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golbot - A Lua scriptable chat bot

golbot is a Lua scriptable chat bot written in Go.

Supported procotols

  • IRC
  • Slack
  • Hipchat
  • RocketChat


go get

Getting started

golbot init PROTOCOL # golbot.lua will be generated
golbot run

Scripting with Lua

Here is a default config script for IRC :

local golbot = require("golbot")                           -- 1
local json = require("json")
local charset = require("charset")
-- local re = require("re")
-- local requests = require("requests")
-- local sh = require("sh")
-- local fs = require("fs")

function main()
  mynick = "golbot"
  myname = "golbot"
  msglog = golbot.newlogger({"seelog", type="adaptive", mininterval="200000000", maxinterval="1000000000", critmsgcount="5",
        {"format", id="main", format="%Date(2006-01-02 15:04:05) %Msg"},
      {"outputs", formatid="main",
        {"filter", levels="trace,debug,info,warn,error,critical",

  local bot = golbot.newbot("IRC", {                       -- 2
    nickname = mynick,
    username = myname,
    conn = "localhost:6667,#test",
    useTLS = false,
    password = "password",
    http = "",
    log = {"seelog", type="adaptive", mininterval="200000000", maxinterval="1000000000", critmsgcount="5",
        {"format", id="main", format="%Date(2006-01-02 15:04:05) [%Level] %Msg"},
      {"outputs", formatid="main",
        {"filter", levels="trace,debug,info,warn,error,critical",

  bot:respond([[\s*(\d+)\s*\+\s*(\d+)\s*]], function(m, e) -- 3
    bot:say(, tostring(tonumber(m[2]) + tonumber(m[3])))

  bot:on("PRIVMSG", function(e)                            -- 4
    local ch = e.arguments[1]
    local nick = e.nick
    local user = e.user
    local source = e.source
    local msg = e:message()
    if nick == mynick then

    msglog:printf("%s\t%s\t%s", ch, source, msg)
    bot.raw:privmsg(ch, msg)                               -- 5
    goworker({channel=ch, message=msg, nick=nick})         -- 6

  bot:serve(function(msg)                                  -- 7
    if msg.type == "say" then
      bot:say(, msg.message)
      respond(msg, true)                                   -- 8

function worker(msg)                                       -- 9
  notifymain({type="say",, message="accepted"}) -- 10

function http(r)                                           -- 11
  if r.method == "POST" and r.URL.path == "/say" then
    local msg = json.decode(r:readbody())
    local ok, success = requestmain({type="say",, message=msg.message) -- 12
    if ok and success then
      return 200,
               {"Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"}
      return 406,
               {"Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"}
  return 400,
           {"Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"}
         "NOT FOUND"
    1. requires golbot library.
    1. creates new bot.
    • #1 : chat type. currently supports "IRC", "Slack", "Hipchat" and "Rocket"
    • #2 : options(including protocol specific) as a table
      • Common options are:
        • log :
          • function : function to log system messages( function(msg:string) end )
          • table : seelog XML configuration as a lua table to log system messages
        • http : Address with port for binding HTTP REST API server
      • nickname, username, conn, userTLS and password are IRC specific options
    1. adds a callback that will be called when bot receives a message. respond will be called only when the message contains a mention to the bot.
    • #1 : regular expression(this value will be evaluated by Go's regexp package)
    • #2 : callback function
      • m(table) : captured groups as a list of strings.
      • e(object) : message event object:
        • target(string)
        • from(string)
        • message(string)
        • raw(object): underlying procotol specific object
    1. adds a callback for procotol specific events.
    • #1 : event name
    • #2 : callback function
      • e(object) : procotol specific event object
    1. calls underlying procotol specific client methods.
    1. creates a new goroutine and sends a message to it.
    1. starts main goroutine.
    • #1 : callback function that will be called when messages are sent by worker goroutines. The callback function that will be called when messages are sent by main gorougine.
    1. responds to the message from other goroutines.
    1. a function that will be executed in worker goroutines.
    1. sends a message to the main goroutine.
    1. a function that will be executed when http requests are arrived.
    1. sends a message to the main goroutine and receives a result from the main goroutine.


golbot uses go-ircevent as an IRC client, GopherLua as a Lua script runtime, and gopher-luar as a data converter between Go and Lua.

  • golbot init irc generates a default lua config for IRC bots.
  • golbot.newbot creates new *irc.Connection (in go-ircevent) object wrapped by gopher-luar, so bot.raw has same methods as *irc.Connection .
  • Protocol specific event object has same method as *irc.Event
  • Protocol specific event names are same as first argument of *irc.Connection#AddCallback .
  • Protocol specific options for golbot.newbot are:
    • conn(string) : "host:port,#channel,#channel..."
    • useTLS(bool)
    • password(string)
  • There is no official "mention" functionallity in IRC. @nick, :nick and \nick are treated as a mention in respond.


golbot uses slack as a Slack client.

  • golbot init slack generates a default lua config for Slack bots.
  • golbot.newbot creates new *slack.RTM (in slack) object wrapped by gopher-luar, so bot.raw has same methods as *slack.RTM .
  • Protocol specific event object has same method as *slack.*Event. Events are listed near line 349 of websocket_managed_conn.go .
  • Protocol specific event names are same as message type of Slack API
  • Protocol specific options for golbot.newbot are:
    • token(string) : Bot token


golbot uses hipchat as a Hipchat XMPP client.

  • golbot init hipchat generates a default lua config for Hipchat bots.
  • golbot.newbot creates new *hipchat.Client (in hipchat) object wrapped by gopher-luar, so bot.raw has same methods as *hipchat.Client .
  • Protocol specific event object has same method as *hipchat.Message.
  • Protocol specific event names are
    • "message"
  • Protocol specific options for golbot.newbot are:
    • user(string) : Hipchat XMPP user name. You can find it on the Hipchat account page(
    • password(string) : password
    • host(string) : hostname like "".
    • conf(string) : conf hostname like "".
    • auth_type(string) : authentication type. ( "plain" or "oauth" )
    • room_jids(list of string): XMPP JIDs like {"", ""}

As described above golbot can also act as an HTTP(S) server, so you can use golbot as your own integration for Hipchat.

local golbot = require("golbot")
local json = require("json")
local requests = require("requests")

function main()
  golbot.newbot("Null", { http = "" }):serve(function() end)

local headers = {
  {"Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"}

function http(r)
  if r.method == "POST" and r.URL.path == "/webhook" then
    local data = assert(json.decode(r:readbody()))
    local message = data.item.message.message
    local user =
    local room =

    local ret = {
      message = "hello! from webhook",
      message_format = "html"

    return 200, headers, json.encode(ret)
  return 400, headers, json.encode({result="not found"})


golbot uses gorocket as a RocketChat client.

  • golbot init rocket generates a default lua config for RocketChat bots.
  • golbot.newbot creates new *realtime.Client (in gorocket) object wrapped by gopher-luar, so bot.raw has same methods as *realtime.Client .
  • Protocol specific event object has same method as *apl.Message.
  • Protocol specific options for golbot.newbot are:
    • url(string) : RocketChat url
    • name(string) : User name
    • email(string) : User email
    • password(string) : User password
    • channnels(string) : Comma-separated channels to join such as "general,releasejobs" .


golbot is integrated with seelog . golbot.newlog(tbl) creates a new logger that has a printf method.

  log = golbot.newlog(conf)
  log:printf("[info] msg")

First word surrounded by [] is a log level in seelog. Rest are actual messages.

Working with non-UTF8 servers

charset module provides character set conversion functions.

  • charset.encode(string, charset) : converts string from utf-8 to charset .
  • charset.decode(string, charset) : converts string from charset to utf-8 .


bot:say("#ch", charset.encode("こんにちわ", "iso-2022-jp"))

bot:respond(".*", function(m, e)
  bot.log:printf("%s", charset.decode(e.message, "iso-2022-jp"))

Groutine model

golbot consists of multiple goroutines.

  • main goroutine : connects and communicates with chat servers.
  • worker goroutines : typically execute function may takes a long time.
  • http goroutines : handle REST API requests.

Consider, for example, the case of deploying web applications when receives a special message.

  bot:respond("do_deploy", function(m, e)

do_deploy() may takes a minute, main goroutine is locked all the time. For avoiding this, do_deploy should be executed in worker goroutines via messaging(internally, golbot uses Go channels).

function main()
  -- blah blah
  bot:respond("do_deploy", function(m, e)
     goworker({, message="do_deploy"})
     bot:say(, "Your deploy request is accepted. Please wait a minute.")

    bot:say(, msg.message)

function worker(msg)
  if msg.message == "do_deploy" then
    notifymain({, message="do_deploy successfully completed!"})

golbot provides functions that simplify communications between goroutines through channels.

  • goworker(msg:table) : creates a new goroutine and sends the msg to it.
  • notifymain(msg:table) : sends the msg to the main goroutine.
  • requestmain(msg:table) : sends the msg to the main goroutine and receives a result from the main goroutine.
  • respond(requestmsg:table, result:any) : sends the result to the requestor.


If the http global function exists in the golbot.lua, REST API feature will be enabled.

function http(r)
  if r.method == "POST" and r.URL.path == "/say" then
    local msg = json.decode(r:readbody())
    local ok, success = requestmain({type="say",, message=msg.message})
    if ok and success then
      return 200,
               {"Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"}
      return 406,
               {"Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"}
  return 400,
           {"Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"}
         "NOT FOUND"

http function receives net/http#Request object wrapped by gopher-luar .

http function must return 3 objects:

  • HTTP status:number : HTTP status code.
  • headers:table : a table contains response headers.
  • contents:string : response body.

http function will be executed in its own thread. You can use notify* and request* functions for communicating with other goroutines.

TLS support

An https global function and an https option for golbot.newbot enable TLS support.

  local bot = golbot.newbot("IRC", {                       -- 2
      -- blah blah...
    https = {
      addr = "",
      cert = "server.crt",
      key  = "server.key"

  function https(r)
    -- same as `http`

Make HTTP requests

requests module provides some utilities for making HTTP requests.

  • requests.request(opt:table)
    • #1 : options
      • method(string) : HTTP method, such as "GET". This defaults to "GET" .
      • url(string) : URL
      • data(string) : Request body
      • param : List of parameters such as {name1, value1, name2, value2}
        • If method is GET, this value will be sent as query strings.
        • Otherwise, this value will be sent as a form-urlencoded value and Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded header will also be sent.
      • headers : List of headers such as {name1, value1, name2, value2}
    • Retuens body(string) and response(net/http#Response wrapped by gopher-luar) if succeeded or nil and error(string) .
  • requests.json(opt:table)
    • #1 : options. Almost same as requests.request. The following additional options are available.
      • json(table) : This value will be encoded into a json string and sent as a request body.
    • Retuens obj(table) and response(net/http#Response wrapped by gopher-luar) if succeeded or nil and error(string) .
    • Content-type: application/json header will automatically be added to the request headers.
body, response = requests.request({
                   headers={"Content-Type", "application/json"},
                   data=json.encode(data) })
-- same as above
obj, response =  requests.json({
                   json=data })

Execute scheduled jobs

A crons option for golbot.newbot enables cron like scheduled jobs.

function main()
  golbot.newbot("Null", { 
    http = "" ,
    crons = {
      { "0 * * * * * ", "job1"}
  }):serve(function() end)

function job1()
  print "hello!"

golbot uses cron to implement this functionality, first element of a job can be 'CRON Expression Format' in cron .

Bundled Lua libraries


Yusuke Inuzuka


BSD License


A single binary Lua scriptable chat bot with REST API support written in Go






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