Exemplo n.º 1
//netlink is not avaible in MAC OS, build fail.
func AddContainerNetworking() {
	if CliIF == "" {
		log.Fatal("the host-interface is missing,please give one")
	if ok := utils.ValidateHostIface(CliIF); !ok {
		log.Fatalf("the host-interface [ %s ] was not found.", CliIF)

	hostmacvlanname, _ := utils.GenerateRandomName(hostprefix, hostlen)
	hostEth, _ := netlink.LinkByName(CliIF)

	//create the macvlan device
	macvlandev := &netlink.Macvlan{
		LinkAttrs: netlink.LinkAttrs{
			Name:        hostmacvlanname,
			ParentIndex: hostEth.Attrs().Index,
		Mode: netlink.MACVLAN_MODE_BRIDGE,
	if err := netlink.LinkAdd(macvlandev); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create Macvlan: [ %v ] with the error: %s", macvlandev.Attrs().Name, err)
	//	log.Infof("Created Macvlan port: [ %s ] using the mode: [ %s ]", macvlan.Name, macvlanMode)
	// ugly, actually ,can get the ns from netns.getfromDocker. the netns have many function, netns.getformpid
	// netns.getfromdocker the arg can not be the container name
	dockerPid := utils.DockerPid(CliCName)
	//the macvlandev can be use directly, don't get netlink.byname again.
	netlink.LinkSetNsPid(macvlandev, dockerPid)

	defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()

	//get root network namespace
	origns, _ := netns.Get()
	defer origns.Close()

	//enter the docker container network
	dockerNS, _ := netns.GetFromPid(dockerPid)
	defer dockerNS.Close()


	// use macvlandev can cause error,need type assertion. netlink.Macvlan not must be netlink.Link,fmz(realy? the vlan action add)
	// it is wrong,
	macvlandev1, _ := netlink.LinkByName(macvlandev.Attrs().Name)

	// when the eth is up, set name fail,: Device or resource busy
	netlink.LinkSetName(macvlandev1, "eth1")

	addr, err := netlink.ParseAddr(CliIP)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to parse the ip address %v", CliIP)
	netlink.AddrAdd(macvlandev1, addr)

	/* set the default route, have some problem. Dst == no
	defaultgw := &netlink.Route{
		Dst: nil,
	ip, _ := net.ParseIP("")
	routes, _ := netlink.RouteGet(ip)
	for _, r := range routes {

	//if use ip instruction,  it also can config the container, --privileged have no effect.
	// The sublime test code(test this function) is strange, it only can avaiable in first time. And then fail(even need to reboot)
	// got it,

	//following code successfully delete the default route in docker container,but error in my host ,no such process
	routes, _ := netlink.RouteList(nil, netlink.FAMILY_V4)
	for _, r := range routes {
		if r.Dst == nil {
			if err := netlink.RouteDel(&r); err != nil {
				log.Warnf("delete the default error: ", err)

	if CligwIP == "" {
		log.Fatal("container gw is null")

	defaultRoute := &netlink.Route{
		Dst:       nil,
		Gw:        net.ParseIP(CligwIP),
		LinkIndex: macvlandev1.Attrs().Index,
	if err := netlink.RouteAdd(defaultRoute); err != nil {
		log.Warnf("create default route error: ", err)
Exemplo n.º 2
func AddDHCPNetwork() {

	if ok := utils.ValidateHostIface(flat.CliIF); !ok {
		log.Fatalf("the host-interface [ %s ] was not found.", flat.CliIF)

	hostmacvlanname, _ := utils.GenerateRandomName(hostprefix, hostlen)
	hostEth, _ := netlink.LinkByName(flat.CliIF)

	//create the macvlan device
	macvlandev := &netlink.Macvlan{
		LinkAttrs: netlink.LinkAttrs{
			Name:        hostmacvlanname,
			ParentIndex: hostEth.Attrs().Index,
		Mode: netlink.MACVLAN_MODE_BRIDGE,
	if err := netlink.LinkAdd(macvlandev); err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create Macvlan: [ %v ] with the error: %s", macvlandev.Attrs().Name, err)

	dockerPid := utils.DockerPid(flat.CliCName)
	netlink.LinkSetNsPid(macvlandev, dockerPid)

	defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()

	//get root network namespace
	origns, _ := netns.Get()
	defer origns.Close()

	//enter the docker container network
	dockerNS, _ := netns.GetFromPid(dockerPid)
	defer dockerNS.Close()

	//get the dochclient name
	dhcpClientPath := "/home/fmzhen/go/src/github.com/fmzhen/docker-macvlan/macvlan/dhcp/dhcpclient.sh"
	out, err := exec.Command(dhcpClientPath).Output()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("exec the dhcpclient.sh error: ", err)
	dhcpClient := string(out)

	// like ip netns exec xxx, just the netns ,so the command in host can exec

	// use macvlandev can cause error,need type assertion. netlink.Macvlan not must be netlink.Link,fmz
	macvlandev1, _ := netlink.LinkByName(macvlandev.Attrs().Name)
	netlink.LinkSetName(macvlandev1, "eth1")

	//delete the default route
	routes, _ := netlink.RouteList(nil, netlink.FAMILY_V4)
	for _, r := range routes {
		if r.Dst == nil {
			if err := netlink.RouteDel(&r); err != nil {
				log.Warnf("delete the default error: ", err)

	//it doesn't work, the problem at the atgs don't pass to the shell script
	dhcpReqpath := "/home/fmzhen/go/src/github.com/fmzhen/docker-macvlan/macvlan/dhcp/dhcpReq.sh"
	exec.Command(dhcpReqpath, dhcpClient, string(dockerPid), flat.CliCName).Run()

Exemplo n.º 3
func AddVlannetwork(etcdval string, vlanid string, containerName string) {
	ss := strings.Split(etcdval, ",")
	hostif := ss[0]
	if ok := utils.ValidateHostIface(hostif); !ok {
		log.Warnf("the host interface not exist")

	vlandevName := hostif + "." + vlanid
	hostEth, _ := netlink.LinkByName(hostif)

	intvlanid, err := strconv.Atoi(vlanid)
	if err != nil {
		log.Warnf("the vlan id convert error: \n")

	var vlandev *netlink.Vlan
	if ok := utils.ValidateHostIface(vlandevName); ok {

	} else {
		//not exist ,create the vlan device
		vlandev = &netlink.Vlan{
			LinkAttrs: netlink.LinkAttrs{
				Name:        vlandevName,
				ParentIndex: hostEth.Attrs().Index,
			VlanId: intvlanid,
		if err := netlink.LinkAdd(vlandev); err != nil {
			log.Warnf("failed to create vlandev: [ %v ] with the error: %s", vlandev, err)

	macvlanname, _ := utils.GenerateRandomName("vlan"+vlanid, 5)
	//create the macvlan device
	macvlandev := &netlink.Macvlan{
		LinkAttrs: netlink.LinkAttrs{
			Name:        macvlanname,
			ParentIndex: vlandev.Attrs().Index,
		Mode: netlink.MACVLAN_MODE_BRIDGE,

	if err := netlink.LinkAdd(macvlandev); err != nil {
		log.Warnf("failed to create Macvlan: [ %v ] with the error: %s", macvlandev, err)

	dockerPid := utils.DockerPid(containerName)
	//the macvlandev can be use directly, don't get netlink.byname again.
	netlink.LinkSetNsPid(macvlandev, dockerPid)

	defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()

	//get root network naAddVlannetworkmespace
	origns, _ := netns.Get()
	defer origns.Close()

	//enter the docker container network
	dockerNS, _ := netns.GetFromPid(dockerPid)
	defer dockerNS.Close()


	netlink.LinkSetName(macvlandev, "eth1")

	_, network, _ := net.ParseCIDR(ss[1])
	if _, ok := ipallocs[vlanid]; !ok {
		log.Fatalf("the ipallocator is null \n")
	ip, _ := ipallocs[vlanid].RequestIP(network, nil)
	ind := strings.LastIndex(ss[1], "/")
	ipstring := ip.String() + ss[1][ind:]

	addr, err := netlink.ParseAddr(ipstring)

	netlink.AddrAdd(macvlandev, addr)

		routes, _ := netlink.RouteList(nil, netlink.FAMILY_V4)
		for _, r := range routes {
			if r.Dst == nil {
				if err := netlink.RouteDel(&r); err != nil {
					log.Warnf("delete the default error: ", err)

		if CligwIP == "" {
			log.Fatal("container gw is null")

		defaultRoute := &netlink.Route{
			Dst:       nil,
			Gw:        net.ParseIP(CligwIP),
			LinkIndex: macvlandev1.Attrs().Index,
		if err := netlink.RouteAdd(defaultRoute); err != nil {
			log.Warnf("create default route error: ", err)