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What is this

So we wrote a AWS lambda function to move a file, from one bucket to another using the copy service in the API. But one day we notice an error mainly because of the file was bigger than 5 GB (the max file size for a non multipart copy operation) but also do the fact that even if we used AWS CLI (boto/python) on the lambda function, the lambda invoke would expire as all lambda functions have a maximum (hard) timeout of 60 seconds... and sometimes moving a file 10GB - 20GB took more or about 60 seconds.

[luix@boxita copyMultipartS3]$ time aws s3 cp s3://sourcebucket/../.../...txt.gz s3://destbucket/../.../...txt.gz
copy: s3://sourcebucket/../.../...txt.gz
1093 parts...

real	0m63.182s
user	0m3.340s
sys	0m0.163s
[luix@boxita copyMultipartS3]$

I know that lambda functions are meant to execute small tasks, but I wanted to push the limits on the API and test if it's possible to move big files within or less than 60 seconds with a lambda function, so I've started and wrote my own program using AWS SDK for Node (because of it's async nature) and go (surprise... concurrency!!!!).

There were not big differences between go and node programs, both were faster than the CLI, chunk size may affect times, but for the ones we tested this was not a problem (this may different with files of several GB of size)

Chunk Size Execution time
500 MB 0m26.114s
200 MB 0m24.045s
100 MB 0m19.301s
50 MB 0m18.001s
20 MB 0m28.296s
10 MB 0m24.790s

Following the official AWS S3 documentation,

here are the programs install process and usage.


AWS Credentials

First of all you need to be sure to have your credentials installed properly, if you are using the CLI, you probably already have them installed.

Nodejs Install

If you want to edit the nodejs program, you can check the full SDK documentation here

To install the nodejs program, as a global CLI too, you need to have nodejs and npm installed on your system, then after cloning this repo you can execute a global install of the program.

[luix@boxita]$ sudo npm install -g
/usr/bin/multipartcopy -> /usr/lib/node_modules/copymultipart/index.js
copymultipart@1.0.0 /usr/lib/node_modules/copymultipart
└── aws-sdk@2.1.42 (xmlbuilder@0.4.2, xml2js@0.2.8, sax@0.5.3)

this will create the command multipartcopy that can be used on your terminal..

[luix@boxita]$ multipartcopy bucketsource path/to/source/key targetsource paath/to/destination/key
Total size to copy 9153817104 bytes
SUCCESS createMultipartUpload z8uvfgcq....
Total chunks to upload 9
Remainder bytes last chunk 153817104
uploading chunk 0 bytes=0-1000000000
uploading chunk 1 bytes=1000000001-2000000000
uploading chunk 2 bytes=2000000001-3000000000
SUCCESS completeMultipartUpload

if you want to tweak the chunk size, there is a variable on line 17 of the index.js file where you can change this.

Go Install

If you want to tweak or compile the program, you will need to install go sdk for AWS

then you can build the program using

[luix@boxita]$ go build copymultipart.go

then you can directly use the binary (crossplatform... go rocks!).

[luix@boxita copyMultipartS3]$ ./copymultipart "source-bucket" "source/to/file" "target-bucket" "target/to/file"
size 9153817104 key
total chunks 9
remainder bytes 153817104
uploadid DW1XVuJraJ....
0 uploading chunk 0 bytes=0-1000000000
SUCCESSS CopyPartResult 4 "842e05c0503b3a195e81934881f5685b"
4 "842e05c0503b3a195e81934881f5685b" 10 9
SUCCESS CompleteMultipartUpload
[luix@boxita copyMultipartS3]$ 

If you want to tweak the chunk size, the variable it's on line 53 of the go program.


A sample program/CLI tool to copy an existing objet in S3 from one bucket to another when its BIG (> 100 GB) in a fast & efficient way.






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