Exemplo n.º 1
// CheckPackages checks packages for errors.
// ignore is a map of package names to regular expressions. Identifiers from a package are
// checked against its regular expressions and if any of the expressions match the call
// is not checked.
// If blank is true then assignments to the blank identifier are also considered to be
// ignored errors.
func CheckPackages(pkgPaths []string, ignore map[string]*regexp.Regexp, blank bool) error {
	var loadcfg = loader.Config{
		SourceImports: true,
		AllowErrors:   false,
	for _, p := range pkgPaths {

	program, err := loadcfg.Load()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("could not type check: %s", err)

	visitor := &checker{program, nil, ignore, blank, make(map[string][]string), []error{}}
	for _, p := range pkgPaths {
		if p == "unsafe" { // not a real package
		visitor.pkg = program.Imported[p]
		for _, astFile := range visitor.pkg.Files {
			ast.Walk(visitor, astFile)

	if len(visitor.errors) > 0 {
		return UncheckedErrors{visitor.errors}
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 2
func TestTransitivelyErrorFreeFlag(t *testing.T) {
	// Create an minimal custom build.Context
	// that fakes the following packages:
	// a --> b --> c!   c has an error
	//   \              d and e are transitively error-free.
	//    e --> d
	// Each package [a-e] consists of one file, x.go.
	pkgs := map[string]string{
		"a": `package a; import (_ "b"; _ "e")`,
		"b": `package b; import _ "c"`,
		"c": `package c; func f() { _ = int(false) }`, // type error within function body
		"d": `package d;`,
		"e": `package e; import _ "d"`,
	conf := loader.Config{
		AllowErrors:   true,
		SourceImports: true,
		Build:         fakeContext(pkgs),

	prog, err := conf.Load()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Load failed: %s", err)
	if prog == nil {
		t.Fatalf("Load returned nil *Program")

	for pkg, info := range prog.AllPackages {
		var wantErr, wantTEF bool
		switch pkg.Path() {
		case "a", "b":
		case "c":
			wantErr = true
		case "d", "e":
			wantTEF = true
			t.Errorf("unexpected package: %q", pkg.Path())

		if (info.Errors != nil) != wantErr {
			if wantErr {
				t.Errorf("Package %q.Error = nil, want error", pkg.Path())
			} else {
				t.Errorf("Package %q has unexpected Errors: %v",
					pkg.Path(), info.Errors)

		if info.TransitivelyErrorFree != wantTEF {
			t.Errorf("Package %q.TransitivelyErrorFree=%t, want %t",
				pkg.Path(), info.TransitivelyErrorFree, wantTEF)
Exemplo n.º 3
// Test that both syntax (scan/parse) and type errors are both recorded
// (in PackageInfo.Errors) and reported (via Config.TypeChecker.Error).
func TestErrorReporting(t *testing.T) {
	pkgs := map[string]string{
		"a": `package a; import _ "b"; var x int = false`,
		"b": `package b; 'syntax error!`,
	conf := loader.Config{
		AllowErrors:   true,
		SourceImports: true,
		Build:         fakeContext(pkgs),
	var allErrors []error
	conf.TypeChecker.Error = func(err error) {
		allErrors = append(allErrors, err)

	prog, err := conf.Load()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Load failed: %s", err)
	if prog == nil {
		t.Fatalf("Load returned nil *Program")

	hasError := func(errors []error, substr string) bool {
		for _, err := range errors {
			if strings.Contains(err.Error(), substr) {
				return true
		return false

	// TODO(adonovan): test keys of ImportMap.

	// Check errors recorded in each PackageInfo.
	for pkg, info := range prog.AllPackages {
		switch pkg.Path() {
		case "a":
			if !hasError(info.Errors, "cannot convert false") {
				t.Errorf("a.Errors = %v, want bool conversion (type) error", info.Errors)
		case "b":
			if !hasError(info.Errors, "rune literal not terminated") {
				t.Errorf("b.Errors = %v, want unterminated literal (syntax) error", info.Errors)

	// Check errors reported via error handler.
	if !hasError(allErrors, "cannot convert false") ||
		!hasError(allErrors, "rune literal not terminated") {
		t.Errorf("allErrors = %v, want both syntax and type errors", allErrors)
Exemplo n.º 4
// Oracle annotates `pkg` using go.tools/oracle interface implements detector.
// It uses `scopes` as analysis scope.
// If `scopes` is none of one of `scopes` is zero string, it uses unit tests as scope.
func Oracle(pkg *ast.Package, scopes ...string) error {
	settings := build.Default
	settings.BuildTags = []string{} // TODO
	conf := loader.Config{Build: &settings, SourceImports: true}

	withTests := false
	if len(scopes) == 0 {
		withTests = true
	for _, scope := range scopes {
		if scope == "" {
			withTests = true
		} else {
	if withTests {
	} else {

	iprog, err := conf.Load()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("oracle annotator: conf load error: %+v", err)
	o, err := oracle.New(iprog, nil, false)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("oracle annotator: create error: %+v", err)
	for _, class := range pkg.Classes {
		qpos, err := oracle.ParseQueryPos(iprog, string(class.Pos), false)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("oracle annotator: parse query pos error: %+v, %+v", err, class.Pos)

		res, err := o.Query("implements", qpos)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("oracle annotator: query error: %+v, %v", err, class.Pos)
		impls := res.Serial().Implements
		for _, target := range impls.AssignableFromPtr {
			addImplements(class, target)
		for _, target := range impls.AssignableFrom {
			addImplements(class, target)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 5
func doTestable(args []string) error {

	conf := loader.Config{
		Build:         &build.Default,
		SourceImports: true,

	// TODO(adonovan): make go/types choose its default Sizes from
	// build.Default or a specified *build.Context.
	var wordSize int64 = 8
	switch conf.Build.GOARCH {
	case "386", "arm":
		wordSize = 4

	wordSize = 4 // TARDIS Go addition to force default int size to 32 bits
	//conf.Build.GOARCH = "tardisgo" // TARDIS Go addition to ensure no architecure-specific code will compile
	//conf.Build.GOOS = "tardisgo"   // TARDIS Go addition to ensure no OS-specific code will compile

	conf.TypeChecker.Sizes = &types.StdSizes{
		MaxAlign: 8,
		WordSize: wordSize,

	var mode ssa.BuilderMode
	for _, c := range *buildFlag {
		switch c {
		case 'D':
			mode |= ssa.GlobalDebug
		case 'P':
			mode |= ssa.LogPackages | ssa.BuildSerially
		case 'F':
			mode |= ssa.LogFunctions | ssa.BuildSerially
		case 'S':
			mode |= ssa.LogSource | ssa.BuildSerially
		case 'C':
			mode |= ssa.SanityCheckFunctions
		case 'N':
			mode |= ssa.NaiveForm
		case 'G':
			conf.SourceImports = false
		case 'L':
			mode |= ssa.BuildSerially
			log.Fatalf("Unknown -build option: '%c'.", c)

	var interpMode interp.Mode
	for _, c := range *interpFlag {
		switch c {
		case 'T':
			interpMode |= interp.EnableTracing
		case 'R':
			interpMode |= interp.DisableRecover
			log.Fatalf("Unknown -interp option: '%c'.", c)

	if len(args) == 0 {
		//fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, usage)
		return fmt.Errorf("%v", usage)

	// Profiling support.
	if *cpuprofile != "" {
		f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()

	// Really need to find a way to replace entire packages, this experiment did not work...
		conf.Fset = token.NewFileSet()
		f, err := parser.ParseFile(conf.Fset, conf.Build.GOPATH+"/src/github.com/tardisgo/tardisgo/golibruntime/runtime/runtime.go", nil, 0)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		conf.CreateFromFiles("", f)
		fmt.Printf("DEBUG %s %s\n", f.Name.Name, "") //, f.Name.Obj.Name)
	// end TARDIS Go TEST

	// Use the initial packages from the command line.
	args, err := conf.FromArgs(args, *testFlag)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// The interpreter needs the runtime package.
	if *runFlag {
		conf.Import("github.com/tardisgo/tardisgo/golibruntime/runtime") // This required for TARDIS go to run runtime

	// TARDIS GO additional line to add the language specific go runtime code
	conf.Import(pogo.LanguageList[pogo.TargetLang].Goruntime) // TODO add code to set pogo.TargetLang when more than one of them

	// Load, parse and type-check the whole program.
	iprog, err := conf.Load()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Create and build SSA-form program representation.
	prog := ssa.Create(iprog, mode)

	// Run the interpreter.
	if *runFlag {
		var main *ssa.Package
		pkgs := prog.AllPackages()
		if *testFlag {
			// If -test, run all packages' tests.
			if len(pkgs) > 0 {
				main = prog.CreateTestMainPackage(pkgs...)
			if main == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("no tests")
		} else {
			// Otherwise, run main.main.
			for _, pkg := range pkgs {
				if pkg.Object.Name() == "main" {
					main = pkg
					if main.Func("main") == nil {
						return fmt.Errorf("no func main() in main package")
			if main == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("no main package")

		// NOTE TARDIS Go removal of this test required if we alter the GOARCH to stop architecture-specific code
		if runtime.GOARCH != build.Default.GOARCH {
			return fmt.Errorf("cross-interpretation is not yet supported (target has GOARCH %s, interpreter has %s)",
				build.Default.GOARCH, runtime.GOARCH)

		interp.Interpret(main, interpMode, conf.TypeChecker.Sizes, main.Object.Path(), args)

	// TARDIS Go additions: copy run interpreter code above, but call pogo class
	if true {
		var main *ssa.Package
		pkgs := prog.AllPackages()
		if *testFlag {
			// If -test, run all packages' tests.
			if len(pkgs) > 0 {
				main = prog.CreateTestMainPackage(pkgs...)
			if main == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("no tests")
		} else {
			// Otherwise, run main.main.
			for _, pkg := range pkgs {
				if pkg.Object.Name() == "main" {
					main = pkg
					if main.Func("main") == nil {
						return fmt.Errorf("no func main() in main package")
			if main == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("no main package")
			if runtime.GOARCH != build.Default.GOARCH {
				return fmt.Errorf("cross-interpretation is not yet supported (target has GOARCH %s, interpreter has %s)",
					build.Default.GOARCH, runtime.GOARCH)

			interp.Interpret(main, interpMode, conf.TypeChecker.Sizes, main.Object.Path(), args)
		err = pogo.EntryPoint(main) // TARDIS Go entry point, returns an error
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if *allFlag {
			targets := [][][]string{
					[]string{"haxe", "-main", "tardis.Go", "-dce", "full", "-cpp", "cpp"},
					[]string{"echo", `"CPP:"`},
					[]string{"haxe", "-main", "tardis.Go", "-dce", "full", "-java", "java"},
					[]string{"echo", `"Java:"`},
					[]string{"java", "-jar", "java/Go.jar"},
					[]string{"haxe", "-main", "tardis.Go", "-dce", "full", "-cs", "cs"},
					[]string{"echo", `"CS:"`},
					[]string{"mono", "./cs/bin/Go.exe"},
					[]string{"haxe", "-main", "tardis.Go", "-dce", "full", "-neko", "tardisgo.n"},
					[]string{"echo", `"Neko:"`},
					[]string{"neko", "tardisgo.n"},
					[]string{"haxe", "-main", "tardis.Go", "-dce", "full", "-js", "tardisgo.js"},
					[]string{"echo", `"Node/JS:"`},
					[]string{"node", "tardisgo.js"},
					[]string{"haxe", "-main", "tardis.Go", "-dce", "full", "-swf", "tardisgo.swf"},
					[]string{"echo", `"Opening swf file (Chrome as a file association for swf works to test on OSX):"` + "\n"},
					[]string{"open", "tardisgo.swf"},
					[]string{"haxe", "-main", "tardis.Go", "-dce", "full", "-php", "php", "--php-prefix", "tgo"},
					[]string{"echo", `"PHP:"`},
					[]string{"php", "php/index.php"},
					[]string{"echo", ``}, // Output from this line is ignored
					[]string{"echo", `"Neko (haxe --interp):"`},
					[]string{"haxe", "-main", "tardis.Go", "--interp"},
			results := make(chan string, len(targets))
			for id, cmd := range targets {
				go func(i int, cl [][]string) {
					res := ""
					for j, c := range cl {
						exe := c[0]
						if exe == "echo" {
							res += c[1]
						} else {
							_, err := exec.LookPath(exe)
							if err != nil {
								switch exe {
								case "node":
									exe = "nodejs" // for Ubuntu
									res += "TARDISgo error - executable not found: " + exe + "\n"
									exe = "" // nothing to execute
							if exe != "" {
								out, err := exec.Command(exe, c[1:]...).CombinedOutput()
								if err != nil {
									out = append(out, []byte(err.Error())...)
								if j > 0 { // ignore the output from the compile phase
									res += string(out)
					results <- res
				}(id, cmd)
			for t := 0; t < len(targets); t++ {
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 6
func doMain() error {
	args := flag.Args()

	conf := loader.Config{
		Build:         &build.Default,
		SourceImports: true,
	// TODO(adonovan): make go/types choose its default Sizes from
	// build.Default or a specified *build.Context.
	var wordSize int64 = 8
	switch conf.Build.GOARCH {
	case "386", "arm":
		wordSize = 4
	conf.TypeChecker.Sizes = &types.StdSizes{
		MaxAlign: 8,
		WordSize: wordSize,

	var mode ssa.BuilderMode
	for _, c := range *buildFlag {
		switch c {
		case 'D':
			mode |= ssa.GlobalDebug
		case 'P':
			mode |= ssa.LogPackages | ssa.BuildSerially
		case 'F':
			mode |= ssa.LogFunctions | ssa.BuildSerially
		case 'S':
			mode |= ssa.LogSource | ssa.BuildSerially
		case 'C':
			mode |= ssa.SanityCheckFunctions
		case 'N':
			mode |= ssa.NaiveForm
		case 'G':
			conf.SourceImports = false
		case 'L':
			mode |= ssa.BuildSerially
			return fmt.Errorf("unknown -build option: '%c'", c)

	var interpMode interp.Mode
	for _, c := range *interpFlag {
		switch c {
		case 'T':
			interpMode |= interp.EnableTracing
		case 'R':
			interpMode |= interp.DisableRecover
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "ssadump: unknown -interp option: '%c'.", c)

	if len(args) == 0 {
		fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, usage)

	// Profiling support.
	if *cpuprofile != "" {
		f, err := os.Create(*cpuprofile)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)
		defer pprof.StopCPUProfile()

	// Use the initial packages from the command line.
	args, err := conf.FromArgs(args, *testFlag)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// The interpreter needs the runtime package.
	if *runFlag {

	// Load, parse and type-check the whole program.
	iprog, err := conf.Load()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Create and build SSA-form program representation.
	prog := ssa.Create(iprog, mode)

	// Run the interpreter.
	if *runFlag {
		var main *ssa.Package
		pkgs := prog.AllPackages()
		if *testFlag {
			// If -test, run all packages' tests.
			if len(pkgs) > 0 {
				main = prog.CreateTestMainPackage(pkgs...)
			if main == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("no tests")
		} else {
			// Otherwise, run main.main.
			for _, pkg := range pkgs {
				if pkg.Object.Name() == "main" {
					main = pkg
					if main.Func("main") == nil {
						return fmt.Errorf("no func main() in main package")
			if main == nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("no main package")

		if runtime.GOARCH != build.Default.GOARCH {
			return fmt.Errorf("cross-interpretation is not yet supported (target has GOARCH %s, interpreter has %s)",
				build.Default.GOARCH, runtime.GOARCH)

		interp.Interpret(main, interpMode, conf.TypeChecker.Sizes, main.Object.Path(), args)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 7
func TestTransitivelyErrorFreeFlag(t *testing.T) {
	conf := loader.Config{
		AllowErrors:   true,
		SourceImports: true,

	// Create an minimal custom build.Context
	// that fakes the following packages:
	// a --> b --> c!   c has an error
	//   \              d and e are transitively error-free.
	//    e --> d
	// Each package [a-e] consists of one file, x.go.
	pkgs := map[string]string{
		"a": `package a; import (_ "b"; _ "e")`,
		"b": `package b; import _ "c"`,
		"c": `package c; func f() { _ = int(false) }`, // type error within function body
		"d": `package d;`,
		"e": `package e; import _ "d"`,
	ctxt := build.Default // copy
	ctxt.GOROOT = "/go"
	ctxt.GOPATH = ""
	ctxt.IsDir = func(path string) bool { return true }
	ctxt.ReadDir = func(dir string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) { return justXgo[:], nil }
	ctxt.OpenFile = func(path string) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
		path = path[len("/go/src/pkg/"):]
		return nopCloser{bytes.NewBufferString(pkgs[path[0:1]])}, nil
	conf.Build = &ctxt


	prog, err := conf.Load()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Load failed: %s", err)
	if prog == nil {
		t.Fatalf("Load returned nil *Program")

	for pkg, info := range prog.AllPackages {
		var wantErr, wantTEF bool
		switch pkg.Path() {
		case "a", "b":
		case "c":
			wantErr = true
		case "d", "e":
			wantTEF = true
			t.Errorf("unexpected package: %q", pkg.Path())

		if (info.Errors != nil) != wantErr {
			if wantErr {
				t.Errorf("Package %q.Error = nil, want error", pkg.Path())
			} else {
				t.Errorf("Package %q has unexpected Errors: %v",
					pkg.Path(), info.Errors)

		if info.TransitivelyErrorFree != wantTEF {
			t.Errorf("Package %q.TransitivelyErrorFree=%t, want %t",
				pkg.Path(), info.TransitivelyErrorFree, wantTEF)
Exemplo n.º 8
func TestCgoOption(t *testing.T) {
	switch runtime.GOOS {
	// On these systems, the net and os/user packages don't use cgo.
	case "plan9", "solaris", "windows":
	// In nocgo builds (e.g. linux-amd64-nocgo),
	// there is no "runtime/cgo" package,
	// so cgo-generated Go files will have a failing import.
	if !build.Default.CgoEnabled {
	// Test that we can load cgo-using packages with
	// CGO_ENABLED=[01], which causes go/build to select pure
	// Go/native implementations, respectively, based on build
	// tags.
	// Each entry specifies a package-level object and the generic
	// file expected to define it when cgo is disabled.
	// When cgo is enabled, the exact file is not specified (since
	// it varies by platform), but must differ from the generic one.
	// The test also loads the actual file to verify that the
	// object is indeed defined at that location.
	for _, test := range []struct {
		pkg, name, genericFile string
		{"net", "cgoLookupHost", "cgo_stub.go"},
		{"os/user", "lookupId", "lookup_stubs.go"},
	} {
		ctxt := build.Default
		for _, ctxt.CgoEnabled = range []bool{false, true} {
			conf := loader.Config{Build: &ctxt}
			prog, err := conf.Load()
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Load failed: %v", err)
			info := prog.Imported[test.pkg]
			if info == nil {
				t.Errorf("package %s not found", test.pkg)
			obj := info.Pkg.Scope().Lookup(test.name)
			if obj == nil {
				t.Errorf("no object %s.%s", test.pkg, test.name)
			posn := prog.Fset.Position(obj.Pos())
			t.Logf("%s: %s (CgoEnabled=%t)", posn, obj, ctxt.CgoEnabled)

			gotFile := filepath.Base(posn.Filename)
			filesMatch := gotFile == test.genericFile

			if ctxt.CgoEnabled && filesMatch {
				t.Errorf("CGO_ENABLED=1: %s found in %s, want native file",
					obj, gotFile)
			} else if !ctxt.CgoEnabled && !filesMatch {
				t.Errorf("CGO_ENABLED=0: %s found in %s, want %s",
					obj, gotFile, test.genericFile)

			// Load the file and check the object is declared at the right place.
			b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(posn.Filename)
			if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("can't read %s: %s", posn.Filename, err)
			line := string(bytes.Split(b, []byte("\n"))[posn.Line-1])
			ident := line[posn.Column-1:]
			if !strings.HasPrefix(ident, test.name) {
				t.Errorf("%s: %s not declared here (looking at %q)", posn, obj, ident)
Exemplo n.º 9
func run(t *testing.T, dir, input string, success successPredicate) bool {
	fmt.Printf("Input: %s\n", input)

	start := time.Now()

	var inputs []string
	for _, i := range strings.Split(input, " ") {
		if strings.HasSuffix(i, ".go") {
			i = dir + i
		inputs = append(inputs, i)

	conf := loader.Config{SourceImports: true}
	if _, err := conf.FromArgs(inputs, true); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("FromArgs(%s) failed: %s", inputs, err)
		return false


	// Print a helpful hint if we don't make it to the end.
	var hint string
	defer func() {
		if hint != "" {
		} else {

		interp.CapturedOutput = nil

	hint = fmt.Sprintf("To dump SSA representation, run:\n%% go build code.google.com/p/go.tools/cmd/ssadump && ./ssadump -build=CFP %s\n", input)

	iprog, err := conf.Load()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("conf.Load(%s) failed: %s", inputs, err)
		return false

	prog := ssa.Create(iprog, ssa.SanityCheckFunctions)

	var mainPkg *ssa.Package
	var initialPkgs []*ssa.Package
	for _, info := range iprog.InitialPackages() {
		if info.Pkg.Path() == "runtime" {
			continue // not an initial package
		p := prog.Package(info.Pkg)
		initialPkgs = append(initialPkgs, p)
		if mainPkg == nil && p.Func("main") != nil {
			mainPkg = p
	if mainPkg == nil {
		testmainPkg := prog.CreateTestMainPackage(initialPkgs...)
		if testmainPkg == nil {
			t.Errorf("CreateTestMainPackage(%s) returned nil", mainPkg)
			return false
		if testmainPkg.Func("main") == nil {
			t.Errorf("synthetic testmain package has no main")
			return false
		mainPkg = testmainPkg

	var out bytes.Buffer
	interp.CapturedOutput = &out

	hint = fmt.Sprintf("To trace execution, run:\n%% go build code.google.com/p/go.tools/cmd/ssadump && ./ssadump -build=C -run --interp=T %s\n", input)
	exitCode := interp.Interpret(mainPkg, 0, &types.StdSizes{8, 8}, inputs[0], []string{})

	// The definition of success varies with each file.
	if err := success(exitCode, out.String()); err != nil {
		t.Errorf("interp.Interpret(%s) failed: %s", inputs, err)
		return false

	hint = "" // call off the hounds

	if false {
		fmt.Println(input, time.Since(start)) // test profiling

	return true