Exemplo n.º 1
func (d *driver) configure() error {
	if d.store == nil {
		return types.NoServiceErrorf("datastore is not available")

	if d.vxlanIdm == nil {
		return d.initializeVxlanIdm()

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 2

 * IPAM Errors

// Well-known errors returned by IPAM
var (
	ErrIpamInternalError   = types.InternalErrorf("IPAM Internal Error")
	ErrInvalidAddressSpace = types.BadRequestErrorf("Invalid Address Space")
	ErrInvalidPool         = types.BadRequestErrorf("Invalid Address Pool")
	ErrInvalidSubPool      = types.BadRequestErrorf("Invalid Address SubPool")
	ErrInvalidRequest      = types.BadRequestErrorf("Invalid Request")
	ErrPoolNotFound        = types.BadRequestErrorf("Address Pool not found")
	ErrOverlapPool         = types.ForbiddenErrorf("Address pool overlaps with existing pool on this address space")
	ErrNoAvailablePool     = types.NoServiceErrorf("No available pool")
	ErrNoAvailableIPs      = types.NoServiceErrorf("No available addresses on this pool")
	ErrNoIPReturned        = types.NoServiceErrorf("No address returned")
	ErrIPAlreadyAllocated  = types.ForbiddenErrorf("Address already in use")
	ErrIPOutOfRange        = types.BadRequestErrorf("Requested address is out of range")
	ErrPoolOverlap         = types.ForbiddenErrorf("Pool overlaps with other one on this address space")
	ErrBadPool             = types.BadRequestErrorf("Address space does not contain specified address pool")

 * IPAM Service Interface

// Ipam represents the interface the IPAM service plugins must implement
// in order to allow injection/modification of IPAM database.
type Ipam interface {