コード例 #1
ファイル: file_logger.go プロジェクト: viovanov/bosh-agent
// New returns a new logger (that writes to the specified file) & the open file handle
// All log levels >= the specified level are written to the specified file.
// User is responsible for closing the returned file handle, unless an error is returned.
func New(level boshlog.LogLevel, filePath string, fileMode os.FileMode, fs boshsys.FileSystem) (boshlog.Logger, boshsys.File, error) {
	file, err := fs.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, fileMode)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, file, bosherr.WrapErrorf(err, "Failed to open log file '%s'", filePath)

	return boshlog.NewWriterLogger(level, file, file), file, nil
コード例 #2
package logger_test

import (
	agentlogger "github.com/cloudfoundry/bosh-agent/bootstrapper/logger"
	. "github.com/cloudfoundry/bosh-agent/internal/github.com/onsi/ginkgo"
	. "github.com/cloudfoundry/bosh-agent/internal/github.com/onsi/gomega"

var _ = Describe("Signalable logger debug", func() {
	Describe("when SIGSEGV is recieved", func() {
		It("it dumps all goroutines to stderr", func() {
			errBuf := bytes.NewBufferString("")
			outBuf := bytes.NewBufferString("")
			signalChannel := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
			writerLogger := logger.NewWriterLogger(logger.LevelError, outBuf, errBuf)
			_, doneChannel := agentlogger.NewSignalableLogger(writerLogger, signalChannel)

			signalChannel <- syscall.SIGSEGV

			Expect(errBuf).To(ContainSubstring("Dumping goroutines"))
			Expect(errBuf).To(ContainSubstring("goroutine 5 [syscall]"))
コード例 #3
ファイル: server_test.go プロジェクト: viovanov/bosh-agent

	It("returns error if server fails to listen", func() {
		listenerProvider = func(protocol, Iaddr string) (net.Listener, error) {
			return nil, errors.New("Fail!")
		server := NewServer(10, listenerProvider, logger)
		err := server.Start(nil)

	It("logs parsing error to error log if parsing syslog message fails", func() {
		outBuf := bytes.NewBufferString("")
		errBuf := newLockedWriter(bytes.NewBufferString(""))
		logger := boshlog.NewWriterLogger(boshlog.LevelDebug, outBuf, errBuf)
		server = NewServer(serverPort, listenerProvider, logger)

		doneCh := make(chan struct{})
		go server.Start(captureNMsgs(doneCh, 2))

		conn, err := waitToDial()

		fmt.Fprintf(conn, "<38>Jan  1 00:00:00 localhost sshd[22636]: msg1\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(conn, "invalid-syslog-format\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(conn, "<38>Jan  1 00:00:00 localhost sshd[22636]: msg2\n")


		err = server.Stop()
コード例 #4
ファイル: app_test.go プロジェクト: viovanov/bosh-agent
func init() {
	Describe("App", func() {
		var (
			baseDir       string
			agentConfPath string
			agentConfJSON string
			app           App

		BeforeEach(func() {
			var err error

			baseDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "go-agent-test")

			err = os.Mkdir(filepath.Join(baseDir, "bosh"), os.ModePerm)

		BeforeEach(func() {
			agentConfPath = filepath.Join(baseDir, "bosh", "agent.json")

			agentConfJSON = `{
					"Infrastructure": { "Settings": { "Sources": [{ "Type": "CDROM", "FileName": "/fake-file-name" }] } }

			settingsPath := filepath.Join(baseDir, "bosh", "settings.json")

			settingsJSON := `{
				"agent_id": "my-agent-id",
				"blobstore": {
					"options": {
						"bucket_name": "george",
						"encryption_key": "optional encryption key",
						"access_key_id": "optional access key id",
						"secret_access_key": "optional secret access key"
					"provider": "dummy"
				"disks": {
					"ephemeral": "/dev/sdb",
					"persistent": {
						"vol-xxxxxx": "/dev/sdf"
					"system": "/dev/sda1"
				"env": {
					"bosh": {
						"password": "******"
				"networks": {
					"netA": {
						"default": ["dns", "gateway"],
						"ip": "ww.ww.ww.ww",
						"dns": [
					"netB": {
						"dns": [
				"Mbus": "https://*****:*****@",
				"ntp": [
				"vm": {
					"name": "vm-abc-def"

			err := ioutil.WriteFile(settingsPath, []byte(settingsJSON), 0640)

		JustBeforeEach(func() {
			err := ioutil.WriteFile(agentConfPath, []byte(agentConfJSON), 0640)

			logger := boshlog.NewLogger(boshlog.LevelNone)
			fakefs := boshsys.NewOsFileSystem(logger)
			app = New(logger, fakefs)

		AfterEach(func() {

		It("Sets up device path resolver on platform specific to infrastructure", func() {
			err := app.Setup([]string{"bosh-agent", "-P", "dummy", "-C", agentConfPath, "-b", baseDir})


		Context("when DevicePathResolutionType is 'virtio'", func() {
			BeforeEach(func() {
				agentConfJSON = `{
					"Platform": { "Linux": { "DevicePathResolutionType": "virtio" } },
					"Infrastructure": { "Settings": { "Sources": [{ "Type": "CDROM", "FileName": "/fake-file-name" }] } }

			It("uses a VirtioDevicePathResolver", func() {
				err := app.Setup([]string{"bosh-agent", "-P", "dummy", "-C", agentConfPath, "-b", baseDir})
				logLevel, err := boshlog.Levelify("DEBUG")

					BeAssignableToTypeOf(devicepathresolver.NewVirtioDevicePathResolver(nil, nil, boshlog.NewLogger(logLevel))))

		Context("when DevicePathResolutionType is 'scsi'", func() {
			BeforeEach(func() {
				agentConfJSON = `{
					"Platform": { "Linux": { "DevicePathResolutionType": "scsi" } },
					"Infrastructure": { "Settings": { "Sources": [{ "Type": "CDROM", "FileName": "/fake-file-name" }] } }

			It("uses a VirtioDevicePathResolver", func() {
				err := app.Setup([]string{"bosh-agent", "-P", "dummy", "-C", agentConfPath, "-b", baseDir})

					BeAssignableToTypeOf(devicepathresolver.NewScsiDevicePathResolver(0, nil)))

		Context("logging stemcell version and git sha", func() {
			var (
				logger                  boshlog.Logger
				outBuf                  *bytes.Buffer
				fakeFs                  boshsys.FileSystem
				stemcellVersionFilePath string
				stemcellSha1FilePath    string

			JustBeforeEach(func() {
				outBuf = bytes.NewBufferString("")
				errBuf := bytes.NewBufferString("")
				logger = boshlog.NewWriterLogger(boshlog.LevelDebug, outBuf, errBuf)
				fakeFs = fakesys.NewFakeFileSystem()
				dirProvider := boshdirs.NewProvider(baseDir)
				stemcellVersionFilePath = filepath.Join(dirProvider.EtcDir(), "stemcell_version")
				stemcellSha1FilePath = filepath.Join(dirProvider.EtcDir(), "stemcell_git_sha1")
				app = New(logger, fakeFs)

			Context("when stemcell version and sha files are present", func() {
				It("should print out the stemcell version and sha in the logs", func() {
					fakeFs.WriteFileString(stemcellVersionFilePath, "version-blah")
					fakeFs.WriteFileString(stemcellSha1FilePath, "sha1-blah")
					app.Setup([]string{"bosh-agent", "-P", "dummy", "-C", agentConfPath, "-b", baseDir})
					Expect(string(outBuf.Bytes())).To(ContainSubstring("Running on stemcell version 'version-blah' (git: sha1-blah)"))

			Context("when stemcell version file is NOT present", func() {
				It("should print out the sha in the logs", func() {
					fakeFs.WriteFileString(stemcellSha1FilePath, "sha1-blah")
					app.Setup([]string{"bosh-agent", "-P", "dummy", "-C", agentConfPath, "-b", baseDir})
					Expect(string(outBuf.Bytes())).To(ContainSubstring("Running on stemcell version '?' (git: sha1-blah)"))

			Context("when sha version file is NOT present", func() {
				It("should print out the stemcell version in the logs", func() {
					fakeFs.WriteFileString(stemcellVersionFilePath, "version-blah")
					app.Setup([]string{"bosh-agent", "-P", "dummy", "-C", agentConfPath, "-b", baseDir})
					Expect(string(outBuf.Bytes())).To(ContainSubstring("Running on stemcell version 'version-blah' (git: ?)"))

			Context("when stemcell version file is empty", func() {
				It("should print out the sha in the logs", func() {
					fakeFs.WriteFileString(stemcellVersionFilePath, "")
					fakeFs.WriteFileString(stemcellSha1FilePath, "sha1-blah")
					app.Setup([]string{"bosh-agent", "-P", "dummy", "-C", agentConfPath, "-b", baseDir})
					Expect(string(outBuf.Bytes())).To(ContainSubstring("Running on stemcell version '?' (git: sha1-blah)"))

			Context("when sha version file is empty", func() {
				It("should print out the stemcell version in the logs", func() {
					fakeFs.WriteFileString(stemcellVersionFilePath, "version-blah")
					fakeFs.WriteFileString(stemcellSha1FilePath, "")
					app.Setup([]string{"bosh-agent", "-P", "dummy", "-C", agentConfPath, "-b", baseDir})
					Expect(string(outBuf.Bytes())).To(ContainSubstring("Running on stemcell version 'version-blah' (git: ?)"))

			Context("when stemcell version and sha files are NOT present", func() {
				It("should print unknown version and sha in the logs", func() {
					app.Setup([]string{"bosh-agent", "-P", "dummy", "-C", agentConfPath, "-b", baseDir})
					Expect(string(outBuf.Bytes())).To(ContainSubstring("Running on stemcell version '?' (git: ?)"))