コード例 #1
ファイル: container.go プロジェクト: vmware/vic
// validateCreateConfig() checks the parameters for ContainerCreate().
// It may "fix up" the config param passed into ConntainerCreate() if needed.
func validateCreateConfig(config *types.ContainerCreateConfig) error {
	defer trace.End(trace.Begin("Container.validateCreateConfig"))

	// process cpucount here
	var cpuCount int64 = DefaultCPUs

	// support windows client
	if config.HostConfig.CPUCount > 0 {
		cpuCount = config.HostConfig.CPUCount
	} else {
		// we hijack --cpuset-cpus in the non-windows case
		if config.HostConfig.CpusetCpus != "" {
			cpus := strings.Split(config.HostConfig.CpusetCpus, ",")
			if c, err := strconv.Atoi(cpus[0]); err == nil {
				cpuCount = int64(c)
			} else {
				return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing CPU count: %s", err)
	config.HostConfig.CPUCount = cpuCount

	// fix-up cpu/memory settings here
	if cpuCount < MinCPUs {
		config.HostConfig.CPUCount = MinCPUs
	log.Infof("Container CPU count: %d", config.HostConfig.CPUCount)

	// convert from bytes to MiB for vsphere
	memoryMB := config.HostConfig.Memory / units.MiB
	if memoryMB == 0 {
		memoryMB = MemoryDefaultMB
	} else if memoryMB < MemoryMinMB {
		memoryMB = MemoryMinMB

	// check that memory is aligned
	if remainder := memoryMB % MemoryAlignMB; remainder != 0 {
		log.Warnf("Default container VM memory must be %d aligned for hotadd, rounding up.", MemoryAlignMB)
		memoryMB += MemoryAlignMB - remainder

	config.HostConfig.Memory = memoryMB
	log.Infof("Container memory: %d MB", config.HostConfig.Memory)

	if config.NetworkingConfig == nil {
		config.NetworkingConfig = &dnetwork.NetworkingConfig{}

	if config.HostConfig == nil || config.Config == nil {
		return BadRequestError("invalid config")

	// validate port bindings
	if config.HostConfig != nil {
		var ips []string
		if addrs, err := externalIPv4Addrs(); err != nil {
			log.Warnf("could not get address for external interface: %s", err)
		} else {
			ips = make([]string, len(addrs))
			for i := range addrs {
				ips[i] = addrs[i].IP.String()

		for _, pbs := range config.HostConfig.PortBindings {
			for _, pb := range pbs {
				if pb.HostIP != "" && pb.HostIP != "" {
					// check if specified host ip equals any of the addresses on the "client" interface
					found := false
					for _, i := range ips {
						if i == pb.HostIP {
							found = true
					if !found {
						return InternalServerError("host IP for port bindings is only supported for and the external interface IP address")

				start, end, _ := nat.ParsePortRangeToInt(pb.HostPort)
				if start != end {
					return InternalServerError("host port ranges are not supported for port bindings")

	// TODO(jzt): users other than root are not currently supported
	// We should check for USER in config.Config.Env once we support Dockerfiles.
	if config.Config.User != "" && config.Config.User != "root" {
		return InternalServerError("Failed to create container - users other than root are not currently supported")

	// https://github.com/vmware/vic/issues/1378
	if len(config.Config.Entrypoint) == 0 && len(config.Config.Cmd) == 0 {
		return derr.NewRequestNotFoundError(fmt.Errorf("No command specified"))

	// Was a name provided - if not create a friendly name
	if config.Name == "" {
		//TODO: Assume we could have a name collison here : need to
		// provide validation / retry CDG June 9th 2016
		config.Name = namesgenerator.GetRandomName(0)

	return nil