예제 #1
func UnixAudienceListener(sockaddr string) {
	fi, err := os.Stat(sockaddr)
	if err == nil {
		fmode := fi.Mode()
		if fmode&os.ModeType == os.ModeSocket {
			o.Warn("Removing stale socket at %s", sockaddr)
		} else {
			o.Fail("%s exists and is not a socket", sockaddr)
	laddr, err := net.ResolveUnixAddr("unix", sockaddr)
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't resolve audience socket address")
	l, err := net.ListenUnix("unix", laddr)
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't start audience unixsock listener")
	// Fudge the permissions on the unixsock!
	fi, err = os.Stat(sockaddr)
	if err == nil {
		os.Chmod(sockaddr, fi.Mode()|0777)
	} else {
		o.Warn("Couldn't fudge permission on audience socket: %s", err)

	// make sure we clean up the unix socket when we die.
	defer l.Close()
	defer os.Remove(sockaddr)
예제 #2
func UnixAudienceListener(sockaddr string, sockmode os.FileMode, sockuid int, sockgid int) {
	fi, err := os.Stat(sockaddr)
	if err == nil {
		if (fi.Mode() & os.ModeSocket) != 0 {
		} else {
			o.Fail("%s exists and is not a socket", sockaddr)
	err = os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(sockaddr), 0755)
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't create socket directory")
	laddr, err := net.ResolveUnixAddr("unix", sockaddr)
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't resolve audience socket address")
	old_umask := syscall.Umask(0777)
	defer syscall.Umask(old_umask)
	l, err := net.ListenUnix("unix", laddr)
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't start audience unixsock listener")
	if sockuid >= 0 || sockgid >= 0 {
		err = os.Chown(sockaddr, sockuid, sockgid)
		o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't chown audience unixsock listener")
	err = os.Chmod(sockaddr, sockmode)
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't chmod audience unixsock listener")

	// make sure we clean up the unix socket when we die.
	defer l.Close()
	defer os.Remove(sockaddr)
예제 #3
func loadSpoolFiles(dirname string, depth int) {
	dh, err := os.Open(dirname)
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't open %s", dirname)
	nodes, err := dh.Readdir(-1)
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't readdir on %s", dirname)
	if depth > 0 {
		for _, n := range nodes {
			abspath := path.Join(dirname, n.Name())
			if (n.Mode() & os.ModeType) == os.ModeDir {
				// if not a single character, it's not a spool node.
				if len(n.Name()) != 1 {
				if n.Name() == "." {
					// we're not interested in .
				nrunes := []rune(n.Name())
				if unicode.Is(unicode.ASCII_Hex_Digit, nrunes[0]) {
					loadSpoolFiles(abspath, depth-1)
				} else {
					o.Warn("Foreign dirent %s found in spool tree", abspath)
	} else {
		// depth == 0 - only interested in files.
		for _, n := range nodes {
			abspath := path.Join(dirname, n.Name())
			if n.Mode()&os.ModeType == 0 {
				if len(n.Name()) != 16 {
					shuffleToCorrupted(abspath, "Filename incorrect length")
				id, err := strconv.ParseUint(n.Name(), 16, 64)
				if err != nil {
					shuffleToCorrupted(abspath, "Invalid Filename")
				fh, err := os.Open(abspath)
				if err != nil {
					shuffleToCorrupted(abspath, "Couldn't open")
				defer fh.Close()
				jr, err := JobRequestFromReader(fh)
				if err != nil || jr.Id != id {
					o.Warn("Couldn't parse?! %s", err)
					shuffleToCorrupted(abspath, "Parse Failure")
				// Add the request to the registry directly.
				if !RestoreJobState(jr) {
					shuffleToCorrupted(abspath, "Job State Invalid")
예제 #4
func ConfigLoad() {
	// attempt to open the configuration file.
	fh, err := os.Open(*ConfigFile)
	if nil == err {
		defer fh.Close()
		// reset the config File data, then reload it.
		ierr := configFile.Read(fh, 1)
		o.MightFail(ierr, "Couldn't parse configuration")
	} else {
		o.Warn("Couldn't open configuration file: %s.  Proceeding anyway.", err)

	playerpath := strings.TrimSpace(GetStringOpt("player file path"))
	pfh, err := os.Open(playerpath)
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't open \"%s\"", playerpath)

	pbr := bufio.NewReader(pfh)

	ahmap := make(map[string]bool)
	for err = nil; err == nil; {
		var lb []byte
		var prefix bool

		lb, prefix, err = pbr.ReadLine()

		if nil == lb {
		if prefix {
			o.Fail("ConfigLoad: Short Read (prefix only)!")

		line := strings.TrimSpace(string(lb))
		if line == "" {
		if line[0] == '#' {
		ahmap[line] = true
	// convert newAuthorisedHosts to a slice
	authorisedHosts := make([]string, len(ahmap))
	idx := 0
	for k, _ := range ahmap {
		authorisedHosts[idx] = k

	// set the spool directory
	SetSpoolDirectory(GetStringOpt("conductor state path"))
예제 #5
파일: scores.go 프로젝트: anchor/orchestra
func ScoreConfigure(si *ScoreInfo, r io.Reader) {
	o.Info("Score: %s (%s)", (*si).Name, (*si).Executable)
	config := NewScoreInfoConfig()
	err := config.Read(r, 1)
	o.MightFail(err, "Error Parsing Score Configuration for %s", si.Name)
예제 #6
func loadLastId() {
	fh, err := os.Open(checkpointPath())
	if err == nil {
		defer fh.Close()

		// we have a checkpoint file.  blah.
		cbio := bufio.NewReader(fh)
		l, err := cbio.ReadString('\n')
		lastId, err = strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimSpace(l), 10, 64)
		if err != nil {
			o.Fail("Couldn't read last ID from checkpoint file")
		lastId += IdCheckpointSafetySkip
	} else {
		if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
			o.Fail("Found checkpoint file, but couldn't open it: %s", err)
		fh, err := os.Open(savePath())
		if err != nil {
			if os.IsNotExist(err) {
				lastId = 0
			o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't open last_id file")
		defer fh.Close()
		cbio := bufio.NewReader(fh)
		l, err := cbio.ReadString('\n')
		lastId, err = strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimSpace(l), 10, 64)
		if err != nil {
			o.Fail("Couldn't read last ID from last_id")
예제 #7
파일: client.go 프로젝트: anchor/orchestra
func (client *ClientInfo) SendTask(task *TaskRequest) {
	tr := task.Encode()
	p, err := o.Encode(tr)
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't encode task for client")
	task.RetryTime = time.Now().Add(RetryDelay)
예제 #8
func shuffleToCorrupted(abspath, reason string) {
	basename := path.Base(abspath)
	targetname := path.Join(spoolDirectory, "corrupt", basename)
	// make sure there's nothing in the target name.
	err := os.Rename(abspath, targetname)
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't bin corrupt spoolfile %s", abspath)
	o.Warn("Moved \"%s\" to corrupted spool: %s", abspath, reason)
예제 #9
func LoadScores() {
	scoreDirectory := GetStringOpt("score directory")

	dir, err := os.Open(scoreDirectory)
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't open Score directory")
	defer dir.Close()

	Scores = make(map[string]*ScoreInfo)

	files, err := dir.Readdir(-1)
	for i := range files {
		name := files[i].Name()
		// skip ., .. and other dotfiles.
		if strings.HasPrefix(name, ".") {
		// emacs backup files.  ignore these.
		if strings.HasSuffix(name, "~") || strings.HasPrefix(name, "#") {
		// .conf is reserved for score configurations.
		if strings.HasSuffix(name, ".conf") {

		// check to see if it's a file or symlink
		ftype := files[i].Mode() & os.ModeType
		if ftype != 0 && ftype != os.ModeSymlink {

		// check for the executionable bit
		if files[i].Mode()&0111 == 0 {

		fullpath := path.Join(scoreDirectory, name)
		conffile := fullpath + ".conf"
		o.Warn("Considering %s as score", name)

		si := NewScoreInfo()
		si.Name = name
		si.Executable = fullpath

		conf, err := os.Open(conffile)
		if err == nil {
			o.Warn("Parsing configuration for %s", fullpath)
			ScoreConfigure(si, conf)
		} else {
			o.Warn("Couldn't open config file for %s, assuming defaults: %s", name, err)
		Scores[name] = si
예제 #10
func makeSpoolDirInner(prefix string, depth int) {
	for i := 0; i < 16; i++ {
		dirname := path.Join(prefix, fmt.Sprintf("%01X", i))
		if depth == 1 {
			err := os.MkdirAll(dirname, 0700)
			o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't make directory building spool tree")
		} else {
			makeSpoolDirInner(dirname, depth-1)
예제 #11
파일: config.go 프로젝트: anchor/orchestra
func ConfigLoad() {
	// attempt to open the configuration file.
	fh, err := os.Open(*ConfigFile)
	if nil == err {
		defer fh.Close()
		// reset the config File data, then reload it.
		ierr := configFile.Read(fh, 1)
		o.MightFail(ierr, "Couldn't parse configuration")
	} else {
		o.Warn("Couldn't open configuration file: %s.  Proceeding anyway.", err)

	// load the x509 certificates
	x509CertFilename := GetStringOpt("x509 certificate")
	x509PrivateKeyFilename := GetStringOpt("x509 private key")
	CertPair, err = tls.LoadX509KeyPair(x509CertFilename, x509PrivateKeyFilename)
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't load certificates")

	// load the CA Certs
	CACertPool = x509.NewCertPool()
	caCertNames := GetCACertList()
	if caCertNames != nil {
		for _, filename := range caCertNames {
			fh, err := os.Open(filename)
			if err != nil {
				o.Warn("Whilst parsing CA certs, couldn't open %s: %s", filename, err)
			defer fh.Close()
			fi, err := fh.Stat()
			o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't stat CA certificate file: %s", filename)
			data := make([]byte, fi.Size())
예제 #12
파일: player.go 프로젝트: anchor/orchestra
func sendResponse(c net.Conn, resp *TaskResponse) {
	//FIXME: update retry time on Response
	ptr := resp.Encode()
	p, err := o.Encode(ptr)
	o.MightFail(err, "Failed to encode response")
	_, err = p.Send(c)
	if err != nil {
		o.Warn("Transmission error: %s", err)
		lostConnection <- 1
	} else {
예제 #13
func connectMe(initialDelay int64) {
	var backOff int64 = initialDelay
	for {
		// Sleep first.
		if backOff > 0 {
			o.Info("Sleeping for %d seconds", backOff/1e9)
			err := time.Sleep(backOff)
			o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't Sleep")
			backOff *= ReconnectDelayScale
			if backOff > MaximumReconnectDelay {
				backOff = MaximumReconnectDelay
		} else {
			backOff = InitialReconnectDelay

		tconf := &tls.Config{
			RootCAs: CACertPool,
		tconf.Certificates = append(tconf.Certificates, CertPair)

		// update our local hostname.
		LocalHostname = GetStringOpt("player name")
		if LocalHostname == "" {
			LocalHostname = o.ProbeHostname()
			o.Warn("No hostname provided - probed hostname: %s", LocalHostname)

		masterHostname := GetStringOpt("master")

		raddr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", masterHostname, 2258)
		o.Info("Connecting to %s", raddr)
		conn, err := tls.Dial("tcp", raddr, tconf)
		if err == nil {
			err = conn.VerifyHostname(masterHostname)
		if err == nil {
			nc := new(NewConnectionInfo)
			nc.conn = conn
			nc.timeout = backOff
			newConnection <- nc
		o.Warn("Couldn't connect to master: %s", err)
예제 #14
파일: server.go 프로젝트: anchor/orchestra
func ServiceRequests() {
	var sockConfig tls.Config

	// resolve the bind address
	bindAddressStr := GetStringOpt("bind address")
	var bindAddr *net.IPAddr
	if bindAddressStr != "" {
		var err error
		bindAddr, err = net.ResolveIPAddr("ip", bindAddressStr)
		if err != nil {
			o.Warn("Ignoring bind address.  Couldn't resolve \"%s\": %s", bindAddressStr, err)
		} else {
			bindAddr = nil
	// load the x509 certificate and key, then attach it to the tls config.
	x509CertFilename := GetStringOpt("x509 certificate")
	x509PrivateKeyFilename := GetStringOpt("x509 private key")
	serverCert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(x509CertFilename, x509PrivateKeyFilename)
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't load certificates")
	sockConfig.Certificates = append(sockConfig.Certificates, serverCert)

	// load the CA certs
	CACertPool = x509.NewCertPool()
	caCertNames := GetCACertList()
	if caCertNames != nil {
		for _, filename := range caCertNames {
			fh, err := os.Open(filename)
			if err != nil {
				o.Warn("Whilst parsing CA certs, couldn't open %s: %s", filename, err)
			defer fh.Close()
			fi, err := fh.Stat()
			o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't stat CA certificate file: %s", filename)
			data := make([]byte, fi.Size())
	sockConfig.ClientCAs = CACertPool

	// determine the server hostname.
	servername := GetStringOpt("server name")
	if servername != "" {
		o.Info("Using %s as the server name", servername)
		sockConfig.ServerName = servername
	} else {
		if bindAddr != nil {
			o.Warn("Probing for FQDN for bind address as none was provided")
			hostnames, err := net.LookupAddr(bindAddr.String())
			o.MightFail(err, "Failed to get full hostname for bind address")
			sockConfig.ServerName = hostnames[0]
		} else {
			o.Warn("Probing for FQDN as no server name was provided")
			sockConfig.ServerName = o.ProbeHostname()

	// ask the client to authenticate
	sockConfig.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
	if *DontVerifyPeer {
		sockConfig.ClientAuth = tls.RequestClientCert

	/* convert the bindAddress to a string suitable for the Listen call */
	var laddr string
	if bindAddr == nil {
		laddr = fmt.Sprintf(":%d", o.DefaultMasterPort)
	} else {
		laddr = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", bindAddr.String(), o.DefaultMasterPort)
	o.Info("Binding to %s...", laddr)
	listener, err := tls.Listen("tcp", laddr, &sockConfig)
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't bind TLS listener")

	for {
		o.Info("Waiting for connection...")
		c, err := listener.Accept()
		o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't accept TLS connection")
		o.Info("Connection received from %s", c.RemoteAddr().String())
예제 #15
func ProcessingLoop() {
	var conn net.Conn = nil
	var nextRetryResp *TaskResponse = nil
	var taskCompletionChan <-chan *TaskResponse = nil
	var connectDelay time.Duration
	var doScoreReload bool = false
	// kick off a new connection attempt.
	go connectMe(connectDelay)

	// and this is where we spin!
	for {
		var retryDelay time.Duration = 0
		var retryChan <-chan time.Time = nil

		if conn != nil {
			for nextRetryResp == nil {
				nextRetryResp = getNextUnacknowledgedResponse()
				if nil == nextRetryResp {
				retryDelay = nextRetryResp.RetryTime.Sub(time.Now())
				if retryDelay < 0 {
					sendResponse(conn, nextRetryResp)
					nextRetryResp = nil
			if nextRetryResp != nil {
				retryChan = time.After(retryDelay)
		if taskCompletionChan == nil {
			nextTask := getNextPendingTask()
			if nextTask != nil {
				taskCompletionChan = ExecuteTask(nextTask)
			} else {
				if conn != nil && !pendingTaskRequest {
					o.Debug("Asking for trouble")
					p := o.MakeReadyForTask()
					o.Debug("Sent Request for trouble")
					pendingTaskRequest = true
		select {
		// Currently executing job finishes.
		case newresp := <-taskCompletionChan:
			o.Debug("job%d: Completed with State %s\n", newresp.id, newresp.State)
			// preemptively set a retrytime.
			newresp.RetryTime = time.Now()
			// ENOCONN - sub it in as our next retryresponse, and prepend the old one onto the queue.
			if nil == conn {
				if nil != nextRetryResp {
				o.Debug("job%d: Queuing Initial Response", newresp.id)
				nextRetryResp = newresp
			} else {
				o.Debug("job%d: Sending Initial Response", newresp.id)
				sendResponse(conn, newresp)
			if doScoreReload {
				o.Info("Performing Deferred score reload")
				doScoreReload = false
			taskCompletionChan = nil
		// If the current unacknowledged response needs a retry, send it.
		case <-retryChan:
			sendResponse(conn, nextRetryResp)
			nextRetryResp = nil
		// New connection.  Set up the receiver thread and Introduce ourselves.
		case nci := <-newConnection:
			if conn != nil {
			conn = nci.conn
			connectDelay = nci.timeout
			pendingTaskRequest = false

			// start the reader
			go Reader(conn)

			/* Introduce ourself */
			p := o.MakeIdentifyClient(LocalHostname, PlayerVersion)
		// Lost connection.  Shut downt he connection.
		case <-lostConnection:
			o.Warn("Lost Connection to Master")
			conn = nil
			// restart the connection attempts
			go connectMe(connectDelay)
		// Message received from master.  Decode and action.
		case p := <-receivedMessage:
			// because the message could possibly be an ACK, push the next retry response back into the queue so acknowledge can find it.
			if nil != nextRetryResp {
				nextRetryResp = nil
			var upkt interface{} = nil
			if p.Length > 0 {
				var err error
				upkt, err = p.Decode()
				o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't decode packet from master")
			handler, exists := dispatcher[p.Type]
			if exists {
				connectDelay = 0
				handler(conn, upkt)
			} else {
				o.Fail("Unhandled Pkt Type %d", p.Type)
		// Reload scores
		case <-reloadScores:
			// fortunately this is actually completely safe as
			// long as nobody's currently executing.
			// who'd have thunk it?
			if taskCompletionChan == nil {
				o.Info("Reloading scores")
			} else {
				o.Info("Deferring score reload (execution in progress)")
				doScoreReload = true
		// Keepalive delay expired.  Send Nop.
		case <-time.After(KeepaliveDelay):
			if conn == nil {
			o.Debug("Sending NOP")
			p := o.MakeNop()
예제 #16
파일: config.go 프로젝트: anchor/orchestra
func GetModeOpt(key string) os.FileMode {
	s := GetStringOpt(key)
	mode, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 8, 0)
	o.MightFail(err, "Invalid mode in %s option: %s", key, s)
	return os.FileMode(mode)
예제 #17
func doExecution(task *TaskRequest, completionChannel chan<- *TaskResponse) {
	// we must notify the parent when we exit.
	defer func(c chan<- *TaskResponse, task *TaskRequest) { c <- task.MyResponse }(completionChannel, task)

	// first of all, verify that the score exists at all.
	score, exists := Scores[task.Score]
	if !exists {
		o.Warn("job%d: request for unknown score: %s", task.Id, task.Score)
		task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED_UNKNOWN_SCORE
	si := NewScoreInterface(task)
	if si == nil {
		o.Warn("job%d: couldn't initialise score interface", task.Id)
		task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED_HOST_ERROR
	if !si.Prepare() {
		o.Warn("job%d: couldn't prepare score interface", task.Id)
		task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED_HOST_ERROR
	defer si.Cleanup()

	eenv := si.SetupProcess()
	task.MyResponse.State = RESP_RUNNING

	procenv := new(os.ProcAttr)
	// Build the default environment.
	procenv.Env = peSetEnv(procenv.Env, "PATH", "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin")
	procenv.Env = peSetEnv(procenv.Env, "IFS", " \t\n")
	pwd, err := os.Getwd()
	if err != nil {
		task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED_HOST_ERROR
		o.Warn("job%d: couldn't resolve PWD: %s", task.Id, err)
	procenv.Env = peSetEnv(procenv.Env, "PWD", pwd)
	// copy in the environment overrides
	for k, v := range eenv.Environment {
		procenv.Env = peSetEnv(procenv.Env, k, v)

	// attach FDs to procenv.
	procenv.Files = make([]*os.File, 3)

	// first off, attach /dev/null to stdin and stdout
	devNull, err := os.OpenFile(os.DevNull, os.O_RDWR|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
	o.MightFail(err, "couldn't open DevNull")
	defer devNull.Close()
	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
		procenv.Files[i] = devNull
	// attach STDERR to to our logger via pipe.
	lr, lw, err := os.Pipe()
	o.MightFail(err, "Couldn't create pipe")
	defer lw.Close()
	// lr will be closed by the logger.
	procenv.Files[2] = lw
	// check the environment's configuration and allow it to override stdin, stdout, and FDs 3+
	if nil != eenv.Files {
		for i := range eenv.Files {
			if i < 2 {
				procenv.Files[i] = eenv.Files[i]
			} else {
				procenv.Files = append(procenv.Files, eenv.Files[i])
	var args []string
	args = append(args, eenv.Arguments...)

	o.Info("job%d: executing %s...", task.Id, score.Executable)
	go batchLogger(task.Id, lr)
	proc, err := os.StartProcess(score.Executable, args, procenv)
	if err != nil {
		o.Warn("job%d: failed to start process", task.Id)
		task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED_HOST_ERROR
	wm, err := proc.Wait()
	if err != nil {
		o.Warn("job%d: error waiting for process", task.Id)
		task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED_UNKNOWN
		// Worse of all, we don't even know if we succeeded.
	ws, _ := wm.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus)
	if !(ws.Signaled() || ws.Exited()) {
		o.Assert("Non Terminal notification received when not expected.")
	if ws.Signaled() {
		o.Warn("job%d: process got signalled", task.Id)
		task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED_UNKNOWN
	if ws.Exited() {
		if 0 == ws.ExitStatus() {
			o.Warn("job%d: process exited OK", task.Id)
			task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FINISHED
		} else {
			o.Warn("job%d: process exited with failure", task.Id)
			task.MyResponse.State = RESP_FAILED
	o.Assert("Should never get here.")
예제 #18
func ScoreConfigure(si *ScoreInfo, r io.Reader) {
	config := NewScoreInfoConfig()
	err := config.Read(r, 1)
	o.MightFail(err, "Error Parsing Score Configuration for %s", si.Name)
예제 #19
func (req *JobRequest) UpdateInSpool() {
	buf, err := json.MarshalIndent(req, "", "  ")
	o.MightFail(err, "Failed to marshal job %d", req.Id)
	//FIXME: should try to do this out of the registry's thread.