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Dagr is a simple library for tracking measurements and writing them out in an InfluxDB line-protocol-friendly format.

Note: the Dagr and outflux APIs are currently unstable and may change during v0 development. I'll try to make these breaks infrequent, but keep in mind that these are being developed while being used, so I'll inevitably discover quirks in the API that I just have to fix and break something in the process. When this happens, the commit should make a note of the break.


As I see it, there are roughly two categories of measurements when dealing with a program: long-term stats and events. The next two sections attempt to elaborate on this, but they're roughly the same and just use different types and send models.


A long-term stat is something like the number of requests sent to an endpoint over its lifetime. Typically, you don't need to record each individual request, you just need to know how many requests have come in since the last time a measurement was sent. So, you keep a counter:

// Setup
counter := new(dagr.Int)
measurement := dagr.NewPoint("http_request",
	dagr.Tags{"host": "example.local", "method": "GET", "path": "/v1/parrots"},
	dagr.Fields{"count": counter},

// Handler of some kind
func (h Handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	// Atomically increment the counter

// Every now and then, write it to a stream that somehow gets over to InfluxDB:
go func() {
	for range time.Tick(time.Second) {
		// Ignoring any error that could be returned by WriteMeasurement
		WriteMeasurement(os.Stdout, measurement) // Replace os.Stdout with any io.Writer
		// Output:
		// http_event,host=example.local,method=GET,path=/v1/parrots count=123i 1136214245000000000

The above will keep a count for the number of times /v1/parrots is accessed, assuming the handler only handles that particular path. As a long-term thing, this is fairly useful, because we'd like to know how many people want a list of parrots. The important thing is that updates to the regular Dagr types, Int, Float, String, and Bool, are atomic: you can increment from multiple goroutines and the increment will only block for a minimal amount of time. This also means that you can update these fields mid-write without interrupting the write or causing a data race (but you may occasionally end up with slightly out of sync fields between two writes).

While the Int and Float types are useful as accumulators, you can also use Bool and String to keep global process state up to date in a Point, allowing you to periodically send whether the process is sleeping or what its current stage is (e.g., started vs. listener started vs. stopped).

Of course, you could also have short-time stats and allocate and expire them as needed. Dagr doesn't really enforce this model, it's just one way I think of things.


An event, on the other hand, is something short-lived but worth recording, like a really important error. For example:

// Setup
event := dagr.RawPoint{
	Key:    "recv_error",
	Tag:    dagr.Tags{"host": "example.local"},
	Fields: dagr.Fields{
		"fatal":   dagr.RawBool(true),
		"message": dagr.RawString("Parrot has been scritched"),
	Time:   time.Now(), // if omitted, WriteMeasurement will use time.Now() anyway

// And just send it once (again, ignoring errors)
WriteMeasurement(os.Stdout, event)
// Output:
// http_event,host=example.local fatal=T,message="Parrot has been scritched" 1136214245000000000
// Note that RawEvent does not guarantee tag or field order, unlike Point, so the above may not be
// exactly the same every time.

A RawPoint is just a simple Measurement implementation that satisfies the bare minimum needed to write a point in line protocol format. It also serves as a decent example for how to begin writing your own points, if necessary. More advanced usage can be seen in both Point and PointSet.

Naturally, you may want to alert off of such errors, because a hole in the space time continuum is known to create bunny people and generally leads to all sorts of chaos. Point is, these are two different use-cases Dagr was built to accommodate, and there are likely more it could handle.


If you want to contribute changes, create an issue to discuss what you want to do ahead of time.

Anything from bug fixes to documentation to tests to just correcting typos is welcome. Removing code is accepted with justification since the API is currently in breakable-when-good mode. Adding features requires the most justification just because dagr already contains code that could be removed.

Changes are reviewed on, so you'll need to be given access to it before you push any changes. If you're not familiar with Gerrit, its user guide (at is a good resource to check out first. If you need help with it, we'll work through it. You're welcome to submit a pull request while working on something if you're looking for cursory feedback before squashing it for review on

The only documentation requirement to contribute is that you must add your real name (i.e., the one you'd introduce yourself with, not the one on a birth certficiate), an email address you can be contacted at, and optionally a handle or alias to If this places an undue burden on you, please send me an email at or create a new issue so we can talk about it. This should be part of your first changeset if you're not already credited.


Dagr is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license. You should have received a copy of this license with Dagr in the LICENSE.txt file.