예제 #1
func configFromDir(dir string) (config, error) {
	l, err := readLegacyConfigFile(filepath.Join(dir, legacyConfigFile))
	if err != nil && !stackerr.HasUnderlying(err, stackerr.MatcherFunc(os.IsNotExist)) {
		return nil, err
	if l != nil { // legacy config format
		projectConfig := &projectConfig{
			Type: legacyParseFormat,
			Parse: &parseProjectConfig{
				JSSDK: l.Global.ParseVersion,
			ParserEmail: l.Global.ParserEmail,
		applications := l.Applications
		if applications == nil {
			applications = make(map[string]*parseAppConfig)
		return &parseConfig{
			Applications:  applications,
			projectConfig: projectConfig,
		}, nil

	canonicalize := func(err error) error {
		if err == nil {
			return nil
		if stackerr.HasUnderlying(err, stackerr.MatcherFunc(os.IsNotExist)) {
			return stackerr.New("Command must be run inside a Parse project.")
		return err

	// current config format
	p, err := readProjectConfigFile(filepath.Join(dir, parseProject))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, canonicalize(err)
	configFile := filepath.Join(dir, parseLocal)
	switch p.Type {
	case parseFormat:
		c, err := readParseConfigFile(configFile)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, canonicalize(err)
		if c.Applications == nil {
			c.Applications = make(map[string]*parseAppConfig)
		c.projectConfig = p
		return c, nil

	return nil, stackerr.Newf("Unknown project type: %d.", p.Type)
예제 #2
func (c *HerokuConfig) PrettyPrintApps(e *Env) {
	apps := c.Applications

	defaultApp := c.GetDefaultApp()

	var appNames []string
	for appName := range apps {
		appNames = append(appNames, appName)

	if len(appNames) == 0 {

		"The following apps are associated with cloud code in the current directory:",

	for _, appName := range appNames {
		if appName == DefaultKey {
		if defaultApp == appName {
			fmt.Fprint(e.Out, "* ")
		} else {
			fmt.Fprint(e.Out, "  ")
		fmt.Fprintf(e.Out, "%s", appName)

		config, _ := apps[appName]
		if config.GetLink() != "" {
			fmt.Fprintf(e.Out, " -> %s", config.GetLink())
		herokuAppName, err := FetchHerokuAppName(config.HerokuAppID, e)
		if err != nil {
			if stackerr.HasUnderlying(err, stackerr.MatcherFunc(HerokuAppNotFound)) {
				herokuAppName = ""
			} else {
				herokuAppName = config.HerokuAppID
		fmt.Fprintf(e.Out, " (%q)\n", herokuAppName)
예제 #3
func (l *login) authUser(e *env) error {
	_, err := l.authUserWithToken(e)
	if err == nil {
		return nil

	// user never created an account key: educate them
	if stackerr.HasUnderlying(err, stackerr.MatcherFunc(os.IsNotExist)) {
			`We've changed the way the CLI works.
To save time logging in, you should create an account key.

	apps := &apps{}
		`Type "parse configure accountkey" to create a new account key.
Read more at: https://parse.com/docs/js/guide#command-line-account-keys

Please login to Parse using your email and password.`,
	for i := 0; i < numRetries; i++ {
		err := l.populateCreds(e)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		apps.login.credentials = l.credentials
		_, err = apps.restFetchApps(e)
		if err == nil {
			return nil

		if i == numRetries-1 && err != nil {
			return err
		if err != errAuth {
			fmt.Fprintf(e.Err, "Got error: %s", errorString(e, err))
		fmt.Fprintf(e.Err, "%s\nPlease try again...\n", err)
		l.credentials.password = ""
	return errAuth
예제 #4
func (l *login) authUserWithToken(e *env) (string, error) {
	_, tokenCredentials, err := l.getTokenCredentials(e, e.ParserEmail)
	if err != nil {
		if stackerr.HasUnderlying(err, stackerr.MatcherFunc(accessKeyNotFound)) {
			fmt.Fprintln(e.Err, errorString(e, err))
		return "", err

	email, err := l.authToken(e, tokenCredentials.token)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(e.Err, "Account key could not be used.\nError: %s\n\n", errorString(e, err))
		return "", err

	l.credentials = *tokenCredentials
	return email, nil
예제 #5
파일: login.go 프로젝트: swhitley/parse-cli
func (l *Login) AuthUser(e *Env, strict bool) error {
	_, err := l.AuthUserWithToken(e, strict)
	if err == nil {
		return nil
	if strict {
		return err

	if !stackerr.HasUnderlying(err, stackerr.MatcherFunc(accountKeyNotConfigured)) {
			`Type "parse configure accountkey" to create a new account key.
Read more at: https://parse.com/docs/cloudcode/guide#command-line-account-keys

Please login to Parse using your email and password.`,

	apps := &Apps{}
	for i := 0; i < numRetries; i++ {
		err := l.populateCreds(e)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		apps.Login.Credentials = l.Credentials
		_, err = apps.RestFetchApps(e)
		if err == nil {
			return nil

		if i == numRetries-1 && err != nil {
			return err
		if err != errAuth {
			fmt.Fprintf(e.Err, "Got error: %s", ErrorString(e, err))
		fmt.Fprintf(e.Err, "%s\nPlease try again...\n", err)
		l.Credentials.Password = ""
	return errAuth
예제 #6
파일: link.go 프로젝트: swhitley/parse-cli
func (h *herokuLink) herokuAppNames(ids []string, e *parsecli.Env) (nameIDs, []string, error) {
	var wg errgroup.Group
	maxParallel := make(chan struct{}, maxRequests)

	var (
		ret               nameIDs
		deletedLinks      []string
		retMutex          sync.Mutex
		deletedLinksMutex sync.Mutex

	getAppName := func(id string) {
		defer func() {
		appName, err := parsecli.FetchHerokuAppName(id, e)
		if err != nil {
			if stackerr.HasUnderlying(err, stackerr.MatcherFunc(parsecli.HerokuAppNotFound)) {
				defer deletedLinksMutex.Unlock()
				deletedLinks = append(deletedLinks, id)
			wg.Error(err) // ignore error if corresponding heroku app was deleted

		defer retMutex.Unlock()
		ret = append(ret, nameID{id: id, name: appName})

	for _, id := range ids {
		go getAppName(id)
	err := wg.Wait()
	return ret, deletedLinks, stackerr.Wrap(err)
예제 #7
func configFromDir(dir string) (config, error) {
	l, err := readLegacyConfigFile(filepath.Join(dir, legacyConfigFile))
	if err != nil {
		if stackerr.HasUnderlying(err, stackerr.MatcherFunc(os.IsNotExist)) {
			return nil, stackerr.New("Command must be run in a directory containing a Parse project.")
		return nil, err
	projectConfig := &projectConfig{
		Type:  legacy,
		Parse: &parseProjectConfig{JSSDK: l.Global.ParseVersion},
	applications := l.Applications
	if applications == nil {
		applications = make(map[string]*parseAppConfig)
	return &parseConfig{
		Applications:  applications,
		projectConfig: projectConfig,
	}, nil
예제 #8
파일: login.go 프로젝트: swhitley/parse-cli
func (l *Login) AuthUserWithToken(e *Env, strict bool) (string, error) {
	_, tokenCredentials, err := l.GetTokenCredentials(e, e.ParserEmail)
	if err != nil {
		// user never created an account key: educate them
		if stackerr.HasUnderlying(err, stackerr.MatcherFunc(os.IsNotExist)) {
			if strict {
					`To proceed further, you must configure an account key.
			} else {
					`We've changed the way the CLI works.
To save time logging in, you should create an account key.


				`Type "parse configure accountkey" to create a new account key.
Read more at: https://parse.com/docs/cloudcode/guide#command-line-account-keys`)
			return "", stackerr.New("Account key not configured")

		return "", err

	email, err := l.AuthToken(e, tokenCredentials.Token)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(e.Err, "Account key could not be used.\nError: %s\n\n", ErrorString(e, err))
		return "", err

	l.Credentials = *tokenCredentials
	return email, nil
예제 #9
func (c *configureCmd) accountKey(e *env) error {
	token, err := c.login.helpCreateToken(e)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	email, err := c.login.authToken(e, token)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(e.Err, "Could not store credentials. Please try again.\n")
		return err

	if c.isDefault {
		email = ""

	var l login
	if c.tokenReader != nil {
		l.tokenReader = c.tokenReader
	foundEmail, creds, err := l.getTokenCredentials(e, email)
	if stackerr.HasUnderlying(err, stackerr.MatcherFunc(os.IsNotExist)) && !c.isDefault {

Looks like you have not configured the default account key yet.
Note that "parse new" and "parse list" can automatically pick up a default key if present.
Otherwise, you'll have to explicitly set the PARSER_EMAIL environment variable
for it to know which account key to use.
Further, if the command line tool cannot find an account key for a configured email it will try to
use the default account key

To configure the default account key use:
       "parse configure accountkey -d"`,

	if creds != nil {
		if c.isDefault {
				"Note: this operation will overwrite the default account key",
		} else if foundEmail {
				`Note: this operation will overwrite the account key:
for email: %q

	err = c.login.storeCredentials(e, email, &credentials{token: token})
	if err == nil {
		if c.isDefault {
			fmt.Fprintln(e.Out, "Successfully stored default account key.")
		} else {
			fmt.Fprintf(e.Out, "Successfully stored account key for: %q.\n", email)
	return stackerr.Wrap(err)
예제 #10
파일: add.go 프로젝트: jinkawin/parse-cli
func GetLinkedHerokuAppConfig(app *parsecli.App, e *parsecli.Env) (bool, *parsecli.HerokuAppConfig, error) {
	h := &herokuLink{parseAppID: app.ApplicationID}
	apps, err := h.getAppLinks(e)
	if err != nil {
		return false, nil, err
	if len(apps) == 0 {
		randomName := getRandomAppName(app)
		appName := randomName
		for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
			if appName == randomName {
					`Let's create a new Heroku app in which server code will be run.
The Heroku app will be named: %q
Note that this can be changed later using Heroku API or Dashboard.

			} else {
				appName = h.getHerokuAppName(e)

			id, err := h.createNewLink(e, appName)
			if err == nil {
				return true, &parsecli.HerokuAppConfig{
					ParseAppID:  app.ApplicationID,
					HerokuAppID: id,
				}, nil
			if i == 2 {
				return false, nil, err

			switch {
			case stackerr.HasUnderlying(err, stackerr.MatcherFunc(herokuAppNameTaken)):
				fmt.Fprintf(e.Err, "App name %s already taken.\nPlease try again...\n\n", appName)
				appName = ""

			case stackerr.HasUnderlying(err, stackerr.MatcherFunc(herokuAccountNotLinked)):
				fmt.Fprintf(e.Err, `Looks like you have not yet linked your Heroku Account to your Parse account.
Trying to open %q in the browser.
Please click "Link Heroku" button at the bottom.
				appName = randomName
				err := open.Run(linkHerokuURL)
				if err != nil {
						`Sorry, we couldn’t open the browser for you. Go to
and click the "Link Heroku" button to link your Heroku account to Parse.

				fmt.Fprintf(e.Out, "Press ENTER when you are done linking your Heroku account to Parse: ")
				var discard string
				fmt.Fscanf(e.In, "%s\n", &discard)

				return false, nil, err

	if len(apps) == 1 {
		return false, &parsecli.HerokuAppConfig{
			ParseAppID:  app.ApplicationID,
			HerokuAppID: apps[0].id,
		}, nil

	// NOTE: this part of code will not be used for now
	for r := 0; r < 3; r++ {
		selected, err := selectHerokuApp(apps, e)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(e.Err, "error: %s.\nPlease try again...\n", parsecli.ErrorString(e, err))
		if selected.id != "" {
			return false, &parsecli.HerokuAppConfig{
				ParseAppID:  app.ApplicationID,
				HerokuAppID: selected.id,
			}, nil
		id, err := h.createNewLink(e, selected.name)
		if err != nil {
			return false, nil, err
		return false, &parsecli.HerokuAppConfig{
			ParseAppID:  app.ApplicationID,
			HerokuAppID: id,
		}, nil
	return false, nil, stackerr.New("failed to selected an heroku app in 3 attempts")
예제 #11
func (c *configureCmd) accountKey(e *parsecli.Env) error {
	token, err := c.login.HelpCreateToken(e)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	email, err := c.login.AuthToken(e, token)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(e.Err, "Could not store credentials. Please try again.\n")
		return err

	if c.isDefault {
		email = ""

	var l parsecli.Login
	if c.tokenReader != nil {
		l.TokenReader = c.tokenReader
	foundEmail, creds, err := l.GetTokenCredentials(e, email)
	firstEverConfigure := false
	if stackerr.HasUnderlying(err, stackerr.MatcherFunc(os.IsNotExist)) && !c.isDefault {
		firstEverConfigure = true

	if creds != nil {
		if c.isDefault {
				"Note: this operation will overwrite the default account key",
		} else if foundEmail {
				`Note: this operation will overwrite the account key:
for email: %q

	err = c.login.StoreCredentials(e, email, &parsecli.Credentials{Token: token})
	if err == nil {
		if c.isDefault {
			fmt.Fprintln(e.Out, "Successfully stored default account key.")
		} else {
			fmt.Fprintf(e.Out, "Successfully stored account key for: %q.\n", email)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(e.Err, "Could not save account key.")
		return stackerr.Wrap(err)

	if firstEverConfigure {
Looks like this is the first time you have configured an account key.
Note that "parse new" and "parse list" can automatically pick up a default key if present.
Otherwise, you'll have to explicitly set the PARSER_EMAIL common.Environment variable
for them to pick the correct account key.
Further, if the command line tool cannot find an account key for a configured email it will try to
use the default account key.
Hence, we are automatically configuring the default account key to be the same as current account key.
		err = c.login.StoreCredentials(e, "", &parsecli.Credentials{Token: token})
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintln(e.Err, "Could not save account key.")
			return stackerr.Wrap(err)
		fmt.Fprintln(e.Out, `Successfully configured the default account key.
To change the default account key in future use:

       "parse configure accountkey -d"

	return nil