コード例 #1
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: marble58/tiedot
// Read Linux system VM parameters and print performance configuration advice when necessary.
func linuxPerfAdvice() {
	readFileIntContent := func(filePath string) (contentInt int, err error) {
		content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
		if err != nil {
		contentInt, err = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(string(content)))
	swappiness, err := readFileIntContent("/proc/sys/vm/swappiness")
	if err != nil {
		tdlog.Notice("Non-fatal - unable to offer performance advice based on vm.swappiness.")
	} else if swappiness > 30 {
		tdlog.Noticef("System vm.swappiness is very high (%d), for optimium performance please lower it below 30.", swappiness)
	dirtyRatio, err := readFileIntContent("/proc/sys/vm/dirty_ratio")
	if err != nil {
		tdlog.Notice("Non-fatal - unable to offer performance advice based on vm.dirty_ratio.")
	} else if dirtyRatio < 50 {
		tdlog.Noticef("System vm.dirty_ratio is very low (%d), for optimium performance please raise it above 50.", dirtyRatio)
	dirtyBGRatio, err := readFileIntContent("/proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio")
	if err != nil {
		tdlog.Notice("Non-fatal - unable to offer performance advice based on vm.dirty_background_ratio.")
	} else if dirtyBGRatio > 20 {
		tdlog.Noticef("System vm.dirty_background_ratio is very high (%d), for optimium performance please lower it below 20.", dirtyBGRatio)
コード例 #2
ファイル: jwt.go プロジェクト: Lanzafame/tiedot
// If necessary, create the JWT identity collection, indexes, and the default/special user identity "admin".
func jwtInitSetup() {
	// Create collection
	if HttpDB.Use(JWT_COL_NAME) == nil {
		if err := HttpDB.Create(JWT_COL_NAME); err != nil {
			tdlog.Panicf("JWT: failed to create JWT identity collection - %v", err)
	jwtCol := HttpDB.Use(JWT_COL_NAME)
	// Create indexes on ID attribute
	indexPaths := make(map[string]struct{})
	for _, oneIndex := range jwtCol.AllIndexes() {
		indexPaths[strings.Join(oneIndex, db.INDEX_PATH_SEP)] = struct{}{}
	if _, exists := indexPaths[JWT_USER_ATTR]; !exists {
		if err := jwtCol.Index([]string{JWT_USER_ATTR}); err != nil {
			tdlog.Panicf("JWT: failed to create collection index - %v", err)
	// Create default user "admin"
	adminQuery := map[string]interface{}{
		"in": []interface{}{JWT_USER_ATTR}}
	adminQueryResult := make(map[int]struct{})
	if err := db.EvalQuery(adminQuery, jwtCol, &adminQueryResult); err != nil {
		tdlog.Panicf("JWT: failed to query admin user ID - %v", err)
	if len(adminQueryResult) == 0 {
		if _, err := jwtCol.Insert(map[string]interface{}{
			JWT_PASS_ATTR:        "",
			JWT_COLLECTIONS_ATTR: []interface{}{},
			JWT_ENDPOINTS_ATTR:   []interface{}{}}); err != nil {
			tdlog.Panicf("JWT: failed to create default admin user - %v", err)
		tdlog.Notice("JWT: successfully initialized DB for JWT features. The default user 'admin' has been created.")
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.go プロジェクト: marble58/tiedot
func main() {
	var err error
	var defaultMaxprocs int
	if defaultMaxprocs, err = strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv("GOMAXPROCS")); err != nil {
		defaultMaxprocs = runtime.NumCPU()

	// Parse CLI parameters

	// General params
	var mode string
	var maxprocs int
	flag.StringVar(&mode, "mode", "", "Mandatory - specify the execution mode [httpd|bench|bench2|example]")
	flag.IntVar(&maxprocs, "gomaxprocs", defaultMaxprocs, "GOMAXPROCS")
	// Debug params
	var profile, debug bool
	flag.BoolVar(&tdlog.VerboseLog, "verbose", false, "Turn verbose logging on/off")
	flag.BoolVar(&profile, "profile", false, "Write profiler results to prof.out")
	flag.BoolVar(&debug, "debug", false, "Dump goroutine stack traces upon receiving interrupt signal")
	// HTTP mode params
	var dir string
	var bind string
	var port int
	var authToken string
	var tlsCrt, tlsKey string
	flag.StringVar(&dir, "dir", "", "(HTTP server) database directory")
	flag.StringVar(&bind, "bind", "", "(HTTP server) bind to IP address (all network interfaces by default)")
	flag.IntVar(&port, "port", 8080, "(HTTP server) port number")
	flag.StringVar(&tlsCrt, "tlscrt", "", "(HTTP server) TLS certificate (empty to disable TLS).")
	flag.StringVar(&tlsKey, "tlskey", "", "(HTTP server) TLS certificate key (empty to disable TLS).")
	flag.StringVar(&authToken, "authtoken", "", "(HTTP server) Only authorize requests carrying this token in 'Authorization: token TOKEN' header. (empty to disable)")

	// HTTP + JWT params
	var jwtPubKey, jwtPrivateKey string
	flag.StringVar(&jwtPubKey, "jwtpubkey", "", "(HTTP JWT server) Public key for signing tokens (empty to disable JWT)")
	flag.StringVar(&jwtPrivateKey, "jwtprivatekey", "", "(HTTP JWT server) Private key for decoding tokens (empty to disable JWT)")

	// Benchmark mode params
	flag.IntVar(&benchSize, "benchsize", 400000, "Benchmark sample size")
	flag.BoolVar(&benchCleanup, "benchcleanup", true, "Whether to clean up (delete benchmark DB) after benchmark")

	// User must specify a mode to run
	if mode == "" {

	// Set appropriate GOMAXPROCS
	tdlog.Noticef("GOMAXPROCS is set to %d", maxprocs)

	// Performance advices
	if maxprocs < runtime.NumCPU() {
		tdlog.Noticef("GOMAXPROCS (%d) is less than number of CPUs (%d), this may reduce performance. You can change it via environment variable GOMAXPROCS or by passing CLI parameter -gomaxprocs", maxprocs, runtime.NumCPU())

	// Start profiler if enabled
	if profile {
		resultFile, err := os.Create("perf.out")
		if err != nil {
			tdlog.Noticef("Cannot create profiler result file %s", resultFile)
		defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()

	// Dump goroutine stacktraces upon receiving interrupt signal
	if debug {
		c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
		signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
		go func() {
			for range c {
				pprof.Lookup("goroutine").WriteTo(os.Stderr, 1)

	switch mode {
	case "httpd":
		// Run HTTP API server
		if dir == "" {
			tdlog.Notice("Please specify database directory, for example -dir=/tmp/db")
		if port == 0 {
			tdlog.Notice("Please specify port number, for example -port=8080")
		if tlsCrt != "" && tlsKey == "" || tlsKey != "" && tlsCrt == "" {
			tdlog.Notice("To enable HTTPS, please specify both RSA certificate and key file.")
		if jwtPrivateKey != "" && jwtPubKey == "" || jwtPubKey != "" && jwtPrivateKey == "" {
			tdlog.Notice("To enable JWT, please specify RSA private and public key.")
		httpapi.Start(dir, port, tlsCrt, tlsKey, jwtPubKey, jwtPrivateKey, bind, authToken)
	case "example":
		// Run embedded usage examples
	case "bench":
		// Benchmark scenarios
	case "bench2":