Exemplo n.º 1
func setup(deviceID protocol.DeviceID, dir string) (*config.Wrapper, *bolt.DB, string) {
	configFile, _ := ioutil.TempFile(dir, "config")
	realCfg := config.New(deviceID)
	cfg := config.Wrap(configFile.Name(), realCfg)

	databasePath := path.Join(path.Dir(cfg.ConfigPath()), "boltdb")
	database, _ := bolt.Open(databasePath, 0600, nil)

	folder := "syncthingfusetest"
	folderCfg := config.FolderConfiguration{
		ID:        folder,
		CacheSize: "1MiB",

	return cfg, database, folder
Exemplo n.º 2
func setup(t *testing.T, cacheSize string) (*config.Wrapper, *bolt.DB, config.FolderConfiguration) {
	dir, _ := ioutil.TempDir("", "stf-mt")
	configFile, _ := ioutil.TempFile(dir, "config")
	deviceID, _ := protocol.DeviceIDFromString("FFR6LPZ-7K4PTTV-UXQSMUU-CPQ5YWH-OEDFIIQ-JUG777G-2YQXXR5-YD6AWQR")
	realCfg := config.New(deviceID)
	cfg := config.Wrap(configFile.Name(), realCfg)

	databasePath := path.Join(path.Dir(cfg.ConfigPath()), "boltdb")
	database, _ := bolt.Open(databasePath, 0600, nil)

	folderCfg := config.FolderConfiguration{
		ID:        folder,
		CacheSize: cacheSize,

	return cfg, database, folderCfg
Exemplo n.º 3
func getConfiguration() *config.Wrapper {
	cfgFile := locations[locConfigFile]

	// Load the configuration file, if it exists. If it does not, create a template.
	if info, err := os.Stat(cfgFile); err == nil {
		if !info.Mode().IsRegular() {
			l.Fatalln("Config file is not a file?")
		cfg, err = config.Load(cfgFile, myID)
		if err != nil {
			l.Fatalln("Configuration:", err)
	} else {
		l.Infoln("No config file; starting with empty defaults")
		myName, _ := os.Hostname()
		newCfg := defaultConfig(myName)
		cfg = config.Wrap(cfgFile, newCfg)
		l.Infof("Edit %s to taste or use the GUI\n", cfgFile)

	return cfg