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##Aakash Deshpande## ##120050005##


This repository contains assignments for the course CS733. Assignments are written in golang.

Each assignment forms a component for a distributed file system. It is based on a Raft cluster which ensures strong consistency. Client interacts with a frontend which gives the appearance of a single File System. Internally however, the system consists of multiple file servers which replicate the data for fault tolerance. Raft cluster takes input from the frontend and linearizes it to ensure that the updates happen in the same order on all file systems.


Repository must be added to the src folder of the golang workspace using the following command:
go get

Leveldb package for Golang must be imported. This can be done using the following command:
go get

We also need the log and cluster packages designed for Raft nodes:
go get
go get


1] Assignment 1 : File Versioning system

a] server.go
This file contains serverMain() routine which initiates a server listening on localhost, port 8080
Server can perform following operations:
	1.Write to file
	2.Compare version and swap file
	3.Read file
	4.Delete file

b] server_test.go
Contains test cases to ensure that server behaviour is consistent with the requirements

In the assignment1 directory, go run server.go initiates the server.
go test performs the test written in server_test.go

2] Assignment 2 : Raft State Machine

a] raft.go
Contains a description of the state machine with the following structs:
	1. events: Interface for output events such as Send, Alarm etc. sent on actionCh
	2. command: Interface for input events such as VoteReq, AppendEntriesReq, Timeout etc. Messages from other servers come on the netCh. Timeouts are deliverd on timeCh
	3. stateMachine : Implements all the methods of raft state machine 

b] raft_test.go	
Contains test cases to ensure that state machine behaviour is consistent with the requirements

In the assignment2 directory, go test performs the test written in raft_test.go

3] Assignment 3 : Raft Node

a] raft.go
Contains a description of the Raft state machine as described in the previous assignment

b] node.go
Contains a description of a RaftNode which implements output events of the state machine, interacts with the client and other RaftNodes. Also, contains functions to generate a cluster of RaftNodes or a mock cluster of RaftNodes

b] node_test.go	
Contains test cases to ensure that RaftNode behaviour is consistent with the requirements

In the assignment3 directory, go test performs the test written in node_test.go

4] Distributed file system

We work on a file system with the following system design/layers -

a] Client handlers : Frontend for every client. Composed of the file ClientHandler.go which is described in detail in the section on Assignment1.
b] Raft Block : For replication. Attached to a file system
	1. Node.go : Wrapper on the Raft state machine which listens to Client Handlers, and passes Raft output to File system. Described in detail in the section on Assignment2.
	2. Raft.go : Raft state machine which processes the messages recieved by the Node. Described in detail in the section on Assignment3.
c] File system : Independent file system which implements the instructions passed on by the Raft Node. Ensures consistency through locking.
				 Passes output to the appropriate Client Handler.	
d] Server : Setup and initialisation of the cluster and file system blocks. Entry point in the code.				 

This Distributed File System can perform the following operations:
	1.Write to file
	2.Compare version and swap file
	3.Read file
	4.Delete file

The File System mechanism replicates writes over all *Raft + FS* blocks. Thus, it provides fault tolerance and replication. It ensures Strong Consistency of the data through linearization of writes at the Raft level.					 
Reads are not replicated, but can be processed by any node. Thus it provides performance benifits as well.

In the assignment4 directory, go test performs the test written in server_test.go

Tests check the following -
a] Basic read/write functionality 
b] Version increment under write/CAS
c] Leader shutdown and reelection
d] Concurrent write by multiple clients

To check the data of the active file systems, use the following commands,
cd replicationTests
go run replication_check.go
This will print out the file data in each file system. We can thus observe whether replication is taking place as expected.

go run server.go clientHandler.go node.go raft.go fs.go will start a server listening on localhost, port 8080. This server will be supported by five Raft + FS blocks, running on a cluster.


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