel/<channel_ident>

  org: "",
  user: "",
  ident: ""
  1. Get all channels
GET /channels

Query params:

- `org`: organization id
- `user`: user id

      "_id": "",
      "created_on": 1425545240236,
      "updated_on": 1425545240236,
      "user": "",
      "org": "",
      "app_name": "",
      "data": {
      "ident": ""
  1. Topics

  2. Add a new topic
POST /topic

    org: "123",
    user: "",
    ident: "",
    app_name: "myapp"

- `ident` is requred
- `org` is required
- `app_name` is required
  1. Remove a topic
DELETE /topic/<notification_ident>

    org: "",
    user: "",
    ident: ""
  1. Get all topics
GET /topics

Query params:

- `org`: organization id
- `user`: user id

    "_id": "",
    "created_on": 1425547531188,
    "updated_on": 1425879125700,
    "user": "",
    "org": "",
    "app_name": "",
    "channels": [
    "ident": ""
  1. Notifications

  2. Get all notifications
GET /notifications

Query params:

- `user`: user id
- `org`: organization id

    org: "",
    user: "",
    destination_uri: "",
    text: "",
    topic: "",
    destination_uri: "",
    created_on: <milliseconds_since_epoch>
   // and so on...

This can be polled periodically
  1. Mark a single notification as read
PUT /notification/:_id
  1. Mark all unread notifications as read
PUT /notifications

- `destination_uri`: Link to relevant entity. #### (i.e action, incident)
- `text`: Notification text
- `topic`: Notification topic

Some general conventions:

  • For all of the above request you must pass atleast one of the org or user or both

  • For all the listings, you get a status code of 200

  • When you create a resource you get a status code of 201

  • When you modify/delete a resource you get a status code of 204

  • Response for creation of an entity

      "body": "[ID of entity created]",
      "message": "Created",
      "status": 201
  • Response for modifying/deleting an entity

      "body": "",
      "message": "NoContent",
      "status": 204

Todo and future plans

  • Verify if the api's listed above are correct and update them.
  • Break the library into multiple pieces like types, api and only keep the business logic in this repo.
  • Spin up a nice demo.
  • Add the admin for managing topics etc.
  • Ability to use MONGODB_URL from environment variable.
  • Ability to listen on a specified port (--port from command line?) or via PORT environment variable.
  • Deployment and hosting.