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To run dockpack, you may pull the last image from the docker-hub (see Makefile for latest version) robinmonjo/dockpack:v, and start it with this command:

mkdir /home/ubuntu/sandbox
docker run -e REGISTRY_USERNAME="xxx" -e REGISTRY_PASSWORD="yyy" -e IMAGE_NAMESPACE="company_name" -e SSH_PORT=2222 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /home/ubuntu/sandbox:/sandbox -p 2222:2222 robinmonjo/dockpack:1.0

You can then add it as a remote on one of your project:

cd my/super/project
git remote add $remote ssh://$hostname:2222/packman.git
git push $remote master

All git repository and buildpacks cache will be persisted in the sandbox folder on the host.


Registry authentication

dockpack may interact with at most 2 registry servers:

  • One to pull the build image (by default the gliderlabs/herokuish image on the docker hub)
  • One to push the built image (by default on the docker hub)

These info can be set using:

Pulling the image used to build:

  • PULL_REGISTRY_USERNAME / PULL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD mandatory, refers to the credentials of the registry you wan to pull the image used to build
  • PULL_REGISTRY_SERVER optional, refers to the registry server the image used to build is pull (default to the docker hub)

Pushing the built image:

  • PUSH_REGISTRY_USERNAME / PUSH_REGISTRY_PASSWORD optional, refers to the credentials of the registry you want to push the built image (default to PULL_REGISTRY_USERNAME / PULL_REGISTRY_PASSWORD)
  • PUSH_REGISTRY_SERVER optional, refers to the registry server the image built is pushed (default to PULL_REGISTRY_SERVER)


If you pass the WEB_HOOK env to the container, a HTTP PUT request with the following body is made after each successful build:

  "repo": "<repo_name>",
  "image_name": "<image_name>",
  "image_tag": "<image_tag>",
  "procfile": {
    "web": "bundle exec rails s",
    "worker" : "<some worker>"

Note: procfile section may be empty if no procfile in the project


Authentication can be achieved through github. Use the GITHUB_AUTH=true to activate the authentication. You will need two more env:

Note on authentication:

  • ssh connection (git push) must be done with the github username of the person. You may need to set it in your remote (e.g: ssh://<github_username>@<hostname>:<port>/<app_name>.git)
  • name of the repo on dockpack must match with the one on github

Custom build image

dockpack relies on herokuish and therefore uses the gliderlabs/herokuish docker image to pack your app. However you may need to customize this image (example). To pass you own image, you can set these environment variables:

  • BUILD_IMAGE (default to gliderlabs/herokuish)
  • BUILD_IMAGE_TAG (default to latest)


  • You can dockerize the app using make dockerize and then just start the container and push onto it
  • run integration tests using make integration
  • run unit tests using make tests


Simple build tool based on git, docker and heroku buildpacks






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