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Mayu provides a set of mechanisms to bootstrap PXE-enabled bare metal nodes that must follow a specific configuration with CoreOS. It sets up fleet meta-data, and patched versions of fleet, etcd, and docker when using Yochu.


Mayu requires some basic configuration and layer 2 connectivity to the rest of the nodes. Usually the cluster’s management node is used for this. The management node acts as a PXE server and should support three kinds of requests from the rest of the nodes: PXE, DHCP, and bootp. The rest of the nodes should be configured to boot via ethernet by default and share a network segment with the management node, so they get the PXE boot data from the management node on DHCP request.

You need dnsmasq (>= 2.75) installed. Make sure dnsmasq is not running via an init script or systemd after you installed it, as mayu starts its own dnsmasq. In case you don't want to care about this, you maybe want to use the docker image, where the dependency is built in. This eases the setup.

Further, mayu will keep track of all changes to the cluster by making git commits. This is a feature for production systems and requires git (> 1.7.4) installed. Use the -no-git flag when starting mayu to turn this feature off.

Developing Mayu requires the following tools to be installed.

  • wget
  • go-bindata
  • cpio

Getting Mayu

Download the latest tarball from here:

Clone the latest git repository version from here:

Get the latest docker image from here:

Running Mayu

Preparing configuration

Copy the default configuration and apply changes regarding your needs.

cp config.yaml.dist config.yaml

Run Mayu from source

start mayu:

make bin-dist
./mayu -cluster-directory cluster -v=12 -no-git

Run Mayu within a Docker container

docker run --rm -it \
  --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
  --net=host \
  -v $(pwd)/bin-dist/cluster:/opt/mayu/cluster \
  -v /etc/mayu/config.yaml:/opt/mayu/config/config.yaml \
  giantswarm/mayu \
  -v=12 -no-git

Or use the mayu.service unit file included in this repository.

For running mayu in a local VM you might want to add two more volumes, to enable DNS resultion by the dnsmasq included in mayu:

-v /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts -v /etc/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf

Further Steps

Check more detailed documentation: docs

Check code documentation: godoc

Future Development

  • Future directions/vision


Contributing & Reporting Bugs

See CONTRIBUTING for details on submitting patches, the contribution workflow as well as reporting bugs.


Mayu is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.

Origin of the Name

mayu (まゆ[繭] pronounced "mah-yoo") is Japanese for cocoon.


Mayu helps you to provision a cluster of bare metal machines with CoreOS



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  • Go 85.9%
  • Makefile 7.2%
  • Shell 4.9%
  • HTML 2.0%