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ACME shell scripting library based on tommie/acme-go


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acme-cli is a shell script interface to the acme-go library. It provides a high-level API to automate ACME interactions, but is not intended as an end-user interface.

Distributed under the MIT license.


go get
go build src/*.go


Some use-cases for


The code below assumes the following variables are set to something sensible. Sensible example values given.
set -e

Create a new account

To create an account, first create an RSA key:

openssl genrsa -out "$KEY" 2048

Then register is as an account key:

acmeclient -dir="$DIR" -key="$KEY" newreg -contact="$CONTACT" >"$REG"

The ACME server may require you to accept the terms of service, indicated by the existence of a Terms-Of-Service header in the registration output. If you see one, you read it and set it as the agreement:

reg=$(sed 's/^URI: *\(.*\)/\1/ p ; d' <"$REG")
tos=$(sed 's/^Terms-Of-Service: *\(.*\)/\1/ p ; d' <"$REG")
acmeclient -dir="$DIR" -reg="$reg" -key="$KEY" \
  -agreement="$tos" updatereg

Now you have a registered account ready for use.

Issue a certificate

This snippet issues a signed certificate. First create a key and signing request:

openssl req -new -sha256 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout "$CERTKEY" -outform DER -out "$CSR"

Then pass it to the ACME server for authorization and signing:

reg=$(sed 's/^URI: (.*)/\1/ p ; d' <"$REG")
acmeclient -dir="$DIR" -reg="$reg" -key="$KEY" \
  -certformat=chain:pem \
  issuecert "$CSR" ./solver/apachesolver >"$CERTBUNDLE"

We assume the existence of a program called apachesolver. This program must support the API described in issuecert below. Other possible solvers include setting up a proxy for TCP ports 80 and/or 443, configuring another web server or using firewall rules to redirect the TCP ports.

Now you can use $KEY as your server private key and $CERTBUNDLE as your certificate (which includes the full chain of CA certificates). Some programs may require you to split off you certificate from the CA chain. This can be accomplished with openssl (see source post):

openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile "$CERTBUNDLE" | \
  openssl pkcs7 -print_certs -out ca-bundle.pem
openssl x509 -in "$CERTBUNDLE" -outform PEM -out cert.pem

The files ca-bundle.pem and cert.pem now have what you want.


This is an example solver program for Apache web servers, written in Bash. It supports solving the http-01 challenge with cost 1.

For http-01, a file is created in a directory, and Apache is expected to be configured to publish this directory as http://$name/.well-known/acme-challenge. An example configuration is

Alias /.well-known/acme-challenge/ /var/www/localhost/acme-challenge/
<Location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/">
  Options None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

This directory should normally be empty. It should be publicly accessible, and directory listings are disabled by Options None above.

You can change the paths using environment variables:

  • ACME_CHALLENGE_DIR is where to store the http-01 files.

See the top of the script file for more information.



Show a short version of this documentation.


Register a new account. -dir and -key are required. Outputs registration URI. If a ToS has to be accepted, its URI is also listed.


Show information about the account registration. -dir, -reg and -key are required.


Update an account. -dir, -reg and -key are required. Can be used to e.g. accept the ToS.

issuecert ...

Issue a certificate for a given X.509 certificate signing request in DER format. -dir, -reg, and -key are required. The certificate is output on stdout on success. Use -certformat=chain:pem to output the entire CA chain as a PEM file.

The solver command is executed with environment variables

  • ACME_MODE={cost, solve} Indicating the mode of operation. See below.
  • ACME_ACCOUNT_JWK=<JWK> Being the base64-encoded JSON web key for the current account. This is needed for the proofOfPossession-01 challenge.

In all modes, the solver receives CSV records on stdin, one record per challenge. The final record is empty (an empty line). The first field is the challenge type. Remaining fields depend on the type:

{dns-01, http-01}    <token> <key-authorization>
proofOfPossession-01 <base64-DER-cert>...
tls-alpn-01          <base64-validation-string>

All base64 data use the URL-safe character set in RFC 4648. All CSV records use tab as the field separator and new-line as the record separator.

Mode cost should compute a solving cost for all the challenges combined. It writes the (64-bit float) cost to stdout if it can solve all challenges, and nothing if it cannot solve them.

Mode solve should start solvers for all challenges. It must write one response CSV-record per challenge, once the solver is able to accept validation for that challenge. When stdin is closed, the process must terminate and clean up after the solvers. Responses start with the challenge type, and the formats are

{dns-01, http-01}    <key-authorization>
proofOfPossession-01 <compact-JWS-authorization>

Returning non-zero exit status causes the command to fail.


List URIs of issued certificates. -dir, -reg and -key are required. Use -v to also display some certificate details in human readable form.

certs ...

Output certificates for the given URIs. -dir, -reg and -key are required. Use -certformat=chain:pem to output the entire CA chain as a PEM file.


Revoke the given certificate. -dir, -reg and -key are required.


ACME shell scripting library based on tommie/acme-go







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