コード例 #1
ファイル: app.go プロジェクト: kleopatra999/goci
//newDirectRunner returns a service for running tests on the local machine.
func newDirectRunner() Service {
	ru := rudirect.New(
	return ru
コード例 #2
ファイル: app.go プロジェクト: kleopatra999/goci
//newWebRunner returns a service for running tests on the heroku dyno mesh.
func newWebRunner() Service {
	//create a runner
	ru := ruweb.New(
	return ru
コード例 #3
ファイル: queue.go プロジェクト: kleopatra999/goci
//dispatchWork is the handler that gets called for a queue item. It grabs a builder
//and runner and dispatches the work item to them, recoding when that operation
func dispatchWork(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ctx httputil.Context) (e *httputil.Error) {
	//find all the documents that are waiting or (processing and their attempt is
	//taking too long)
	type L []interface{}
	selector := bson.M{
		"$or": L{
			bson.M{"status": entities.WorkStatusWaiting},
				"status":            entities.WorkStatusProcessing,
				"attemptlog.0.when": bson.M{"$lt": time.Now().Add(-1 * attemptTime)},
	iter := ctx.DB.C("Work").Find(selector).Iter()

	var work entities.Work
	for iter.Next(&work) {
		//if its a processing task with too many attempts, store it as a dispatch
		if len(work.AttemptLog) >= maxAttempts {
			ctx.Infof("Work item %s had too many attempts", work.ID)
			args := &rpc.DispatchResponse{
				Key:     work.ID.Hex(),
				Error:   "Unable to complete Work item. Too many failed attempts.",
				WorkRev: work.Revision,

			//send it off to the response rpc
			respUrl := httputil.Absolute(router.Lookup("Response"))
			cl := client.New(respUrl, http.DefaultClient, client.JsonCodec)
			if err := cl.Call("Response.DispatchError", args, new(rpc.None)); err != nil {
				ctx.Infof("Couldn't store a dispatch error for work item %s: %s", work.ID, err)


		//attempt to dispatch the work item
		err := dispatchWorkItem(ctx, work)
		if err != nil {
			ctx.Errorf("Error dispatching work: %s", err)

	//check for errors running the iteration
	if err := iter.Err(); err != nil {
		ctx.Errorf("Error iterating over work items: %s", err)
		e = httputil.Errorf(err, "Error iterating over work items")

コード例 #4
ファイル: queue.go プロジェクト: kleopatra999/goci
func dispatchWorkItem(ctx httputil.Context, work entities.Work) (err error) {
	//lease a builder and runner
	builder, runner, err := tracker.LeasePair(ctx)
	if err != nil {

	log.Printf("Got:\nBuilder: %+v\nRunner: %+v", builder, runner)

	//create an attempt
	a := entities.WorkAttempt{
		When:    time.Now(),
		Builder: builder.URL,
		Runner:  runner.URL,
		ID:      bson.NewObjectId(),

	//push the new attempt at the start of the array
	log := append([]entities.WorkAttempt{a}, work.AttemptLog...)

	//transactionally acquire ownership of the document
	ops := []txn.Op{{
		C:  "Work",
		Id: work.ID,
		Assert: bson.M{
			"revision": work.Revision,
		Update: bson.M{
			"$inc": bson.M{"revision": 1},
			"$set": bson.M{
				"attemptlog": log,
				"status":     entities.WorkStatusProcessing,

	err = ctx.R.Run(ops, bson.NewObjectId(), nil)
	if err == txn.ErrAborted {
		ctx.Infof("Lost the race dispatching a work item")
		err = nil
	if err != nil {

	//build the task
	task := &rpc.BuilderTask{
		Work:     work.Work,
		Key:      work.ID.Hex(),
		ID:       a.ID.Hex(),
		WorkRev:  work.Revision + 1,
		Runner:   runner.URL,
		Response: httputil.Absolute(router.Lookup("Response")),

	//send the task off to the builder queue
	cl := client.New(builder.URL, http.DefaultClient, client.JsonCodec)
	err = cl.Call("BuilderQueue.Push", task, new(rpc.None))

コード例 #5
ファイル: app.go プロジェクト: kleopatra999/goci
func main() {
	//load up the environment if its specified
	if config.env != "" {
		if err := loader.Load(config.env); err != nil {

	//configure the frontend
	frontend.Config.Templates = env("TEMPLATES", "./templates")
	frontend.Config.Static = env("STATIC", "./static")
	frontend.Config.Debug = env("DEBUG", "") != ""

	//configure the notifications
	notifications.Config.Username = mustEnv("XMPPUSER")
	notifications.Config.Password = mustEnv("XMPPPASS")
	notifications.Config.Domain = mustEnv("XMPPDOMAIN")

	//connect to the mongo database.
	sess, err := mgo.Dial(env("DATABASE", "mongodb://localhost/gocitest"))
	if err != nil {
	//empty implies whatever was specified in dial.
	httputil.Config.DB = sess.DB("")

	//set up the httputil domain so we can build absolute urls
	httputil.Config.Domain = mustEnv("DOMAIN")

	//start the server.
	//we can't use listenandserve because the scheduler might not give it the
	//opportunity to set up the listen socket before we attempt to announce.
	l, err := net.Listen("tcp", ""+mustEnv("PORT"))
	if err != nil {
	defer l.Close()
	go http.Serve(l, nil)

	//set up some vars for our target os and arch and the runner
	var GOOS, GOARCH string
	var runner Service

	//check if we're running direct or not
	if env("DIRECTRUN", "") == "" {
		//we're running on heroku so build for that target
		GOOS, GOARCH = "linux", "amd64"
		runner = newWebRunner()
	} else {
		//we're running things directly
		GOOS, GOARCH = env("GOOS", runtime.GOOS), env("GOARCH", runtime.GOARCH)
		runner = newDirectRunner()

	//add the runner to our system
	http.Handle("/runner/", http.StripPrefix("/runner", runner))

	//announce the runner
	if err := runner.Announce(); err != nil {
	defer runner.Remove()

	var goroot string
	if err := checkTools(); err != nil {
		//create a temporary directory to house the go tool and hg+bzr.
		tmpdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "tools")
		if err != nil {
		defer os.RemoveAll(tmpdir)

		//execute our setup script
		cmd := exec.Command("bash", "heroku_setup.sh", "heroku/dist", tmpdir)
		if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {

		//store our goroot
		goroot = filepath.Join(tmpdir, "go1.0.2.linux-amd64", "go")

		//add goroot/bin and venv/bin to path
		path := os.Getenv("PATH")
		path += string(filepath.ListSeparator) + filepath.Join(goroot, "bin")
		path += string(filepath.ListSeparator) + filepath.Join(tmpdir, "venv", "bin")
		os.Setenv("PATH", path)

		//check for the tools again as they should installed
		if err := checkTools(); err != nil {
			panic("couldn't find tools after installing: " + err.Error())

	//if we don't have goroot set yet set it to where we find the go command
	if goroot == "" {
		path, err := exec.LookPath("go")
		if err != nil {
			panic("unable to find go tool")
		goroot = filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(path))

	//create the builder and announce it
	bu := buweb.New(
		builder.New(GOOS, GOARCH, goroot),
	http.Handle("/builder/", http.StripPrefix("/builder", bu))

	if err := bu.Announce(); err != nil {
	defer bu.Remove()

	//wait for a signal
	signals := []os.Signal{
	ch := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(ch, signals...)
	sig := <-ch
	log.Printf("Captured a %v\n", sig)