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Concurrent Go Map

This repository serves as a set of examples for making maps that are accessible in concurrent Go software. The types can be used as a library, each with their own performance characteristics, but I wrote it to determine which method produced the most readable code, and the most performant code.



This library exposes the Congomap interface, and three concrete types that adhere to that interface. All three concrete types are available here because they have individual performance characteristics, where one concrete type may be more appropriate for a desired used that one of the other types.

Creating a Congomap

Creating a Congomap is done by calling the instantiation function of the desired concrete type.

NOTE: To prevent resource leakage, always call the Halt method on a Congomap after it is no longer needed.


A sync mutex map uses simple read/write mutex primitives from the sync package. This results in a highly performant way of synchronizing reads and writes to the map. This is about seven times the performance of the NewChannelMap method and is the fastest of those tested in this library.

cgm, _ := cmap.NewSyncMutexMap()
defer cgm.Halt()


A sync atomic map uses the algorithm suggested in the documentation for sync/atomic. It is designed for when a map is read many, many more times than it is written. Performance also depends on the number of the keys in the map.

cgm,_ := congomap.NewSyncAtomicMap()
defer cgm.Halt()


A channel map is modeled after the Go way of sharing memory: by communicating over channels. Reads and writes are serialized by a Go routine processing anonymous functions. Not as fast as the other methods.

cgm, _ := cmap.NewChannelMap()
defer cgm.Halt()

Storing values in a Congomap

Storing key value pairs in a Congomap is done with the Store method.

cgm.Store("someKey", 42)
cgm.Store("someOtherKey", struct{}{})
cgm.Store("yetAnotherKey", make(chan interface{}))

Loading values from a Congomap

Loading values already stored in a Congomap is done with the Load method.

value, ok := cgm.Load("someKey")
if !ok {
    // key is not in the Congomap

Lazy Lookups using LoadStore

Some maps are used as a lazy lookup device. When a key is not already found in the map, the callback function is invoked with the specified key. If the callback function returns an error, then a nil value and the error is returned from LoadStore. If the callback function returns no error, then the returned value is stored in the Congomap and returned from LoadStore.

// Define a lookup function to be invoked when LoadStore is called
// for a key not stored in the Congomap.
lookup := func(key string) (interface{}, error) {
    return someLenghyComputation(key), nil

// Create a Congomap, specifying what the lookup callback function
// is.
cgm, err := congomap.NewSyncMutexMap(congomap.Lookup(lookup))
if err != nil {

// You can still use the regular Load and Store functions, which will
// not involve the lookup function.
cgm.Store("someKey", 42)
value, ok := cgm.Load("someKey")
if !ok {
    // key is not in the Congomap

// When you use the LoadStore function, and the key is not in the
// Congomap, the lookup funciton is invoked, and the return value is
// stored in the Congomap and returned to the program.
value, err := cgm.LoadStore("someKey")
if err != nil {
    // lookup functio returned an error


Part of the purpose of this library is to calculate the relative performance of these approaches to access to a concurrent map. Here's a sample run on my Mac using Go 1.4:

go test -bench .
BenchmarkChannelMapLoad	 1000000	      1533 ns/op
BenchmarkChannelMapLoadStore	 1000000	      1569 ns/op
BenchmarkSyncAtomicMapLoad	 5000000	       262 ns/op
BenchmarkSyncAtomicMapLoadTTL	 3000000	       412 ns/op
BenchmarkSyncAtomicMapLoadStore	10000000	       229 ns/op
BenchmarkSyncMutexMapLoad	10000000	       197 ns/op
BenchmarkSyncMutexMapLoadTTL	10000000	       197 ns/op
BenchmarkSyncMutexMapLoadStore	10000000	       213 ns/op
ok	15.676s


concurrent go map







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