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ostent collects and displays system metrics and optionally relays to Graphite and/or InfluxDB.

The displaying part (demo) is interactive and customizable.


The metrics:

  • Collected and exported:
    • RAM, swap usage
    • Interfaces bytes, packets, errors ins and outs
    • CPU usage
    • Disk usage
    • Load average
  • On display only:
    • System's OS, IP and uptime
    • Processes top
    • vagrant global-status

The exporting to Graphite and InfluxDB is kept on par with collectd reporting to Graphite with StoreRates true, although the metrics naming is slightly different.


ostent a single executable without dependecies, no extra files required (everything is builtin). Drop it in and just run; being root is unnecesary. There're flags if you have to.

Run the code if you want to, otherwise grab a binary.

Install Release binaries

These binaries self-upgrade whenever there's new stable release and distributed by GitHub Releases.

Install & run with curl -sSL | sh


FreeBSD (10 amd64 and i386 probably) is to be published with a new release. The master code is runnable already.


Usage of ostent:
  -bind=:8050: Bind address
  -update=1s: Collection interval

  -sendto-graphite=: Graphite server address
  -graphite-refresh=10s: Graphite refresh interval

  -sendto-influxdb=: InfluxDB server URL
  -influxdb-database="ostent": InfluxDB database
  -influxdb-password="": InfluxDB password
  -influxdb-refresh=10s: InfluxDB refresh interval
  -influxdb-username="": InfluxDB username

Unless -bind (-b for short) is set, ostent binds to *:8050. The bind and Graphite addresses are specified like IP[:port] (default ports being 8050 and 2003 respectively). InfluxDB server must be specified as an URL http://ADDRESS. An interval is a number and a unit: s for seconds, m for minutes etc.

Here's how it goes:

$ ostent                                     ________________
[ostent]    -------------                   < Spot the links >
[ostent]  / server ostent \                  ----------------
[ostent] +------------------------------+           \   ^__^
[ostent] |        |            \  (oo)\_______
[ostent] |------------------------------|               (__)\       )\/\
[ostent] |      |                   ||----w |
[ostent] +------------------------------+                   ||     ||

Running the code

Have your GOPATH environment set, gvm is a must.

  1. go get
  2. ostent to run.

For rebuilding the code and assets:

  1. Find src/ directory in GOPATH.
  2. Run make init once and later for packages update (think go get -u)
  3. make or make al when rerun does rebuilding.

Repeat 3. every time sources (esp. assets) change. rerun does live-reloading run: rerun

For a fork, to preserve import paths and packages namespace, clone your fork as if it was package for Go:

  1. go get
  2. Find src/ directory in GOPATH.
  3. Replace it with you fork clone.
  4. Continue with rebuilding steps above.


make rebuilds these commited to the repo files:

  • share/templates/bindata.*.go
  • share/assets/bindata.*.go
  • share/assets/js/src/milk/*.js
  • share/assets/js/src/gen/*.js
  • share/templates/*.html
  • share/assets/css/*.css
  • share/tmp/*.jsx

If you don't change source files, content re-generated should not differ from the commited. Whenever share/{ace.templates,style,coffee} modified, you have to re-make.

Additional tools required for assets rebuilding:

The main package has two main.go files: rerun will find; the other main.bin.go (used when building with -tags bin) is the init code for the distributed binaries: also includes goagain recovering and self-upgrading via go-update.

The assets

The binaries, to be stand-alone, have the assets and templates embeded. Unless you specifically build with -tags bin (e.g with make), the content is not embeded for the ease of development: with rerun, asset requests are served from the actual files. Bin-built ostent restore-assets can be used to copy (extract) assets on disk.


collects and displays system metrics and optionally relays to Graphite and/or InfluxDB






No packages published


  • Go 39.6%
  • CSS 36.6%
  • JavaScript 15.5%
  • HTML 5.0%
  • CoffeeScript 2.0%
  • Makefile 1.1%
  • Shell 0.2%